Hi, all, first post on this list.
I'm running Ubuntu 11.04 and have Postgres 9.0 and 8.4 both installed,
although I'm only working with 9.0 at this time for some Django development.
I have added this PPA to my Upgrade Manager:
The other day I noti
Thanks, Toby. For some reason your reply didn't show up while I was looking
at this thread in Google groups. My apologies.
In looking at my system, I see I have 8.4 in there as well from an older
Ubuntu version. I imagine I can remove that once I have 9.1 working fine.
View this
Assuming I have a table structured like so:
CREATE TABLE salaries (
Town varchar(30),
County varchar(30),
Supervisor varchar(30),
StartDate date,
Salary int,
Benefits int
If I have a CSV with only three of those fields, I can import like this:
COPY salaries (Town, Supe
Hi, Ben,
Thanks for the suggestion. I do realize I could create the default value for
the column; however, I probably should have specified that in this scenario
I would want to supply several different values for the county (or any other
missing field) during import. i.e., if I first imported a C