Ubuntu 14.04 with compiled BDR 0.7.1
This is a very interesting project for a lot of potential applications.
However as in any project there will be a few initial issues.
My question is how do I recover from DDL errors ?
For example: given a setup of 2 BDR PostgreSQL hosts and on one of them
Is it already possible or would you consider a configuration option that
would only replicate DML but not DDL ?
This should of course be combined with a predictable way of manually
handling DDL errors. Like simply manually adding any missing DDL on the
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> On 2014-09-15 19:54:42 +0200, p...@mailme.dk wrote:
>> Is it already possible or would you consider a configuration option that
>> would only replicate DML but not DDL ?
>> This should of course be combined with a predictable way of manually
>> handling DDL er
> Hi,
> On 2014-09-16 19:32:38 +0200, p...@mailme.dk wrote:
>> I am not sure I have a very good case other than the very lousy argument
>> that I would trust it to be stable much more quickly :-)
> Well, we'll get the much more quickly if people report problems