er of times
on different machines. Had to change the password via the passwd utility.
Anyone else seen this?
Maximilian Tyrtania Software-Entwicklung
Dessauer Str. 6-7
10969 Berlin
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To make
computer and (2)
>> to create a special Unix user account named (by default) 'postgres'.
Yes. What confused me is: The installer seems to change the passsword of an
already existing postgres user on that machine to "". Did i understand that
correctly? Should it r
er encoding is UTF8. No special client encoding is set.
Any help would be appreciated,
Maximilian Tyrtania Software-Entwicklung
Dessauer Str. 6-7
10969 Berlin
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Am 04.03.2011 um 11:01 schrieb Craig Ringer:
> On 04/03/11 00:02, Maximilian Tyrtania wrote:
>> After upgrading to pg 9.0.3 (from 8.4.2) on my Mac OS 10.6.2 machine i find
>> this in my log file (a lot):
>> pg_file_read('pg_log/pos
9.0.3 doesn't like that:
ERROR: SQL functions cannot have arguments of type record. It also doesn't
work with plpgsql.
Is there a way?
Best wishes from Berlin,
Maximilian Tyrtania
Maximilian Tyrtania Software-Entwicklung
10969 Berlin
Sent via pgsql-gener
for type bytea
LINE 1: SELECT E'\\008'::bytea;
As far as I can see i followed the escaping rules given in
Maximilian Tyrtania
Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (
To make chan
reate an index like this:
create index idx_personen_nachname_orderByFriendly on personen
Now you can do:
select * from personen order by f_getorderbyfriendlyversion(p.nachname)
Seems pretty fast.
Maximilian Tyrtania
Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (
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le format not recognized
collect2: ld gab 1 als Ende-Status zurück
make: *** [] Fehler 1
Looks like some problem with libjson-0.8 but the directory is there.
The readme says: The source of libjson is included this module pack
166300 | t| Microsoft Deutschland GmbH
(1 row)
What might be up there?
Maximilian Tyrtania
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To make changes to your subscription:
> On Mon, Aug 27, 2012 at 12:55 PM, Maximilian Tyrtania
> wrote:
>> What might be up there?
> It might be a broken index issue. Please show the EXPLAIN for these queries.
It was. I had an index like this:
CREATE INDEX idx_firmen_iskunde_index
ON firmen
USING btree
> On Mon, Aug 27, 2012 at 12:55 PM, Maximilian Tyrtania
> wrote:
>> What might be up there?
> It might be a broken index issue. Please show the EXPLAIN for these queries.
It was. I had an index like this:
CREATE INDEX idx_firmen_iskunde_index
ON firmen
USING btree
Am 27.08.2012 um 16:18 schrieb Tom Lane :
> Maximilian Tyrtania writes:
>> Sorry, should have mentioned that…Dropping and recreating it fixed it.
> Hm, had you changed the behavior of that function since creating the
> index?
To be honest - I don't know f
ERROR: column "alias" does not exist
LINE 1: select alias from f_aliastest();
Is there a way that I can make my function return the field aliases?
Best wishes from Berlin,
Maximilian Tyrtania
Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (pgsql-general@postgresq
Am 16.10.2012 um 11:37 schrieb hubert depesz lubaczewski :
> create or replace function f_aliastest(OUT alias TEXT) returns setof record
> AS …
Ah, yes, I forgot about the OUT parameters, thanks for the reminder!
Maximilian Tyrtania
Contact King Software Entwicklung
Maximilian Tyrtani
query in general.
Maximilian Tyrtania
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Maximilian Tyrtania Software-Entwicklung
Dessauer Str. 6-7
10969 Berlin
Mobil: 0152/292 707 36
Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (
To make c
Select * from mytable order by f_getorderbyfriendlyversion(myfield);
Not an ideal solution, but it seems to perform quite well.
Best wishes from Berlin,
Maximilian Tyrtania
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Hi there,
i'd like to figure out if my pg server (9.0.2) running on OpenSuse has been
compiled with gssapi support. The PG OpenSuse package seems to not ship
pg_config for some reason.
Is there another way to determine that?
Maximilian Tyrtania
Sent via
Am 26.03.2012 um 11:34 schrieb John R Pierce:
> On 03/26/12 2:22 AM, Maximilian Tyrtania wrote:
>> i'd like to figure out if my pg server (9.0.2) running on OpenSuse has been
>> compiled with gssapi support. The PG OpenSuse package seems to not ship
>> pg_config for so
Am 26.03.2012 um 15:09 schrieb Adrian Klaver:
> On 03/26/2012 03:01 AM, Maximilian Tyrtania wrote:
>> Am 26.03.2012 um 11:34 schrieb John R Pierce:
>>> On 03/26/12 2:22 AM, Maximilian Tyrtania wrote:
>>>> i'd like to figure out if my pg server (
rameters from userspace, and if so,
how i can change the systems settings as root.
Maximilian Tyrtania | IT-Entwickler
fischerAppelt Kommunikation GmbH
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>> allow adjustment of the TCP keepalive parameters from userspace, and if so,
>> how i can change the systems settings as root.
> Do you use TCP/IP socket when you execute SHOW ALL? Those parameters
> are ignored via Unix-domain socket.
Yes, i am using a tcp/ip socket. Sorry
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