Re: [GENERAL] Best way to "mask" password in DBLINK

2009-08-12 Thread Magnus Hagander
on the server where the postgres >>cluster is running. > > Isn't that how one connects using the CLI? Eg: via psql? You need to put it in the .pgpass file of the postgres user - the one that runs the server. .pgpass is dealt with by libpq, and DBLink and DBI-Link both use libpq

Re: [GENERAL] Best way to "mask" password in DBLINK

2009-08-12 Thread Magnus Hagander
On Wed, Aug 12, 2009 at 10:01, Ow Mun Heng wrote: > > > -Original Message- > From: Magnus Hagander [] > On Wed, Aug 12, 2009 at 09:30, Ow Mun Heng wrote: >>> >>> From: Tommy Gildseth [] >>>

Re: [GENERAL] PQoidValue - isn't it for...?

2009-08-12 Thread Magnus Hagander
lue() for getting the last INSERT id?  or am I misunderstanding > it? It will get you the last oid, *if* the table has Oids, which user tables by default don't have. And in most cases, they shouldn't have - using a SERIAL or BIGSERIAL column is in most cases much better. -- Magnus H

Re: [GENERAL] difficulty running pg on XP as appl.

2009-08-13 Thread Magnus Hagander
27;m running a recent enough version of pg, now how do I get it to > drop Administrator privs so it will run, rather than give me an error? > Is there some special command line -c option or something (I would have > thought this would be outomatic, but evidently not)? > The privilege d

Re: [GENERAL] No download of Windows binaries without registering?

2009-08-26 Thread Magnus Hagander
directly without the registration screen. You can certainly get it without registering. The link from the PostgreSQL download page points to, where no registration is required. How did you end up at the page above? Perhaps we have a link that point

Re: [GENERAL] No download of Windows binaries without registering?

2009-08-26 Thread Magnus Hagander
d/ > > could be clearer somehow? The link from there, for "Postgres Plus", also brings me to a page that doesn't require registration.. Exactly which link do you click to get to the page that requires registration? -- Magnus Hagander Me: Work: htt

Re: [GENERAL] PG 8.2 instal on Win2k3 - unable to connect to test network socket

2009-08-26 Thread Magnus Hagander
to 5433 works fine. Sounds like you already have something listening on 5432. Perhaps another verison of PostgreSQL already installed? -- Magnus Hagander Me: Work: -- Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (pgsql-general@postgresql.

Re: [GENERAL] No download of Windows binaries without registering?

2009-08-26 Thread Magnus Hagander
On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 21:15, Sam Mason wrote: > On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 08:58:17PM +0200, Magnus Hagander wrote: >> On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 20:45, Sam Mason wrote: >> > On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 08:11:58PM +0200, Thomas Kellerer wrote: >> >> If one goes direct

Re: [GENERAL] Anybody know where to find Dan Langille?

2009-08-28 Thread Magnus Hagander
On Fri, Aug 28, 2009 at 16:15, Tom Lane wrote: > ... or whoever is responsible for buildfarm member "grebe" now? > The owner address recorded in the buildfarm doesn't work: > > 550 5.1.1 ... User unknown He's -- Magnus Hagander Me: http

Re: [GENERAL] Update /src/tools/msvc to VC++ 2008

2009-08-28 Thread Magnus Hagander
ke to see the patch that makes it run on 2008, so we can discuss which of these two methods will be best. As Tom says, please do so on the pgsql-hackers mailinglist. -- Magnus Hagander Me: Work: -- Sent via pgsql-general mailing list

Re: [GENERAL] Regarding initdb & pg_ctl

2009-09-14 Thread Magnus Hagander
ure this holds true for the whole path up there. If you did, then the next step is to run Process Monitor ( during the startup and see exactly which operation it is that fails. It is probably trying to load a DLL somewhere it doesn&#x

Re: [GENERAL] Regarding initdb & pg_ctl

2009-09-15 Thread Magnus Hagander
indows can be very strange :-) > As per your advice I tried process monitor, it shows that there are no > failures. So we can assume it is a issue with permissions. Can you see it opening postgres.exe? Or do you get a not foud error somewhere? -- Magnus Hagander Me: http://www.hagander

Re: [GENERAL] Problems with pg_dump for PG8.4 for WinXP (MinGW build)

2009-09-15 Thread Magnus Hagander
or ready biniries. Given that, it seems to be something with your mingw setup causing it. I think you'll have to get yourself a backtrace using gdb (the native debugger tools can usually not get usable backtraces from a a mingw build). -- Magnus Hagander Me: Work: http

Re: [GENERAL] Build PG 8.4 (MinGW vs. MSVC)

2009-09-18 Thread Magnus Hagander
fficial binaries are built, so the results are much more well-tested. It also produces builds that are compatible with standard platform debugger and profiling tools. -- Magnus Hagander Me: Work: -- Sent via pgsql-general mailing list

Re: [GENERAL] About logging

2009-09-24 Thread Magnus Hagander
oing both in single file rt . Is there any way to split > both??? This is not currently possible inside PostgreSQL, you will need to do external post-processing of the logfile to get that. -- Magnus Hagander Me: Work: -- Sent vi

Re: [GENERAL] [HACKERS] libpq port number handling

2009-09-24 Thread Magnus Hagander
On 25 sep 2009, at 02.59, Tom Lane wrote: Sam Mason writes: +if (portnum < 1 || portnum > 65535) BTW, it strikes me that we could tighten this even more by rejecting target ports below 1024. This is guaranteed safe on all Unix systems I know of, because privileged ports can only b

[GENERAL] 2009: Schedule available and registration open

2009-09-28 Thread Magnus Hagander
. On behalf of the team, we're looking forward to seeing you in Paris in November! -- Magnus Hagander Me: Work: -- Sent via pgsql-general mailing list ( To make changes to your subscription:

Re: [GENERAL] slightly off-topic: Central Auth

2009-10-16 Thread Magnus Hagander
e PG's native Kerberos support > with AD, which would explain why nobody had tried it. It most definitely is possible. Note that the recommendation is to use GSSAPI with Kerberos and not the native "krb5" authentication for tihs if possible. -- Magnus Hagander Me: http://www

Re: [GENERAL] Problem calling C function in PostgreSQL

2009-10-22 Thread Magnus Hagander
/add', > 'add_one' LANGUAGE C; > > ERROR:  could not find function "add_one" in file "C:/Program > Files/PostgreSQL/8.3/lib/add.dll" > > > It would be kind if any help! Try adding __declspec(dllexport) to the function, that might

Re: [GENERAL] How-To Consitent EC2 Snapshots with Postgres

2009-10-31 Thread Magnus Hagander
paces) are on the same EBS volume - I'm pretty sure they can't do atomic snapshots across multiple volumes. -- Magnus Hagander Me: Work:

Re: [GENERAL] Using LDAP for PostgreSQL permissions/authentication

2013-09-14 Thread Magnus Hagander
s, and at least for me, this has always been enough. If your LDAP server, or user provisioning system for that one, has some sort of trigger functionality, you can make it "almost synchronous" as well. -- Magnus Hagander Me: Work: -- Sent via pgsql-general mailing list ( To make changes to your subscription:

Re: [GENERAL] GSSAPI server side on Linux, SSPI client side on Windows

2013-11-12 Thread Magnus Hagander
> > > "postgres", and Npgsql is specifying "POSTGRES", but I also at some point > > configured two sets of SPNs on the domain for uppercase and lowercase, so > > I don't know if that's a mitigating factor. > > The client gets its service

Re: [GENERAL] hstore syntax

2013-12-08 Thread Magnus Hagander
ig array, or one array of keys and one array of values). Also, it seems there's no length or size function for hstore? This is what > I've got working now array_length(akeys(s.hstore_field), 1). It seems to > be a rather long way to do it, but it works. That I don't think there is one, no. -- Magnus Hagander Me: Work:

Re: [GENERAL] pg_stat_tmp

2013-12-16 Thread Magnus Hagander
id, even with that it shouldn't grow *that* large, unless you've go a huge number of tables. Certainly not into gigabyte range. So it could be that it's just the first indicator that fires, but that there's actually something else using up your space. But setting stats_temp_directory is a good first way to find that out. -- Magnus Hagander Me: Work:

Re: [GENERAL] postgresql-common breaks logrotate

2013-12-27 Thread Magnus Hagander
e next release, since that's going to be another LTS. There's been talk about changing the way the logging is done in the debian packages in general, that might also be part of the solution. -- Magnus Hagander Me: Work:

Re: [GENERAL] pg_stop_backup running for 10h?

2014-01-12 Thread Magnus Hagander
d it should clearly tell you that. It should also tell you if you can safely cancel the pg_stop_backup() command. -- Magnus Hagander Me: Work:

Re: [GENERAL] pg_basebackup failing

2014-01-15 Thread Magnus Hagander
On Jan 15, 2014 12:07 PM, "Sameer Kumar" wrote: >> >> The error you are seeing is triggered because this relation file >> exceeds MAX_TAR_MEMBER_FILELEN or 8GB for a single tar member, which >> is as well the norm for tar. > > > I thought PostgreSQL would break the file if it grows beyond 1GB (1GB

Re: [GENERAL] pg_basebackup and checkpoints

2014-02-05 Thread Magnus Hagander
to issue a fast checkpoint instead of the default one. Just add "-c fast" to the commandline options. There should never be a need to run a manual checkpoint. -- Magnus Hagander Me: Work:

Re: [GENERAL] CET ERROR: requested WAL segment has already been removed

2014-02-14 Thread Magnus Hagander
t; backup? > For the slave, yes. The master is perfectly fine, so you don't need to do anything about that one. The errors are listed in the master log because they are caused by commands sent from the slave, but they do not indicate a problem on the master. -- Magnus Hagander Me: Work:

Re: [GENERAL] Is pgFoundry Down? (2/18/2014)

2014-02-18 Thread Magnus Hagander
On Tue, Feb 18, 2014 at 6:07 PM, Purdon wrote: > It seems that is down? Is this the case for everyone? > According to it is, yeah. -- Magnus Hagander Me: Work:

Re: [GENERAL] stand by is starting until I do some work in the primary

2014-02-24 Thread Magnus Hagander
workaround is to make sure something happens on the master and do a checkpoint. -- Magnus Hagander Me: Work:

Re: [GENERAL] High Level Committers Wanted

2014-03-12 Thread Magnus Hagander
l already be covered there, and there's also an unconference day that is open for any topic. See No, it's not in the Columbia area (any of them), but on the other hand, there will be experts from all over the world there. -- Magnus Hagander Me: Work:

Re: [GENERAL] UNIQUE contraint that is initially deferred in Postgres 8.4.13

2014-03-13 Thread Magnus Hagander
the docs are wrong. Deferrable unique constraints are a new feature in PostgreSQL 9.0, so it shouldn't be working in 8.4. (And as a sidenote, a reminder that 8.4 will go end of life in just a couple of months, so if you aren't already planning an upgrade of your production environment

Re: [GENERAL] Monitoring Pg servers with Microsoft SCOM

2014-05-05 Thread Magnus Hagander
ics back that you want. Some quick googling shows several examples of how to monitor with custom SQL queries, but I don't know enough (or anything) about SCOM to recommend any of them in particular. -- Magnus Hagander Me: Work:

Re: [GENERAL] LDAP authentication not working

2014-05-14 Thread Magnus Hagander
gt; >> Unfortunately I did not find what error code -1 means. >> >> Ldapsearch works fine: >> > ldapsearch -W -H ldaps:// -D >> "CN=nss,DC=uni-graz,DC=at" >> >> Interesting is also, that postgres seems to not even reach the ldap >> server: If I change parameter ldapserver to a non-existing url it gives >> the same error code -1. >> >> Any help much appreciated! >> >> Best, >> Juergen >> >> -- Magnus Hagander Me: Work:

Re: [GENERAL] LDAP authentication not working

2014-05-14 Thread Magnus Hagander
On Wed, May 14, 2014 at 11:48 AM, Jürgen Fuchsberger <> wrote: > > > On 05/14/2014 09:10 AM, Magnus Hagander wrote: > > On Wed, May 14, 2014 at 8:35 AM, Stephan Fabel > <>> wrote: > > > > I

Re: [GENERAL] Multiple instances with same version?

2011-04-20 Thread Magnus Hagander
db users: prs_JohnM, prs_TomR You might want to look at the config parameter db_use_namespace - but I wouldn't recommend using it, I've seen too many cases where it's confused systems. --  Magnus Hagander  Me:  Work: -- Sent via pgsql-general mailing list ( To make changes to your subscription:

Re: [GENERAL] PG 9.0 - Default postgresql.conf?

2011-04-26 Thread Magnus Hagander
onf.sample;h=a3880da7dac5d8ff55dc8f5f7a3f1fc8052627b0;hb=REL9_0_STABLE (note that initdb will make a few changes to it depending on your system) If you have installed PostgreSQL, you should also be able to locate a postgresql.conf.sample file on your local system. Exactly were it is depends on how you intalled PostgreSQL. --  Mag

Re: [GENERAL] Needs Suggestion

2011-04-27 Thread Magnus Hagander
cache using EXPLAIN (ANALYZE, BUFFERS) It won't get you the stats from the linux filesystem cache though. You can perhaps use pgfincore for that in some way. --  Magnus Hagander  Me:  Work: -- Sent via pgsql-general mailing li

Re: [GENERAL] explain analyze buffer

2011-04-27 Thread Magnus Hagander
o upgrade to get it. --  Magnus Hagander  Me:  Work: -- Sent via pgsql-general mailing list ( To make changes to your subscription:

Re: [GENERAL] Postgresql, PSN hack and table limits

2011-05-01 Thread Magnus Hagander
to download an email attachment? and suddenly they mention oracle metasploits, which obviously wouldn't work on postgres) --  Magnus Hagander  Me:  Work: -- Sent via pgsql-general mailing list ( To make changes to your subscription:

Re: [GENERAL] Universal certificate for verify-full ssl connection

2011-05-31 Thread Magnus Hagander
rt with "*." (including the dot) to be considered. Thus a simple '*' in the wildcard will not work, and anything starting with '*.' will never match all IPs. --  Magnus Hagander  Me:  Work: -- Sent via pgsql-g

Re: [GENERAL] Universal certificate for verify-full ssl connection

2011-05-31 Thread Magnus Hagander
On Tue, May 31, 2011 at 12:44, Asia wrote: > > > W dniu 2011-05-31 11:09:10 użytkownik Magnus Hagander > napisał: >> On Tue, May 31, 2011 at 10:06, Craig Ringer >> wrote: >> > On 31/05/11 15:40, Asia wrote: >> > >> >> Would you please

Re: [GENERAL] using jboss with ident auth

2011-06-06 Thread Magnus Hagander
On Jun 2, 2011 4:16 PM, "eyal edri" wrote: > > Hi, > > I'm trying to use postgres with ident auth and jboss. > > here's my postgres files: > > pg_hba.conf: > > # TYPE DATABASEUSERCIDR-ADDRESS METHOD > > # "local" is for Unix domain socket connections only > local all

Re: [GENERAL] Bad link to beta2 source

2011-06-13 Thread Magnus Hagander
hanks - fixed, will be included on next site build. --  Magnus Hagander  Me:  Work: -- Sent via pgsql-general mailing list ( To make changes to your subscription:

Re: [GENERAL] Symbols and versioning of binary releases; running a symbol server

2011-06-15 Thread Magnus Hagander
g for a build that hit public release. Hmm. That site talks about sharing them over a windows fileshar,e I doubt anybody wants to do that publically. Now, if this can be made to serve off a simple http (or ftp) server, we could probably run a server for it off the infrastructure - but that'

Re: [GENERAL] Standby server does not start with base backup

2011-06-18 Thread Magnus Hagander
of the issue. That seems perfectly normal. There's nothing in those logs indicating that the standby shut down - if it did, there should be some other messages when that happens. If you want to be able to actually connect to the slave, you need to run in hot standby. --  Magnus Hagander

Re: [GENERAL] point types in "DISTINCT" queries

2011-06-29 Thread Magnus Hagander
tric types > up to speed; but I think most of the interest is moving things like this > out to extensions where they can be more easily be maintained by > interested parties. Given that they are the only ones supporting knn-gist, I would expect them to actually become *more* popular with 9.1 - at

Re: [GENERAL] point types in "DISTINCT" queries

2011-06-29 Thread Magnus Hagander
On Wed, Jun 29, 2011 at 16:38, Jonathan S. Katz wrote: > On Jun 29, 2011, at 10:25 AM, Magnus Hagander wrote: > >> On Wed, Jun 29, 2011 at 06:53, Jeff Davis wrote: >>> >>> On Tue, 2011-06-28 at 18:56 -0400, Jonathan S. Katz wrote: >>> >>>>

Re: [GENERAL] Windows x64 : How do I get OSSP-UUID.sql contrib for postgresql x64

2011-06-30 Thread Magnus Hagander
uuid in that case, but a completely separate module. But it could/should provide a SQL-level compatible interface, of course... --  Magnus Hagander  Me:  Work: -- Sent via pgsql-general mailing list ( To make chang

Re: [GENERAL] Difference in DB size with dump and pg_database_size

2011-07-05 Thread Magnus Hagander
, the difference would probably be bigger... --  Magnus Hagander  Me:  Work: -- Sent via pgsql-general mailing list ( To make changes to your subscription:

Re: [GENERAL] record-based log shipping

2011-08-21 Thread Magnus Hagander
up." > > So how would one "feed" incrementally copied partial WAL file data to > a standby (actually a new server used for recovery) as suggested > above? Pad it with zeroes up to the normal segment limit (16Mb), and feed that. PostgreSQL will detect when the cor

Re: [GENERAL] documentation for hashtext?

2011-08-25 Thread Magnus Hagander
y to lookup the discussion right now) the conclusion was that it's not documented because it's internal and you're not supposed to use/rely on it. --  Magnus Hagander  Me:  Work: -- Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (p

Re: [GENERAL] is not accessible

2011-09-01 Thread Magnus Hagander
Yeah, all hosted services had a rather long downtime again yesterday. They seem to be back up now. /Magnus On Sep 2, 2011 1:25 AM, "Raghavendra" wrote: > Now am able to access it. But for sometime I was not able to access it. > > --- > Regards, > Raghavendra > EnterpriseDB Corporation >

Re: [GENERAL] Has Pg 9.1.0 been released today?

2011-09-12 Thread Magnus Hagander
g to put it out, and we need to load the website documentation ahead of time. --  Magnus Hagander  Me:  Work: -- Sent via pgsql-general mailing list ( To make changes to your subscription:

Re: [GENERAL] Has Pg 9.1.0 been released today?

2011-09-12 Thread Magnus Hagander
On Mon, Sep 12, 2011 at 10:40, Gavin Flower wrote: > On 12/09/11 20:31, Magnus Hagander wrote: >> >> On Mon, Sep 12, 2011 at 10:10, Toby Corkindale >>  wrote: >>> >>> >>> contains the line:

Re: [GENERAL] Has Pg 9.1.0 been released today?

2011-09-12 Thread Magnus Hagander
On Mon, Sep 12, 2011 at 10:50, Gavin Flower wrote: > On 12/09/11 20:44, Magnus Hagander wrote: >> >> On Mon, Sep 12, 2011 at 10:40, Gavin Flower >>  wrote: >>> >>> On 12/09/11 20:31, Magnus Hagander wrote: >>>> >>>> On Mon, Sep 12,

Re: [GENERAL] could not access file "$libdir/pg_buffercache": No such file or directory

2011-09-29 Thread Magnus Hagander
ache.sql. Run that in the old database and it should drop all the required objects. > Otherwise, if my theory is incorrect, any hints as to what it might be? You can also install the -contrib DEB package on your Ubuntu box, and then you will have the required libraries, and it will recrea

Re: [GENERAL] One-click installer, Windows 7 32-bit, and icacls.exe

2011-10-03 Thread Magnus Hagander
n ntfs is, um, let's call it interesting. Maybe it needs to specify the (NP) flag to not propagate inheritance or something? --  Magnus Hagander  Me:  Work: -- Sent via pgsql-general mailing list ( To make changes to your subscription:

Re: [GENERAL] Bitrock XML Source

2012-05-22 Thread Magnus Hagander;a=summary, but I don't believe it always does - right now the last thing that happened in the repo was 5 months ago. --  Magnus Hagander  Me:  Work: -- Sent via pgsql-general mailing list

Re: [GENERAL] FATAL: lock file "" already exists

2012-05-24 Thread Magnus Hagander
is doing the > equivalent of a stat on each of them. how did you end up with 56,000 files? Lots and lots and lots of tables? --  Magnus Hagander  Me:  Work: -- Sent via pgsql-general mailing list ( To

Re: [GENERAL] FATAL: lock file "" already exists

2012-05-24 Thread Magnus Hagander
t that as well, so that other platforms can benefit from an optimization as well. Though I'm not sure how much that would actually help - ISTM that one actually scans the whole directory anyway, just you don't have to do it yourself... --  Magnus Hagander  Me:  Wor

Re: [GENERAL] PostgreSQL 8.4 download for RHEL6

2012-06-05 Thread Magnus Hagander
nux-x64 in .bin format? Why do you require a .bin format? The recommended way to install on Redhat platforms is using the RPMs from That said, the oneclick installers seem to be linked from to me - just

Re: [GENERAL] Dtrace for tracing PostgreSQL link not working

2012-06-17 Thread Magnus Hagander
sily? Finally, could someone go over the general advice under that section? It still says that it's bundled with solaris, which I doubt is true? ;) --  Magnus Hagander  Me:  Work: -- Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (pgsql-genera

Re: [GENERAL] UFS2 Snapshots and Postgres

2012-06-25 Thread Magnus Hagander
es (log data included!) at >> the same instant. > > > Even if i do a pg_start_backup()? I thought it set db data/ files in a > consistent state and puts in wal files the new transactions and apply them > when call pg_stop_backup(). > > I must do it other way then :( No, if

Re: [GENERAL] question about source download site.

2012-07-05 Thread Magnus Hagander
my memory, it's not duplicated when 9.1 has released. >> >> anyone knows the reason ? > > There was a discussion about release versioning: > > > I don't know the conclusion though. Those are jus

Re: [GENERAL] Cancel a pg_ctl stop

2012-07-05 Thread Magnus Hagander
On Wed, Jul 4, 2012 at 2:38 AM, Andy Chambers wrote: > Is it possible to "cancel" a pg_ctl stop if some clients remain > connected and there is no longer a need to stop the DB? Nope. Once started it can't be cancelled. -- Magnus Hagander Me: Wor

Re: [GENERAL] Where is ?

2012-08-06 Thread Magnus Hagander
t? I know the temporary gists aren't, but I guess maybe the logged-in ones are? For longer terms, perhaps we should set up an URL forwarder or something that the docs can link through in the cases where we really need this, so we can more easily update the URLs? -- Magnus Hagander Me:

Re: [GENERAL] Hi,Frirends, are there any commands in pgsql/bin/ corresponding "create tablespace"?

2012-08-06 Thread Magnus Hagander
s use: psql -c "create tablespace foo..." -- Magnus Hagander Me: Work: -- Sent via pgsql-general mailing list ( To make changes to your subscription:

Re: [GENERAL] Where is ?

2012-08-07 Thread Magnus Hagander
at can be maintained by community, and linking > to this page in docs? That's another reasonable idea. It doesn't solve the problem with links going stale (just like having an URL redirector doesn't), but it does make it much easier to change later... -- Magnus Hagander Me: htt

Re: [GENERAL] You cannot do PITR with streaming replication - true?

2012-08-16 Thread Magnus Hagander
Or is it that I am missing something here? Is it an issue with walmgr3 > rather than PostgreSQL? I don't know walmgr3, but my guess is what you're missing is that replication isn't either streaming or file based, but it can be both at the same time. -- Magnus Hagander Me: http:/

Re: [GENERAL] Postgres not getting logged in from command prompt

2012-09-03 Thread Magnus Hagander
here? >From the paths, it appears to be the EnterpriseDB Postgres Plus product. You might have better luck trying to ask your question over in their forums. -- Magnus Hagander Me: Work: -- Sent via pgsql-general mailing list ( To make changes to your subscription:

[GENERAL] Re: [GENERAL] Reduce the time to know trigger_fi​le's existence

2012-09-04 Thread Magnus Hagander
ns on the appropriate place to add > inotify_add_watch to achieve our objective? > Thanks in advance. "pg_ctl promote" already uses a signal to remove this time delay. Is there a reason you can't just use this? -- Magnus Hagander Me: Work: http://ww

Re: [GENERAL] "Too far out of the mainstream"

2012-09-05 Thread Magnus Hagander
little, one could try to >> add more, perhaps. > > I noticed that the "Share Your Story" link is broken. > I don't know how long it's been broken, but this might be a reason > there are no new ones. Thanks for reporting that - link fixed. -- Magnus Haga

[GENERAL] PGDay at FOSDEM - your input is needed!

2012-09-09 Thread Magnus Hagander
ttending! The form can be found at Since we are on a fairly tight schedule to sign a contract for a venue, we need your responses before Saturday, Sep 15. Thanks for your help! -- Magnus Hagan

Re: [GENERAL] Is pg_basebackup also for "regular" backups?

2012-10-15 Thread Magnus Hagander
tandby servers". > > Should pg_basebackup also be used for "regular" backups, or only for > PITR/streaming replication? It's for "regular backups", based off PITR. -- Magnus Hagander Me: Work: -

Re: [GENERAL] Is pg_basebackup also for "regular" backups?

2012-10-15 Thread Magnus Hagander
to > recover. You can also use pg_basebackup in -x mode in which case you don't need a WAL archive - the required WAL will be included in the base backup. This will not allow PITR though, but it will use the PITR technology to do a one-off backup. -- Magnus Hagander Me: http://www.haga

Re: [GENERAL] Delay streaming replication using a paramter

2012-10-31 Thread Magnus Hagander
On Wed, Oct 31, 2012 at 1:01 PM, Mahmoud Hakeem-Habeeb <> wrote: > Hi, > Firstly is it possible for me to delay streaming replication using > > wal_sender_delay > > or any other parameter. > No, you can't do delayed replication on streaming. You can do it if you us

Re: [GENERAL] Where is 'createdb'?

2012-11-01 Thread Magnus Hagander
t - it has never created a schema. That said, the createdb command ships with postgresql still and should be avaiable. Exactly where it is depends on how you installed PostgreSQL, and which distribution of Linux you are on. You can probably find it with "find", or by looking at the conten

Re: [GENERAL] Error registering at

2012-11-05 Thread Magnus Hagander
p? > > (moving thread to pgsql-www where it belongs) That seems like it would be the result of a patch I applied earlier today. It does appear we need a better error message for this case. Not entirely sure why it shows up though, since the form appears correct. Are you by any chance block

Re: [GENERAL] Problem with streaming replication over SSL

2012-11-06 Thread Magnus Hagander
220.el6.x86_64. > > > After that, streaming replication reconnects and resumes working. > > Is this an oversight in the replication protocol, or is this > working as designed? > > This sounds a lot like the general issue with SSL renegotiation, just that it tends to show itsel

Re: [GENERAL] Question about "ident_file" in postgres.conf

2012-11-06 Thread Magnus Hagander
k the validity of the "ident_file" like what pg is doing for > "data_directory" and "hba_file". > This is definitely a known problem. It's actually on the TODO list already, just not phrased in a way that makes it likely to be found. It should be treated th

Re: [GENERAL] Problem with streaming replication over SSL

2012-11-06 Thread Magnus Hagander
On Tue, Nov 6, 2012 at 12:47 PM, Albe Laurenz wrote: > Magnus Hagander wrote: > >> I have streaming replication configured over SSL, and > >> there seems to be a problem with SSL renegotiation. > [...] > >> After that, streaming replication reconnects and resu

Re: [GENERAL] Question about "ident_file" in postgres.conf

2012-11-06 Thread Magnus Hagander
On Tue, Nov 6, 2012 at 5:25 PM, Jeff Janes wrote: > On Tue, Nov 6, 2012 at 3:16 AM, Magnus Hagander > wrote: > > On Tue, Nov 6, 2012 at 9:08 AM, Tianyin Xu wrote: > >> > >> Hi, all, > >> > >> I have a question regarding the "ident_file"

Re: [GENERAL] Regarding getting source from 9.2.0beta1 and 9.2beta1.

2012-11-26 Thread Magnus Hagander
On Nov 26, 2012 7:15 AM, "Tom Lane" wrote: > > Hari Babu writes: > > When I was trying get the source code from ftp source, I found that > > 9.2.0beta1 and 9.2beta1 are pointing to > > 9.2.0beta1 source code. Is it intentional or Is there any source code > > difference between 9.2.0beta1 and 9.2b

Re: [GENERAL] backslash encoded data changed during upgrade?

2012-11-26 Thread Magnus Hagander
tea fields, in which case the parameter you're looking for is bytea_output (which is 'hex' by default now, used to be 'escape'). If you make the dump with the *new* version of pg_dump (meaning from the system you're making the load on), it should set all parameters req

Re: [GENERAL] Non-replicated index allowing comparison ("<")?

2012-11-29 Thread Magnus Hagander
On Nov 29, 2012 8:59 PM, "Björn Edström" wrote: > > Greetings list. > > I have a Postgresql 9.0.8 cluster with one master and a few slaves, in > a hot standby and streaming replication setup. The setup has a single > database with a single table. The table has a column "updated" of type > "timesta

Re: [GENERAL] pg_basebackup questions

2012-12-01 Thread Magnus Hagander
have something in pg_tblspc that is not a symlink. That's never supposed to happen, so your data directory is "corrupt". It's probably not something that actually causes a problem other than this one in the backup - for now at least. But the fix is moving the tablespace to a proper loc

Re: [GENERAL] tar error, in pg_start_backup()

2010-04-16 Thread Magnus Hagander
ings. As long as you use pg_start_backup() and pg_stop_backup() before and after the tar, they are perfectly harmless, and can be ignored. -- Magnus Hagander Me: Work: -- Sent via pgsql-general mailing list ( To make changes to your subscription:

Re: [pgadmin-support] [GENERAL] Byte order mark added by (the envelope please...) pgAdmin3 !!

2010-04-22 Thread Magnus Hagander
QL commands by psql. > > The two applications are incompatible at that level. FYI, psql in PostgreSQL 9.0 will ignore UTF8 BOMs. -- Magnus Hagander Me: Work: -- Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (pgsql-general@pos

Re: [GENERAL] PostgreSQL Performance issue

2010-04-27 Thread Magnus Hagander
ared_buffer size cannot be more than size_t*” > That is normal since your binary is 32-bit. In fact, having shared_buffers at 1Gb may give you some trouble with your fairly high work_mem as well, as the *total* amount of memory in the process is limited. That's another reason to try a lower shared_buffers. (other than that, read the comments from Thom) -- Magnus Hagander Me: Work:

Re: [GENERAL] Is the wiki down?

2010-04-28 Thread Magnus Hagander
've reported the problem to the guys responsible for the boxes we > have in that data center. I've just checked with Damien and he's working on it - services are coming back online as I write this. -- Magnus Hagander Me: Work: -- Sent via pgsql-general mailing list ( To make changes to your subscription:

Re: [GENERAL] Need magic that checks if a collumn contains values that CAN NOT be converted to Latin1

2010-04-29 Thread Magnus Hagander
f'; END; RETURN 't'; END; $$ And execute SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE NOT is_valid_encoding(my_column, 'LATIN1') -- Magnus Hagander Me: Work: -- Sent via pgsql-general mailing list ( To make changes to your subscription:

Re: [GENERAL] Cumulative count (running total) window fn

2010-04-29 Thread Magnus Hagander
1 order by 1 asc rows unbounded > preceding) > from email_list group by 1 order by 1; > > Does anyone have any other ideas? Aren't you looking for something along the line of: SELECT year, sum(c) over (order by year) FROM ( SELECT extract(year from signup_date) AS year, cou

Re: [GENERAL] Cumulative count (running total) window fn

2010-04-29 Thread Magnus Hagander
R BY count(email_address) did give the same results for my data but > only because the count values just happen to give the same ordering as the > years - I tested by changing some dates. > Many thanks all. Curious note - how does the non-subselect version and the subselect version compare per

Re: [GENERAL] LDAP: Auto user creation and role membership

2010-05-05 Thread Magnus Hagander
missions adds a bit of complexity, but not much. Trying to do them generic will make it a lot more complex though, so if you jus tneed it for this one case, a quick one-off script is probably the easiest way to go. -- Magnus Hagander Me: Work:

Re: [GENERAL] pre-existing shared memory block is still in use after crashes

2010-05-06 Thread Magnus Hagander
DLL_INIT_FAILED > > Apparently this can mean insufficient heap space.  I'm not sure if this is a > surprising thing to get during high load. > > Not sure what can we do about it. Do you know how many processes were running at the time? (both pg backend processes and proc

Re: [GENERAL] missing chunk number 0 for toast value 25693266 in pg_toast_25497233

2010-05-07 Thread Magnus Hagander
hich will likely be a lot faster than using LIMIT, but the same idea applies - do a binary search. Should take a lot less than days, and is reasonably easy to script. -- Magnus Hagander Me: Work: -- Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (pgsql

Re: [GENERAL] Question about Beta for Windows 64 bits

2010-05-13 Thread Magnus Hagander
it? We considered it with ODBCng but couldn't > find any real suitable purpose. Linking it into 64-bit applications would be the obvious one, no? -- Magnus Hagander Me: Work: -- Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (pgsql-gen

Re: [GENERAL] Out of Memory and Configuration Problems (Big Computer)

2010-06-02 Thread Magnus Hagander
> >>                Stephen >> >> -BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE- >> Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux) >> >> iEYEARECAAYFAkwGZQsACgkQrzgMPqB3kijNXgCfSVVSLUqUNs5gCIx0wk44hEmQ >> 0yIAoJYgfOqYZLjlftJ+0lU3WjUVoKHZ >> =jdXN >> -END PGP SIGNATURE- >> > > -- Magnus Hagander Me: Work: -- Sent via pgsql-general mailing list ( To make changes to your subscription:

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