Gevik babakhani wrote:
> Dear People,
> After a long time of various timeouts, I managed to get back on track
> developing the long promised PQDN website. As some of you might know. I
> was working on a project called the PostgreSQL Developer Network.
> The websites (which is a
I want to report a bug on PG 8.0 (linux : Fedora Core 3)
A LIKE '%langage C%' in the WHERE clause of my SELECT statement gives
"invalid multibyte character for locale" error.
I thought the bug was fixed
and the patch was incorporate
Hello everyone,
First of all, thank you for integrating XPath in Postgresql.
But, as you will see, this is a desperate cry for help:
1. the actual context:
Postgresql 8.1.4, Fedora Core 5
CREATE TABLE xmldocuments
id int8 NOT NULL,
rawdata text,
title varchar(255),
Thanks for replying.
It was a typo ...
Also id fom example should be objid ...
Anyway, without the typo, the result set is empty.
There is also a weird thing:
xpath_nodeset(rawdata, '/mydocument/body/chapter/contents/paragraph')
FROM xmldocuments
will output
ce I make a fool of myself ;)
Thank you for the replies and sorry for wasting your time!
Csaba Nagy wrote:
> Marian,
> On Mon, 2006-08-07 at 17:47, Marian POPESCU wrote:
>> xpath_nodeset(rawdata, '/mydocument/body/chapter/contents/paragraph')
You are right; I had a typo : contents is content
Thanks for replying ...
Guy Rouillier wrote:
> Marian POPESCU wrote:
>> There is also a weird thing:
>> xpath_nodeset(rawdata,
>> '/mydocument/body/chapter/contents/para
Thank you!
Since you brought up the subject, will this
be slower than
/mydocument/body/chapter/contents/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> = "02"]
when handling a big document?
I mean from the query time point of view ...
Csaba Nagy wrote:
> Marian,
>> 1.
Are there also SRPMs? I'm interested on Fedora Core 2 ones. I have rebuilt
from SRPMs the Beta2 and it works OK - I only had to change the init
script - the version provided was 7.4.
---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: if posting/reading throug