Thanks in advance
Sergey Karin
create table (
GID SERIAL not null,
CREATE TABLE *tablename* (
*colname* integer DEFAULT nextval('*tablename*_*colname*_seq') NOT NULL
Thanks in advance
Sergey Karin
Hi, all
As I understood PostgreSQL allows to store large
objects 2GB size maximum.
Are there any plans to increase or removing that
If no, are there any abilities to store 10-20GB
raster data (aero foto image) in postgreSQL?
Sergey Karin
ig problem for me... Is there a way to cast bit(n) to
text or varchar?
thanks in advance.
Sergey Karin
PS. I have found that there are some functions: varbit_in() and
varbit_out(). But they works with internal type cstring. And I cannot
cast cstring to varchar or text.
n_query varchar;
select f_is_table_exist(table_name) into tcount;
if(tcount > 0) then
dyn_query := 'drop table ' || table_name;
execute dyn_query;
return true;
end if;
return false;
'language 'plpgsql';
-- Forwarded message --
From: Sergey Karin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 11.11.2005 13:59
Subject: [8.1] "drop table" in plpgsql function
hi all!
I have found a strange error.
panorama2=# select version();
oreign key constraint not
only in master table, but also in all tables that inherited the master?
Thanks in advance.
Sergey Karin
created cluster additional disk space in new other disk? Similar
ability exist in Informix...
Thanks in advance for any answers!
Sergey Karin
organisation plans to use GIS based on PostGIS/Postgres. As we think, size of our database can be 50, 100 and more Gb.
Thanks in advance!
Sergey Karin
vents in 8.1.x
Sergey Karin
Hi, List!
Are there any plans to realize triggers on SELECT in new versions of PG?
Sergey Karin
value = NULL\';
string_value := \'input_value = \' || num_value;
end if;
But it is not laconic...
Sergey Karin
execotion change user to superuser.
Sergey Karin
Hi, List!I alter user postgres, that was a superuser in my db cluster. And now it is not a superuser. There are no superusers in my cluster. Yes, I am stupid :)But are there any abilities to restore superuser excluding initdb?
Sergey Karin
Hi All!Does anybody use Postgres with storage managers like Tivoli Data Protection? Are there aby abilities for that in PG (I use 8.1)?Sergey Karin.
Hi, List!I use PG8.1Are there any abilities to detect primary key of a table?Sergey Karin
[EMAIL PROTECTED][mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Sergey KarinSent: Thursday, March 30, 2006 1:13 PMTo:
pgsql-general@postgresql.orgSubject: [GENERAL] How to detect primary key of a tableHi, List!I use PG8.1Are there any abilities to detect primary key of a table?Sergey Karin
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