[GENERAL] Issues shutting down PostgreSQL 10 cleanly

2017-10-20 Thread Stephen Froehlich
checkpoint 2017-10-20 11:31:40.767 MDT [33361] NOTICE: database system is shut down Thanks in advance for your help ... --Stephen Stephen Froehlich Sr. Strategist, CableLabs(r) s.froehl...@cablelabs.com Tel: +1 (303) 661-3708

[GENERAL] PG 10 - Trouble with overlap of range partition of two dimensions

2017-10-31 Thread Stephen Froehlich
quot; lotsa_data_20171027_src1" would overlap partition "lotsa_data_20171027_src3" Why am I getting this error? (Also, if I go "FROM ('2017-10-26 00:00:00 UTC') TO ('2017-10-27 00:00:00 UTC')" I also get overlap errors. Thanks for your help ... --Steph

Re: [GENERAL] PG 10 - Trouble with overlap of range partition of two dimensions

2017-10-31 Thread Stephen Froehlich
Hi Michael, So if I'm reading this correctly, the proper way to do my use case is to use partitions of partitions, right? --Stephen -Original Message- From: Michael Paquier [mailto:michael.paqu...@gmail.com] Sent: Tuesday, October 31, 2017 4:06 PM To: Stephen Froehlich Cc: