Re: [GENERAL] autovacuum worker running amok - and me too ;)

2015-03-04 Thread Paul Ramsey
Circling back on this one, I had a look at our analyze code. I found one place where *maybe* we weren't freeing memory and freed it, but analyzing a 2M record table I barely see any bump up in memory usage (from 22M up to 24M at peak) during analyze. And the change I made didn't appear to alter tha

Re: [GENERAL] Postgres not using GiST index in a lateral join

2015-03-04 Thread Paul Ramsey
Stop writing so many subqueries, think in joins; the poor planner! SELECT DISTINCT ON ( AS a_id, AS b_id FROM a JOIN b ON ST_Contains(b.shape, a.shape) WHERE b.kind != 1 Also, the DISTINCT ON syntax (PgSQL custom) lets you winnow a result set down to just one of the inputs. P. O

[GENERAL] Re: [postgis-users] Memory management in postgres (with liblwgeom functions in particular)

2015-03-30 Thread Paul Ramsey
Igor, Your supposition is is all correct (you might want to ask your questions on postgis-devel, where the developer density is higher). lwalloc by default is just a facade over malloc, for standalone use. But, when used in PostGIS, it it backed by palloc, which is in turn the memory manager provid

[GENERAL] Less is More

2015-06-22 Thread Paul Ramsey
Hey all, I have an odd performance quirk I wonder if anyone has any theories for… (not a one-time result, table all heated up, etc) spain=# explain analyze select way from planet_osm_point;                                                         QUERY PLAN --

[GENERAL] relpages for pg_toast.* tables

2015-08-28 Thread Paul Ramsey
I've been trying to write up a "pg_total_relation_size()" replacement that just uses the system tables (sum up relpages for tables, indexes and toast tables), thereby avoiding the overhead of running stat() on thousands of filesystem tables, but I've come up against what seems to be an unsuperable

Re: [GENERAL] relpages for pg_toast.* tables

2015-08-28 Thread Paul Ramsey
P. On Fri, Aug 28, 2015 at 6:16 AM, Paul Ramsey wrote: > I've been trying to write up a "pg_total_relation_size()" replacement > that just uses the system tables (sum up relpages for tables, indexes > and toast tables), thereby avoiding the overhead of running stat() on &

[GENERAL] PostGIS 2.2.0 Released

2015-10-07 Thread Paul Ramsey PostGIS 2.2.0 is released! Over the last two years a number of interesting new features have been added, such as: * True nearest-neighbor searching for all geometry and geography types * New volumetric geometry support, including ST_3DDifference, ST_3D

Re: [GENERAL] Update statement results in Out of memory

2016-07-06 Thread Paul Ramsey
Running a multi-million row update will take a long time. It's possible you've exposed a memory leak in ST_Buffer (the older your version of GEOS, the more likely that is) but it's also possible you're just running a really long update. I find for batch processing purposes that creating fresh table

Re: [GENERAL] migrating data from an old postgres version

2016-07-15 Thread Paul Ramsey
> On Jul 15, 2016, at 6:55 AM, Melvin Davidson wrote: > > > > On Fri, Jul 15, 2016 at 9:46 AM, Willy-Bas Loos > wrote: > Hi, > > A coworker is getting a new laptop and he wants to migrate some data from his > old one to the new one. So he installed postgres 9.5 on

Re: [GENERAL] Extensions and privileges in public schema

2016-12-04 Thread Paul Ramsey
When you create the student user, remove their create privs in public. Then create a scratch schema and grant them privs there. Finally, alter the student user so that the scratch schema appears FIRST in their search path. This will cause unqualified CREATE statements to create in the scratch schem

Re: [GENERAL] Index impact on update?

2017-01-04 Thread Paul Ramsey
You'd be better off forcing the table to write in bulk with something like CREATE TABLE mynewtable AS SELECT *, geography(ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(lng, lat), 4326)) AS geog FROM myoldtable; Then index the new table, rename, etc. Bulk update will, in addition to being slow, use 2x the amount of spa

Re: [GENERAL] Improve PostGIS performance with 62 million rows?

2017-01-05 Thread Paul Ramsey
The index filters using bounding boxes. A long, diagonal route will have a large bounding box, relative to the area you actually care about (within a narrow strip of the route). Use ST_Segmentize() to add points to your route, ST_DumpPoints() to dump those out as point and ST_MakeLine to generate

Re: [GENERAL] Improve PostGIS performance with 62 million rows?

2017-01-05 Thread Paul Ramsey
Thu, Jan 5, 2017 at 11:36 AM, Israel Brewster wrote: > On Jan 5, 2017, at 8:50 AM, Paul Ramsey wrote: > > > The index filters using bounding boxes. A long, diagonal route will have > a large bounding box, relative to the area you actually care about (within > a narrow strip

Re: [GENERAL] Improve PostGIS performance with 62 million rows?

2017-01-05 Thread Paul Ramsey
gt; On Jan 5, 2017, at 10:38 AM, Paul Ramsey > wrote: > > Yes, you did. You want a query that spits out a tupleset of goemetries > (one each for each wee segment), and then you can join that set to your > main table using st_dwithin() as the join clause. > So start by ditching

Re: [GENERAL] Improve PostGIS performance with 62 million rows?

2017-01-09 Thread Paul Ramsey
lt, > you'll have to reduce the number of row in your index, > that is partition your table into several tables ! > > This is not easy to do with current postgres partitionning methods as far > as I know > (partitionning is easy, automatic efficient query is hard). > > An

Re: [GENERAL] postgis 1.5.2 installation configure: WARNING: could not locate CUnit required for liblwgeom unit tests

2011-02-07 Thread Paul Ramsey
It's just a warning, continue happily onwards. Just means a few unit tests won't be run. P. On 2011-02-07, at 9:27 AM, akp geek wrote: > Hi All - > > I am trying to install postgis 1.5.2 on solaris10. When I run the > configure I get the following. > > configure: WAR

Re: [GENERAL] postgis 1.5.2 installation configure: WARNING: could not locate CUnit required for liblwgeom unit tests

2011-02-07 Thread Paul Ramsey
liblwgeom > ERROR: could not access file "$libdir/liblwgeom": No such file or directory > > I am using pg_upgrade for upgrading > > > Regards > > On Mon, Feb 7, 2011 at 12:39 PM, Paul Ramsey > wrote: > It's not a dynlib, it's statically lin

Re: [GENERAL] postgis 1.5.2 installation configure: WARNING: could not locate CUnit required for liblwgeom unit tests

2011-02-07 Thread Paul Ramsey
oad library: $libdir/liblwgeom > ERROR: could not access file "$libdir/liblwgeom": No such file or directory > > I am using pg_upgrade for upgrading > > > Regards > > On Mon, Feb 7, 2011 at 12:39 PM, Paul Ramsey > wrote: > It's not a dynlib, it

Re: [GENERAL] postgis 1.5.2 installation configure: WARNING: could not locate CUnit required for liblwgeom unit tests

2011-02-08 Thread Paul Ramsey
On 2011-02-07, at 11:27 AM, Edoardo Panfili wrote: > On 07/02/11 18.55, Paul Ramsey wrote: >> Well, maybe you could in-place upgrade if you left your PostGIS version >> at the original and only upgraded the PostgreSQL part, but you aren't >> doing that, you're also

[GENERAL] fmgr_oldstyle in extensions

2014-09-23 Thread Paul Ramsey
y stop working. So, I’m wondering what I could have done that is causing my calls to route through fmgr_oldstyle instead of the usual path? P. -- Paul Ramsey -- Sent via pgsql-general mailing list ( To make

Re: [GENERAL] fmgr_oldstyle in extensions

2014-09-23 Thread Paul Ramsey
--  Paul Ramsey On September 23, 2014 at 10:02:33 AM, Andres Freund ( wrote: You forgot to add a PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1(yourfunc); for the function. 

[GENERAL] spgist index not getting used

2014-09-24 Thread Paul Ramsey
can run to get more clues? Thanks, P --  Paul Ramsey

Re: [GENERAL] spgist index not getting used

2014-09-24 Thread Paul Ramsey
:// On September 24, 2014 at 4:32:35 PM, Peter Geoghegan ( wrote: > On Wed, Sep 24, 2014 at 2:01 PM, Paul Ramsey wrote: > > If I build an index on the same table using the internal quad-tree ops, and > > use their operator, I

Re: [GENERAL] spgist index not getting used

2014-09-24 Thread Paul Ramsey
Tom! P. -- On September 24, 2014 at 8:24:02 PM, Tom Lane ( wrote: > Paul Ramsey writes: > > My C implementation is here > > > >

Re: [GENERAL] Indexing large table of coordinates with GiST

2015-01-15 Thread Paul Ramsey
geohash them and index them with a btree instead. The index will work better than a rtree for points, efficiencywise, however you’ll still have a multi-billion record table, which could cause other slowdowns, depending on your plans for accessing this data once you’ve indexed it. P. --  Paul

Re: [GENERAL] Indexing large table of coordinates with GiST

2015-01-15 Thread Paul Ramsey
query polygons interact with the geohash split points. Also, if you’re planning to slam pretty large polygons through this process, expect it to be kind of slow. You’ll want to do some sharding, to spread the problem out over multiple nodes.   --  Paul Ramsey  htt

Re: [GENERAL] What's a good way to improve this query?

2013-06-05 Thread Paul Ramsey
quickly enough, but the uncompression step at each access will still be there. You might want to stuff the query through a sampling profiler (OSX Shark!) and confirm, but I would guess you'll find a lot of cycles spinning in zlib for this query. Paul -- Paul Ramsey http://cleverelephant.

Re: [GENERAL] earthdistance compass bearing

2013-06-18 Thread Paul Ramsey
The code for azimuth on a sphere isn't so gnarly you couldn't whip it up in plpgsql, P. -- Paul Ramsey On Tuesday, June 18, 2013 at 11:16 AM, Jeff Herrin wrote:

Re: [GENERAL] Running out of memory the hard way ...

2017-02-08 Thread Paul Ramsey
On Wed, Feb 8, 2017 at 7:44 AM, Tom Lane wrote: > Albe Laurenz writes: > > Bill Moran wrote: > >> What I feel is the best way to mitigate the situation, is to have some > >> setting that limits the maximum RAM any backend can consume. > > > I'd delegate that problem to the operating system which

Re: [GENERAL] Development of an extension for PostgreSQL and PostGIS

2017-08-14 Thread Paul Ramsey
In order to get an LWGEOM from PostGIS you'll need to convert from the serialized form (GSERIALIZED) which you can read all about in the liblwgeom.h header. You'll be adding a hard dependency of course, but hopefully you're OK with that. If you're just hoping to build a compound type, as your exam

Re: [GENERAL] Out of memory error

2009-07-06 Thread Paul Ramsey
If you are on PostGIS < 1.3.4 there are substantial memory leaks in intersects() for point/polygon cases. Upgrading to 1.3.6 is recommended. P On Mon, Jul 6, 2009 at 1:39 PM, Paul Smith wrote: > On Mon, Jul 6, 2009 at 3:34 PM, Tom Lane wrote: >> Clearly a memory leak, but it's not so clear exactl

Re: [GENERAL] Upgrading from postgreSQL 9.1.6 to 9.3

2013-09-19 Thread Paul Ramsey
Recommendation: do one at a time. First postgis 1.5 to 2.1, then pg 9.1 to 9.3. P. -- Paul Ramsey On Thursday, September 19, 2013 at 4:34 PM, wrote: > > > Are there any showstoppers/recommendations/experie

[GENERAL] round(real,integer)

2014-01-10 Thread Paul Ramsey
is on purpose, or just an oversight?  Obviously one can work around it, but I'm sick of doing so, it makes my SQL examples ugly. I’d like to fix it, but not if there’s a reason it’s not supposed to be done. P. -- Paul Ramsey -- Sent via pgs

Re: [GENERAL] round(real,integer)

2014-01-10 Thread Paul Ramsey
, so perhaps I’ve finally found my bite-size pgsql contribution project :) P. --  Paul Ramsey On January 10, 2014 at 12:37:04 PM, Tom Lane ( wrote: Paul Ramsey writes: > History question: > Why does select round(3,3

Re: [GENERAL] round(real,integer)

2014-01-10 Thread Paul Ramsey
True (?) though I’m guessing the real test for most folks is if printf renders it as expected. Anything else if icing on the cake, no? P --  Paul Ramsey On January 10, 2014 at 1:09:24 PM, Tom Lane ( wrote: to, say, 6 digits

Re: [GENERAL] Analyze against a table with geometry columns runs out of memory

2014-05-08 Thread Paul Ramsey
bug I’ll probably need a copy of the data, or access to a system that has the data and a dev environment. Please do file a ticket at on this issue. P --  Paul Ramsey On May 7, 2014 at 11:15:10 PM, Roxanne Reid-Bennett (r...@t

Re: [GENERAL] Strange dump/restore effect

2012-09-24 Thread Paul Ramsey
Try just loading the 1.5 dump directly into the 2.0 database without the filtering step. It will be immensely noisy with lots of errors and warnings, but with luck you should find your data is there waiting for you when it's done. P On Sun, Sep 23, 2012 at 2:37 PM, Gražvydas Valeika wrote: > Hi

Re: [GENERAL] locating cities within a radius of another

2010-07-21 Thread Paul Ramsey
create table cities ( geog geography, name varchar, id integer primary key ); insert into cities select Geography(ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(lon, lat),4326)) as geog, name, id from mytable; create index cities_gix on cities using gist ( geog ); select st_distance(a.geog, b.geog),

Re: [GENERAL] Comparison of Oracle and PostgreSQL full text search

2010-08-11 Thread Paul Ramsey
Did the FAA ever publish slides of those talks? Sure wish I could see them... :) P. On 2010-08-11, at 6:58 PM, Bruce Momjian wrote: > Greg Smith wrote: >> Greg Williamson wrote: >>> Our tests -- very much oriented at postGIS found Oracle to be between 5 >>> and 15% _faster_ depending on the spe

Re: [GENERAL] R-Trees in PostgreSQL

2009-11-02 Thread Paul Ramsey
Also for one-dimensional ranges, consider contrib/seg P. On Mon, Nov 2, 2009 at 4:41 PM, Jeff Davis wrote: > On Tue, 2009-11-03 at 00:25 +0100, Viktor Rosenfeld wrote: >> I'd like to know what kind of functions I have to implement for a R-Tree >> index on numeric columns, > > NUMERIC is scalar,

Re: [GENERAL] incorrect restore from pg_dumpall

2009-11-27 Thread Paul Ramsey
In order to restore a backup taken with pg_dumpall you'll want to ensure that the postgis installed in your new system is identical to the postgis in your old one. This is because the postgis function definitions will be looking for a particular postgis library name... the name of the library from

Re: [GENERAL] Installation of Postgis/postgresql

2009-12-28 Thread Paul Ramsey
Nick, You'll find GEOS questions get answered better on the GEOS mailing list (, BUT: If ./configure is not finding g++ then odds are, you don't have it installed (type g++ on the commandline, see what happens). Use your package manager to do a se

Re: [GENERAL] Large index operation crashes postgres

2010-03-24 Thread Paul Ramsey
Can you do? alter table placex add column geometry_sector integer; update placex set geometry_sector = geometry_sector(geometry); P. On Wed, Mar 24, 2010 at 1:15 PM, Frans Hals wrote: > Hi, > > running a geo-database from a dump restore where still one of the most > important indexes is missing

Re: [GENERAL] Large index operation crashes postgres

2010-03-26 Thread Paul Ramsey
Occams razor says it's PostGIS. However, I'm concerned about how old the code being run is. In particular, the library underneath PostGIS, GEOS, had a *lot* of memory work done on it over the last year. I'd like to see if things improve if you upgrade to GEOS 3.2. On Fri, Mar 26, 2010 at 9:04 AM,

[GENERAL] Custom Type Alignment

2008-12-20 Thread Paul Ramsey
Simple question on CREATE TYPE (I hope): When using the "alignment" option, and setting it to "double", what ends up double aligned? VARDATA()? The whole thing datum (so that the alignment of VARDATA() is actually conditioned on the size of VARHDRSZ) ? Thanks, Paul -- Sent via pgsql-general ma

Re: [GENERAL] Is there a meaningful benchmark?

2009-03-20 Thread Paul Ramsey Here's another PgSQL/MySQL testimonial, with a spatial twist :) P On Fri, Mar 20, 2009 at 10:15 AM, Greg Smith wrote: > On Fri, 20 Mar 2009, Will Rutherdale (rutherw) wrote: > >> However, keepin

Re: [GENERAL] PostGIS Binary RPM for Red Hat Linux

2006-11-06 Thread Paul Ramsey
PgSQL 7.4 is still supported by the latest PostGIS versions. As is PgSQL 8.1 and (when it comes) 8.2. P On 6-Nov-06, at 8:07 AM, Joshua D. Drake wrote: Sandeep Kumar Jakkaraju wrote: Ya... That was my next question ... if i build the source (the tar.gz) on the site .. will it be

Re: [GENERAL] PostGIS Binary RPM for Red Hat Linux

2006-11-06 Thread Paul Ramsey
Any one you want.  Using the latest won't hurt.On 6-Nov-06, at 11:36 AM, Sandeep Kumar Jakkaraju wrote:What version of Postgis should i install for postgres 8.1.5 ??On 11/7/06, Paul Ramsey <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:PgSQL 7.4 is still supported by the latest PostGIS versions.As is Pg


2007-05-17 Thread Paul Ramsey
eful tools to pipe a stream through to strip out illegal UTF8 bytes, so I can pipe my dump through that rather than hand editing it? Thanks, Paul -- Paul Ramsey Refractions Research [EMAIL PROTECTED] Phone: 250-383-3022 Cell: 250-885-0632 --


2007-05-17 Thread Paul Ramsey
Thanks all for the information. Summary is: - 8.0 wasn't very strict, and allowed the illegal values in, instead of mapping them over into UTF-8 space - the values can be stripped with iconv -c - 8.2 should be more strict I'm in the midst of my upgrade to 8.2 now, hopefully the LATIN1->UTF8

Re: [GENERAL] PostgreSQL On the Mac? OS9 or OSX?

2001-08-31 Thread Paul Ramsey
Indeed, on OSX. Israel Evans wrote: > > In looking over the documentation, I haven't seen any evidence of PostgreSQL > working on the Mac. Is this the case, or am I missing something. Has > anyone heard of it ever being used on a mac? > > Thanks, > > ~Israel~ > > -

Re: [GENERAL] Failure to install 7.3.3

2003-06-24 Thread Paul Ramsey
devel RPM. Daniel E. Fisher wrote: I get an error during config I have redhat 7.2. readline library and Zlib library not found...they are installed with the latest version how do I fix this? -Dan -- __ / | Paul Ramsey | Refractions Research | Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | P

[GENERAL] pg_dump "all tables" in 7.3.X

2003-06-26 Thread Paul Ramsey
We are trying to do an "all tables" dump using the 7.3.3 pg_dump, but are getting no love. The pg_dump command which worked before, in 7.2, no longer returns any tables: pg_dump -t "*" dbname Is this by design, or by accident? Paul -- __ / | Paul Ramse

Re: [GENERAL] Upgrading to 7.3.4?

2003-07-31 Thread Paul Ramsey
r/local/src/postgresql-7.3.2-- installs new pgsql version make install initdb -D %PGHOME%/data -- start and restore db. pg_ctl start psql < dbackup -- __ / | Paul Ramsey | Refractions Research | Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Phone: (250) 8

Re: [GENERAL] Simulating sequences

2003-08-18 Thread Paul Ramsey
decide to go to something like MySQL, which doesn't even support procedural languages). -- __ / | Paul Ramsey | Refractions Research | Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Phone: (250) 885-0632 \_ ---(end of broadcast)

[GENERAL] Booleans and Casting

1999-02-12 Thread Paul Ramsey
an find no function at all to use to cast booleans to what I want, which is 1 = true, 0 = false (IE, the standard cast for boolean -> number). Any advice? -- __ / | Paul Ramsey | Refractions Research | Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Phone: (250) 885-0632 \_

[GENERAL] Support for Geometric Types

1999-05-27 Thread Paul Ramsey
found? (I may be able to bring some funding to bear to support this kind of development) Thanks, Paul -- __ / | Paul Ramsey | Refractions Research | Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Phone: (250) 885-0632 \_