[GENERAL] Pertinent to list? PostgreSQL and Dev-Cpp Dev-C++ on Windows example

2005-10-02 Thread Reid Thompson
I've written a simple getting started, 'PostgreSQL and Dev-Cpp Dev-C++ on Windows example'. I was wondering if this would be pertinent to post to pgsql-general or one of the other PG lists? reid ---(end of broadcast)--- TIP 3: Have you checked o

[GENERAL] Windows Postgresql and Dev-Cpp/Dev-C++/MINGW configuration example

2005-10-03 Thread Reid Thompson
I thought it might be of interest to some to post steps to using PostgreSQL on Windows with the Dev-Cpp/MINGW IDE/compiler.This example is C, but the steps for configuring the IDE/Project to use the PostgreSQL libs/headers should be the same or very similar for C++/ecpg. Install PostgreSQL for W

[GENERAL] Postgresql Mention-- Logicworks' LogicOps Management and Monitoring Platform --Taking Linux, Apache, PostgreSQL, and PHP to their logical extreme

2005-10-12 Thread Reid Thompson
http://linux.sys-con.com/read/139427_2.htm reid ---(end of broadcast)--- TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

Re: [GENERAL] FOSS Reporting tools (was Oracle 10g Express - any danger for Postgres?)

2005-11-03 Thread Reid Thompson
Original Message From: Trent Shipley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Wednesday, November 02, 2005 7:27 PM To: pgsql-general@postgresql.org Subject: [GENERAL] FOSS Reporting tools (was Oracle 10g Express - any danger for Postgres?) > On Wednesday 2005-11-02 13:11, Jim C. Nasby wrote: > > On

Re: [GENERAL] Using native win32 psql.exe using alternative cygwin

2005-11-06 Thread Reid Thompson
Bill Bartlett wrote: I hit this exact same problem, and my initial reaction was the same as yours -- psql was "hanging". After much head-banging, I discovered that it is not in fact hanging, but is instead getting confused by being run from inside Putty, Cygwin, xterm, rxvt terminal, etc. Beca

[GENERAL] [Fwd: Sun backs open-source database PostgreSQL | Topic: "everything" | ZDNet News Alerts]

2005-11-17 Thread Reid Thompson
Original Message Subject:Sun backs open-source database PostgreSQL | Topic: "everything" | ZDNet News Alerts Date: Thu, 17 Nov 2005 13:10:34 -0800 (PST) From: ZDNet News Alerts<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ==

[GENERAL] [Fwd: Realizing the Value of Enterprise Open Source Databases] -- May be of interest -- re Sony Online's use of Enterprise DB

2006-10-04 Thread Reid Thompson
Ziff Davis Media eSeminars: The Online Seminar Standard Realizing the Value of Enterprise Open Source Databases: How Sony Online Entertainment Replaced Oracle with EnterpriseDB October 12, 2006 @ 12:00 p.m. Eastern/9:00 a.m. Pacific Duration: 60 minutes Register & Attend Online http://ct.enews.e

Re: [GENERAL] function for current date-time

2006-10-16 Thread Reid Thompson
On Mon, 2006-10-16 at 14:56 -0400, Harpreet Dhaliwal wrote: > Hi, > I have a timestamp field in my table and want to set a default value > of current date/time for it. > What should i enter as its default value? is there any function like > now() in postgres? > > Thanks, > ~Harpreet test=# selec

Re: [GENERAL] GUI tool that can reverse engineering schemas

2007-01-05 Thread Reid Thompson
John McCawley wrote: Here's a little tool I wrote: http://www.hardgeus.com/projects/pgdesigner/ I have a Windows binary up there. The build process is currently a mess, sorry. It's a pretty decent little tool for quick-and-dirty visualization, which is all I really use it for. nyenyec wrot

Re: [GENERAL] Sample C++ code using libpqxx/Postgresql sought

2007-01-26 Thread Reid Thompson
On Fri, 2007-01-26 at 12:16 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > I am looking for some sample code using the libpqxx (C++) API for > Postgresql. I have found some tutorials > > (http://thaiopensource.org/devprojects/libpqxx/doc/2.6.8/html/Tutorial/ > http://www.cs.wisc.edu/~ajkunen/libpqxx-2.4.2/Tut

Re: [GENERAL] Testing embedded SQL in C

2007-02-12 Thread Reid Thompson
On Mon, 2007-02-12 at 15:16 -0500, HT NB wrote: > Hi, > > How are you doing? > > First, I am testing if this email address is valid. It is the first > time that I am using this account. I have a question about how to > start write embedded SQL in C programming code. What are the basic > requireme

Re: [GENERAL] proper export table to csv? multilineproblem.

2007-02-26 Thread Reid Thompson
On Mon, 2007-02-26 at 14:54 +0100, peter pilsl wrote: > I need to export several tables as csv. I use the \f-command to set the > seperator and pipe the output of my select directly to a file. > > Unfortunately thats all the control I have over the created csv-file. I > cannot > set the field-d

Re: [GENERAL] proper export table to csv? multilineproblem.

2007-02-26 Thread Reid Thompson
On Mon, 2007-02-26 at 13:20 -0500, Reid Thompson wrote: > On Mon, 2007-02-26 at 14:54 +0100, peter pilsl wrote: > > I need to export several tables as csv. I use the \f-command to set the > > seperator and pipe the output of my select directly to a file. > > > >

Re: [GENERAL] Shell script to determine if PostgreSQL is accepting connections?

2007-03-18 Thread Reid Thompson
On 10:44 Sun 18 Mar , Jeff Ross wrote: > Hi, > > Is there a simple way to determine with a shell script if PostgreSQL is > ready to accept connections? > > PostgreSQL is started and controlled by daemontools. This shell script > is called by the /etc/netstart script as a part of bringing up t

Re: [GENERAL] Acces via applets

2007-04-11 Thread Reid Thompson
Marc wrote: what version of PostgreSQL? what version of the jdbc driver? The bottom line question is can an applet served to a client machine other than the one the postrgres db resides on read that db? I can't see why not. An applet I’ve written and tested on the same box as my database

Re: [GENERAL] Postgres data/form entry tool

2007-04-19 Thread Reid Thompson
On Thu, 2007-04-19 at 10:05 -0500, Tony Caduto wrote: > David Potts wrote: > > Can any body recommend a generic opensource data entry tool that can be > > used to make some simple forms for entering data in to postgres? > > > > > > ---(end of broadcast)-

Re: [GENERAL] Any good report/form generators for postgresql?

2004-11-24 Thread Reid Thompson
Alberto Cabello Sanchez wrote: On Sun, Nov 21, 2004 at 05:50:30PM +, Chris Green wrote: I'm after a good report generator for a postgresql database. I am using Rekall at the moment which is quite good but I'm not quite able to do some of the things I want. Has anyone got any recommendations

Re: [GENERAL] Map of Postgresql Users (OT)

2005-12-07 Thread Reid Thompson
Claire McLister wrote: Hi All, The only objection that I've heard to using Google maps is there are some 'copyright issues'. AFAIK, Google Maps come with a fairly liberal license. As long as you use it in a web application that is freely accessible to users, you are within their terms of

Re: FW: FW: Re[2]: [GENERAL] new beginner to postgresql. Looking

2005-12-30 Thread Reid Thompson
Pamela wrote: Sure so long as they decide to go with this solution. It would be greatly appreciated. Have you looked at Ruby which is quite helpful when dealing with PHP Perl CGI and C/C++. I haven't a lot of programming experience, my degree is in BA Adv Mgmt and Financial Acctg and Diploma

Re: [GENERAL] 'Official' definition of ACID compliance?

2006-01-06 Thread Reid Thompson
Russ Brown wrote: On Thu, 5 Jan 2006 15:11:49 -0500 Jaime Casanova <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Anyone know who came up with the term in the first place? FWIW --- as defined by ORACLE http://www.orafaq.com/glossary/faqglosa.htm ACID The basic properties of a database transaction: Atomici

[GENERAL] Flagging and/or Cleansing/Correcting bad telephone number data

2006-01-06 Thread Reid Thompson
Hoping that perhaps someone here has already been down this road and may be willing to provide some pointers. Can anyone direct me to information regarding the use of PostgreSQL with other references to verify/flag bad telephone number data? I've tables with 'people' data ( f/lname, addr, zip,

[GENERAL] Oracle tried to buy MySQL

2006-02-15 Thread Reid Thompson
of interest perhaps... http://news.zdnet.com/2100-9593_22-6040197.html?tag=zdnn.alert ---(end of broadcast)--- TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives? http://archives.postgresql.org

Re: [GENERAL] Oracle tried to buy MySQL

2006-02-16 Thread Reid Thompson
John Zubac wrote: Isn't this article false in stating that Ingres is tring to build a high end open source database package. Isn't postgres based on Ingres if I'm correct in my history lesson. And postgres IS a high end open source database package. http://www.newsfactor.com/story.xhtml?s

Re: [GENERAL] a web framework for postgresql?

2006-03-02 Thread Reid Thompson
falcon wrote: Hi, Most of the web applications I work on are nothing more than front-ends to postgresql. I have used Perl (CGI), Java, C# and am now looking at Django. Each generation of frameworks lessens the pain of donig web-apps, but it still seems redundant. Does any one know of a framewo

[GENERAL] Solaris 10 ZFS Postgresql request for comments

2006-03-02 Thread Reid Thompson
Hi all, I'm querying for feedback/comments. Wondering what the list thinks of the following. Assume this is to provide a production database for a small company or a department. Production hours 5am-9pm for the most part so night-time downtime if/when necessary would not be a problem. Pla

Re: [GENERAL] Need a GNU SQL CLI tool for Win32 with ODBC support.

2006-03-02 Thread Reid Thompson
Scott Marlowe wrote: Then yeah, php or perl are your only choices. Again, as is often the case, better to tell us what you're tying to do, and ask for suggestions, then to tell us what tool you think you need, and leave us guessing as to motivation. Happens a lot though, don't worry about it.

Re: [GENERAL] programatic database dump

2006-03-10 Thread Reid Thompson
Tomi NA wrote: I'd like to dump a postgresql database from my (java) app and copy the dump file to the client machine. This backup strategy prooved invalueable in the past (given enough room on the harddrives, which I have) and I'd like to implement it now with postgresql. Is there something li

Re: [GENERAL] Implementation Suggestions

2006-03-29 Thread Reid Thompson
Ian Harding wrote: I'm wondering if I could get some suggestions as to how implement this quickly and simply? I was thinking a web interface using PHP would be the fastest way of going about it. If you used Ruby on Rails, you'd be finished by now. It slices, it dices, it makes julienn

[GENERAL] Linux Journal article - Open source baseball stats web site will use PostgreSQL

2006-04-26 Thread Reid Thompson
http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/8986 Play Ball: Introducing Fungoes By Mat Kovach on Thu, 2006-04-20 01:00. Webmaster Follow along as a life-long baseball fan turns his hobby into an open-source bas

Re: [GENERAL] How does an application recognize the death of the

2006-05-04 Thread Reid Thompson
Geoffrey wrote: How do folks handle the death of the postmaster in their applications? Assuming the postmaster dies after an application has connected to the database, but before it makes a request. What should I look for? Currently our application that's in development does not handle the si

Re: [GENERAL] What is your favorite front end for user interaction

2006-05-09 Thread Reid Thompson
Steve Atkins wrote: On May 8, 2006, at 11:05 PM, Guido Neitzer wrote: On 09.05.2006, at 0:33 Uhr, Karen Hill wrote: What is your favorite front end for end users to interact with your postgresql db? Is it java, .net, web apache + php, MS-Access, ruby on rails? Why is it your favorite? Which

[GENERAL] background writer process (PID 1400) exited with exit code 0 -- repeatedly && incomplete startup packet

2006-05-19 Thread Reid Thompson
PG_VERSION 8.1 - windows XP - 1GB RAM -- Desktop workstation, PG used for test/dev. This installation has been working fine for quite a while. I've used it minimally. I rebooted yestderday- log file from reboot 2006-05-18 12:24:32 LOG: database system was shut down at 2006-05-18 12:23:08 E

Re: [GENERAL] SOLVED - background writer process (PID 1400) exited

2006-05-31 Thread Reid Thompson
Reid Thompson wrote: PG_VERSION 8.1 - windows XP - 1GB RAM -- Desktop workstation, PG used for test/dev. This installation has been working fine for quite a while. I've used it minimally. I rebooted yestderday- log file from reboot 2006-05-18 12:24:32 LOG: database system was shut do

Re: [GENERAL] problemas con psql -l

2006-05-31 Thread Reid Thompson
Eliana Providel wrote: Hola a todos Estoy trabajando con postgresql y tengo el siguiente problema cuando intento listar todas las bases de datos existentes con "psql -l" me sale el siguiente error: ERROR: no existe la relación "pg_catalog.pg_user" Puedo crear bases de datos y acceder a ellas

Re: [GENERAL] ECPG usage

2006-07-06 Thread Reid Thompson
Jasbinder Bali wrote: Hi Can anyone help me with the usage of ECPG?? Like how to go about it, what all header files to include in my C file and other things that i need to give due considerations before using ECPG ~Jas see /src/interfaces/ecpg ( test has several examples ) --

[GENERAL] postmaster: StreamConnection: accept: No such device or address

2006-07-18 Thread Reid Thompson
Using a legacy installation ( 7.2.3 ). Occasionally the system will reach a state where attempted psql connection attempts fail, with the following error in the postgresql log: postmaster: StreamConnection: accept: No such device or address Will also occasionally get "no connection to server" erro

Re: [GENERAL] postmaster: StreamConnection: accept: No such device

2006-07-18 Thread Reid Thompson
Larry Rosenman wrote: Reid Thompson wrote: Using a legacy installation ( 7.2.3 ). Occasionally the system will reach a state where attempted psql connection attempts fail, with the following error in the postgresql log: postmaster: StreamConnection: accept: No such device or address Will

Re: [GENERAL] Is this a "Stupid Question" ?

2004-06-28 Thread Reid Thompson
n" ? Thread-Index: AcRcef4JWQko20oQQ+GuDme6wR5unwAlT2FA From: "Reid Thompson" To: "Adam Smith" I'd suggest looking at the original installations manifast/package listing and then verifying that all parts of said listing are removed. I'm not familiar with B

Re: [GENERAL] maximum number of client connections?

2003-10-17 Thread Reid Thompson
3000 clients = B of 6000(minimum) -> 6000 * 8KB = 48000KB 1MB = 1024KB 48000KB/(1024KB/MB) = 46.875 MB is my math right? only 47MB?? reid > -Original Message- > From: Dann Corbit [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] > Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2003 3:14 PM > To: Mark Harrison > Cc: [EMAIL PROT

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