Does calling a pl/python function from each database connection load the
python interpreter each time? what are the effects of using pl/python
function in a environment where no. of concurrent connections are more and
each user calls a pl/python function?
Please give the details about how p
Does calling a pl/python function from each database connection load the
python interpreter each time? what are the effects of using pl/python
function in a environment where no. of concurrent connections are more and
each user calls a pl/python function?
Please give the details about how p
10 at 11:56:16AM +0530, c k wrote:
> > Hello,
> > Does calling a pl/python function from each database connection load the
> > python interpreter each time? what are the effects of using pl/python
> > function in a environment where no. of concurrent connections are more
> > CC: pgsql-ad...@postgresql.org; pgsql-general@postgresql.org
> > Subject: Re: [GENERAL] plpyhton
> >
> > On Fri, Nov 26, 2010 at 05:28:52PM +0530, c k wrote:
> > > Thanks for your reply.
> > > But if a database has 100+ connection
I would like to know how can we execute the queries asynchronously?
If we use and execute plpgsql functions they just completes the execution or
throws an error on error. In between next sql statement waits for the
previous one to complete the execution. But in few situations it is required
thanks to all of you.
On 12/8/10, Merlin Moncure wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 8, 2010 at 8:40 AM, John R Pierce wrote:
>> On 12/08/10 5:35 AM, c k wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I would like to know how can we execute the queries asynchronously?
I have two variables in pl/pgsql function.
p_fromdate and p_todate
I have another variable which represents intervals like day, month, quarter
p_interval as smallint, to hold values like 1,2,3, which are substituted
for intervals as '1 day', '1 month - 1 day', '3 months - 1 day'
t 8:36 PM, Adrian Klaver wrote:
> On 01/28/2013 05:24 AM, c k wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I have two variables in pl/pgsql function.
> > p_fromdate and p_todate
> >
> > I have another variable which represents intervals like day, month,
> > quarter etc.
> > p_inte
After some hacking it solved my problems using
select date_part('days', age('06/01/2010'::date ,'04/01/2010'::date));
On Mon, Jan 28, 2013 at 9:32 PM, Adrian Klaver wrote:
> On 01/28/2013 07:17 AM, c k wrote:
>> I know that. I
Yesterday we configured a new server with Fedora 17 64 bit and updated it's
kernel to 3.8. I have to compile and install postgresql with python. So I
executed commands
./configure --with-python
but make is running for last 16 hours and still not completed. It is
showing same messages aga
compilations too.
Thanks for the help.
On Fri, Jun 7, 2013 at 7:15 PM, Tom Lane wrote:
> c k writes:
> > Yesterday we configured a new server with Fedora 17 64 bit and updated
> it's
> > kernel to 3.8. I have to compile and install postgresql with python. So
I have installed postgresql 9 on fedora 14 having python 2.7. Now
created plpythonu language in my database and created a simple
function to calculate sum of two variables.
while importing math libbrary and executing the function i got the error
PL/Python: ImportError: No module named cmath
Yes, there are three version (now). I am aware of only 2.7 installed
by default in /usr/lib directory and 3.2 which I have installed
externally. But the function given above shows version 2.6.4.
Now the question is how to change the version postresql is calling for
function execution?
I have also c
means? It seems that this path is of the python installation which
is used to compile default plpython.so.
If I will compile the source with python 2.7, and change the old plpython.so
with new, will my problem solved?
Thanks and regards,
On Thu, Apr 28, 2011 at 7:59 PM, Adrian Klaver
and it get solved.
Thanks to all of you.
On Thu, Apr 28, 2011 at 9:57 PM, c k wrote:
> Now, I found that python version postresql is using is 2.6 and path to it
> is
> "['/home/apy/rrun/build/activepython-svn-trunk/build/py2_6_4-l
Dear All,
I updated my development machine with Fedora 15 and as there is python 2.7.
I have also migrated my few postgresql databases. While creating plpython in
one database, I got the following error undefined symbol
Then I recompiled source code and got a plpython
ng on fedora 14 . It seems that I have to recompile
and install python 2.7 at another location and use it for postgresql make
process. But not sure that it will solve error.
Thanks and regards,
C P Kulkarni
On Wed, Jul 6, 2011 at 12:24 AM, Tom Lane wrote:
> c k writes:
> > I updated
yes, shipped with fedora 15 and binary installers are from EnterpriseDB -
all in one.
On Wed, Jul 6, 2011 at 8:36 AM, John R Pierce wrote:
> On 07/05/11 7:34 PM, c k wrote:
>> I have default python 2.7.1 installed along with fedora15. Then installed
>> postgresql from
C P Kulkarni
On Wed, Jul 6, 2011 at 9:25 AM, John R Pierce wrote:
> On 07/05/11 8:33 PM, c k wrote:
>> yes, shipped with fedora 15 and binary installers are from EnterpriseDB -
>> all in one.
> any reason you didn't use the Fedora 15 native v
Dear Friends,
For client requirements, I am testing postgresql 9.0.4 on windows 7 with
plpython. First I installed python 2.7 and then added python installation
path to windows PATH variable. Then installed postgresql from one-click
installer. Server started and every thing was ok. Then I go to cre
without any
Chaitanya Kulkarni
On Wed, Aug 10, 2011 at 12:57 AM, Adrian Klaver wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 9, 2011 at 7:54 AM, c k wrote:
>> Dear Friends,
>> For client requirements, I am testing postgresql 9.0.4 on windows 7 with
>> plpython. First I installed py
ly, there is nothing about the problem.
Chaitanya Kulkarni
On Wed, Aug 10, 2011 at 12:07 PM, Craig Ringer wrote:
> On 9/08/2011 10:54 PM, c k wrote:
> Normal python functions returning text etc. are working but when
>> conatining
>> import sys
>> from uuid i
lock is still in
2011-08-10 22:27:58 IST HINT: Check if there are any old server processes
still running, and terminate them.
Is it related with python threads?
Chaitanya Kulkarni
On Wed, Aug 10, 2011 at 7:34 PM, Adrian Klaver wrote:
> On Tuesday, August 09, 2011 10:13:17 pm c k
interpreter does not have any problems. So it
seems that the problem is occurring due to crash in python package.
Chaitanya Kulkarni
On Thu, Aug 11, 2011 at 5:37 AM, Craig Ringer wrote:
> On 11/08/2011 1:00 AM, c k wrote:
>> I have renamed uuid-ossp.dll to 0uuid-ossp.dll in post
Dear Postgres users,
from last few months I am reading and searching for can postgresql used as
application server? As postgresql supports many languages like pl/perl,
pl/python etc, supports dblink like functions to connect to other postgresql
servers and now features are in development to use ext
, concurrency etc are not the issues at this time. We have to adopt
govt. rules and change the business logic accordingly and it must be fast
enough to save penalties.
Chaitanya Kulkarni
On Sat, Aug 13, 2011 at 10:54 PM, s...@bestmx.ru wrote:
> c k wrote:
> from last few mo
can u please give me it's link.
I found ngx_postgres module.
Chaitanya Kulkarni
On Sun, Aug 14, 2011 at 12:14 AM, s...@bestmx.ru wrote:
> c k wrote:
>> Yes, I know that I can not create a simple web application using only
>> postgresql because we need a web server to
Thanks for everyone.
I will give reply after some experiments.
Chaitanya Kulkarni
On Sun, Aug 14, 2011 at 6:04 PM, wrote:
> On Aug 14 2011, Uwe Schroeder wrote:
>> > can u please give me it's link.
>>> > I found ngx_postgres module.
>>> > >> there is nginx_htttp_postgresql_
I want to use the postgresql for exactly the same use. I want to keep my
database separate and use another postgresql machine just as application
server. Even for load balancing and scaling we can use many techniques mixed
to get the work done.
Chaitanya Kulkarni
On Tue, Aug 16, 2011 at 11:55 PM,
In this war no one is looking at APEX from oracle. Oracle have implemented
the whole webserver to DBMS gateway and web development and a web based
business solutions in the database it self. They are using pl/sql for this.
Many users are using it and found it stable and scalable. Important is that
You can use Talend or Navicat for syncing the data as per your needs without
much complexity in writing a data sync application.
You have to purchase license for navicat but you can talend for free and it
also supports many other database systems.
Chaitanya Kulkarni
On Fri, Aug 19, 2011 at 10:18
nfigured Talend but I m not able to understand how we can
> get data synk to our DB servers.
> Any views on that.
> c k wrote:
>> You can use Talend or Navicat for syncing the data as per your needs
>> without much complexity in writing a data sync application.
>> You
Just use postgresql wiki, postgresql documentation, and few sites who
compare postgresql and oracle.
Both are good database systems, postgresql is open source and free, runs on
most platforms, easy to install and manage than oracle, supports very large
Chaitany Kulkarni
On Thu, Aug 18,
AM, Adrian Klaver wrote:
> On Saturday, August 13, 2011 8:35:08 am c k wrote:
> > I am not going to do stack trace right now, because I am using wireless
> > broadband and is much costlier to download.
> > But as other functions are working, may be it is related with other
> t
COST 100;
What is the problem?
Chaitany Kulkarni
On Mon, Aug 22, 2011 at 8:08 PM, Adrian Klaver wrote:
> On Monday, August 22, 2011 7:24:30 am c k wrote:
> > No i didn't removed any thing. Only I have installed python 2.6. And then
> > tried to create plpythonu
I have added the python directory in the PATH. Another thing is I created
another language plpython2u and succeeded. Still I will try to figure out
the problem.
Chaitanya Kulkarni
On Wed, Aug 24, 2011 at 7:11 PM, Adrian Klaver wrote:
> On Tuesday, August 23, 2011 11:10:19 pm
Server and client both are a single machine.
Chaitanya Kulkarni
On Wed, Aug 24, 2011 at 10:47 PM, John R Pierce wrote:
> On 08/24/11 10:06 AM, c k wrote:
>> I have added the python directory in the PATH. Another thing is I created
>> another language plpython2u and succe
I got a error yesterday while I have updated my development database to 9.1
from 9.0.4. I backed up my database from 9.0 and restored in 9.1. It well
successfully. When running a query which calls a function, having date value
as IN parameter, it gives me the error as date/time value out of
why didn't you use
Set TD = CurrentDb.CreateTableDef(stLocalTableName, dbAttachSavePWD,
stRemoteTableName, stConnect)
CurrentDb.TableDefs.Append TD
to link to a new table and then do your work.
C P Kulkarni
On Sun, Sep 18, 2011 at 4:32 AM, Craig Ringer wrote:
> On 09/17/2011 03:51 PM,
may be changed in 9.1.
C P Kulkarni
On Wed, Sep 21, 2011 at 7:05 PM, Adrian Klaver wrote:
> On Wednesday, September 21, 2011 3:08:11 am c k wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I got a error yesterday while I have updated my development database to
> 9.1
> > from 9.0.4. I bac
rom package I have installed postgres 9.1 using EnterpriseDB one click
ODBC driver has version
Should I file a bug for this?
C P Kulkarni
On Thu, Sep 22, 2011 at 7:42 PM, Adrian Klaver wrote:
> On Thursday, September 22, 2011 2:25:40 am c k wrote:
> > It shows er
On Fri, Sep 23, 2011 at 3:43 PM, c k wrote:
> As I have connected to postgres from MS Access, it thrown the error.
> Now I have updated ODBC driver, still same problems comes for 9.1 and not
> for 9.0. There should be some thing that has changed in 9.1 release which
> prevents from a
In day to day work I need to dump objects of only specific types like
functions, types, view etc from a schema. I know that it will be better to
use separate schemas for similar tasks and already using it. This problem
arises when I have to issue an update script to the client having only
our software.
C P Kulkarni
On Sun, May 20, 2012 at 12:43 PM, Gabriele Bartolini <
gabriele.bartol...@2ndquadrant.it> wrote:
> Hi,
> Il 19/05/12 19:09, c k ha scritto:
> similar tasks and already using it. This problem arises when I have to
>> issue an
Hi all,
Many times I have to dump all objects from a schema (single schema holding
only functions and views) in plain text format. It is found that pg_dump
includes a set search_path statement at the beginning and drops all
occurrences of the schema name (to which dumped object belongs) from
I have two tables software.orders and software.products.
I created two views.
SELECT orders.orderid, orders.productid, orders.amount
FROM software.orders;
SELECT o1.orderid, o1.productid, o1.amount, products.productn
Hi all,
As I am using MS Access for a long time, many tools like ms access provides
a way to get the list of columns from a query. (using filed list in combo
boxes in ms access). But is it possible to get such list of columns from a
query where it is not known to the user, that which columns are de
better if postgres has support
for this.
Thanks and regards to all,
On Mon, Aug 23, 2010 at 4:56 AM, Pavel Stehule wrote:
> Hello
> 2010/8/22 c k :
> > Hi all,
> > As I am using MS Access for a long time, many tools like ms access
> provides
> > a way to get th
Dear Friends,
I have tried to set datestyle to 'DMY'. As per manual and many other posts
related to this point, I have set datestyle to 'DMY' at database. but still
it is needed to execute each time *set datestyle to 'DMY' *before starting
any new connection. Once this is set, there is no problem f
I am getting an error for a function written in plpgsql, as -
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION uf_accgroupbal(date, date, p_company integer)
RETURNS SETOF uf_closingbal AS
select accgroups."accgroupid", COALESCE(sum(osc),0) as obc,
COALESCE(sum(osd),0) as obd, COALESCE(sum(csc),0) as s
Is there any control structure statement similar to select case ... ? If yes
how to use it. I have tried to use, case when then
end, but not worked well as I want to use other control structures and sql
statements to be executed for each case.
Please reply.
I want to create a function as follows:
case variable=value1
SQL statements
case variable=value2
SQL statements
case else
end of case
On Tue, Aug 19, 2008 at 5:17 PM, Bill Moran
> In response to "c k" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
I got following error while testing some newly created functions.
ERROR: cache lookup failed for function 111462
CONTEXT: PL/pgSQL function "uf_postdoc" line 25 at FOR over SELECT rows
** Error **
ERROR: cache lookup failed for function 111462
SQL state: XX000
Context: PL/pgSQ
what will be the error in syntax of following statement?
delete from accountingtransactions where
accountingtransactions.refaccdocid=docs.docid and docs.tmpselect=-1 and
docs.tmpselectedby= $1;
when a new function is created it does not gives any error but when this
function is called from
I have a question regarding query performance from two pgsql applications.
PGadmin III 1.8 and Navicat for postgresql 8. Both connected to same server
on local machine 8.3 and runs a same query for appox. 1,60,000 rows with one
min, one max and addition of the min and max values on two table
> It may be worth-wile to generate an explain plan
> http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.3/interactive/sql-explain.html
> *From:* [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] *On Behalf Of *c k
> *Sent:* Thursd
Hello all,
As we are migrating our ERP application from MySQL to PostgreSQL we have
some difficulties. One of them is use of Like and Similar to operators. We
often use LIKE to search a string from front-end without case sensetivity.
As postgreSQL's LIKE is case sensitive, we tried ILIKE and SIMILA
Thanks to all,
I will try to use tsearch2 with some other index and then reply.
On Fri, Aug 22, 2008 at 5:01 PM, Tino Wildenhain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> c k wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> As we are migrating our ERP application from MySQL
Hello all,
As I know and have seen that innodb engine of MySQL does an auto-recovery
when MySQL server is crashed or due to power failure. What is with
postgreSQL? Does it makes an auto-recovery? and how?
> *From:* [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] *On Behalf Of *c k
> *Sent:* Friday, August 22, 2008 11:02 AM
> *To:* pgsql-general@postgresql.org; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> *Subject:* [ADMIN] Auto recovery feature
> Hello all,
> As I know and have seen tha
I have a question regarding secure connections between pg clients and pg
server. As per manual for 8.3 we can use openssl for this purpose. does odbc
driver supports it and how? Is there any other method for this?
Is it possible to log all sql statements submitted to database server in a
table in that database it self? This will be different from database logs
which are written by db server.
Hello friends,
I am checking some logic which includes two functions. One is plsql
function which returns text. Second function is plpythonu and contains one
statement which outputs notice
results = plpy.execute("select * from software.func1();")
plpy.notice("%s" % col for col in results[0])
python will only return the object
> reference.
> Lou Picciano
> ------
> *From: *"c k"
> *To: *"pgsql-admin" ,
> pgsql-general@postgresql.org
> *Sent: *Saturday, December 3, 2011 12:50:16 PM
> *Subject: *[ADMIN] return
when I modified the notice statement as
plpy.notice('%s' %results[0])
it prints notice as
NOTICE: {'func1': 'function return text'}
I didn't understand why it is showing 'func1' in the results[0] ?
C P Kulkarni
On Sat, Dec 3, 2011 at 11:31
value2: ",value2)
> can you please give me the example
> I am not a python programmer.
> Nor am I!
> Looks like your example, btw, is attempting string operations on something
> not yet quite a string!
> Pythons are dangerous. Be careful!
Hi friends,
I am working with some xml exporting functionality of our application. I am
testing query_to_xml function supported in PostgreSQL 9.1. XML output
should be
but the output is as follows:
I am testing the xml functions of
On Sat, Jan 21, 2012 at 9:13 PM, David Johnston wrote:
> *From:* pgsql-general-ow...@postgresql.org [mailto:
> pgsql-general-ow...@postgresql.org] *On Behalf Of *c k
> *Sent:* Saturday, January 21, 2012 10:23 AM
> *To:* pgsql-admin; pgsql-ge
21, 2012 at 9:40 PM, Pavel Stehule wrote:
> Hello
> there are others SQL/XML functions - with this function, you can
> create xml like you need
> http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.1/static/functions-xml.html
> Regards
> Pavel Stehule
> 2012/1/
It was not intentionally made, but was remaining due to copy-paste from
other queries. It is only one occurrence of unnecessary casting. I got the
idea about such a query from an oracle pl/sql book.
C P Kulkarni
On Sat, Jan 21, 2012 at 11:03 PM, Pavel Stehule wrote:
> 2012/1/21 c k :
> &g
I have found an another difference.
select 'AA '::char(5) || 'AA'::char(5);
result: ""
select 'AA '::varchar(5) || 'AA'::varchar(5);
result: "AA AA"
select 'AA '::text || 'AA'::text;
result: "AA AA"
what will be the reason for this?
C P Kulkarni
Hi all,I have a table accgroups and many others. I have written a test
function as follows.
return query select * from associates;
This works fine for above tab
I am using PG on windows for development. While testing some queries I found
that updates are much slower as compared to other database systems. (On
avarage MySQL updates 4-5 times faster than PG in a single unique index on
primary key) Why?
Another thing that I noticed is when any single column in
1.5 GB RAM, Pentium dual core, single 80 GB disk, Windows XP sp3, PostgreSQL
a table is like following:
-- Table: accgroups
-- DROP TABLE accgroups;
CREATE TABLE accgroups
accgroupid serial NOT NULL,
accgroupidname character varying(150) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''::character
Thanks to all replies.
The main thing is that there was no index on the said column when I am
updating and there are about 40+ other columns mostly of integer and
smallint types. Also in MySQL I am using InnoDB tables. For both there is a
single transaction when working, No other user is connected.
When I installed postgres on windows using installer it gives me some
options to include that library files or function OR to enable these
features. but how can I setup these extra features on Linux when using rpm
installers. I have tries to create such functions on linux pg, but it fails.
These f
I have a small problem following statement executes well do not give me
proper results, rather subquery calleing another function is not executed at
*perform sometable.pk, (select * from somefunction) from sometable where
But* select * from somefunction;* and *perfor
I am getting correct results with following query i.e. binary objects as
they are inserted.
select docimages.* from docimages where docimages.accobjecttype=9 ORDER BY
but when I created a function as follows, binary objects are not shown,
rather a number represting the lar
17, 2009 at 6:13 PM, Tom Lane wrote:
> c k writes:
> > I am getting correct results with following query i.e. binary objects as
> > they are inserted.
> > select docimages.* from docimages where docimages.accobjecttype=9 ORDER
> BY
> > docimages.docimagename;
how to access large objects from the database when using PGAdmin like client
applications? When a normal select is executed on lo type columns it gives
only the number which refers to large objects stored in 'pg_largeobjects'
table. When records from pg_largeobjects are fetched using select
Hi all,
I am facing a small but strange problem when using a plpgsql function as
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION fnvs.docrelatedassociatedetails(p_docid integer,
p_addtype smallint, p_associateid integer, OUT docid integer, OUT
associateid integer, OUT addressline1 varchar,OUT addressline2 varch
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