Hello everybody.
In the past week, it has happened to us twice already that we got an exception
from our Java application, due to PostgreSQL "terminating connection due to
administrator command”.
The problem is that I’m the administrator, and I issued no such command.
On the first opportunity
> On 27 ביולי 2015, at 16:39, Adrian Klaver wrote:
>> * Given that I did not terminate any backend connection interactively,
>>why did I get a "terminating connection due to administrator
>>command” message? Is there any situation where this message is
>>issued without the admin
> On 27 ביולי 2015, at 16:55, Melvin Davidson wrote:
> If you are running Linux (please ALWAYS give the O/S ), then this could have
> been caused by the sys admin doing a system shutdown.
Yes, sorry about that, as I previously answered Adrian Klaver, the OS is Debian
Gnu/Linux 7.
But I did
> On 27 ביולי 2015, at 18:01, Adrian Klaver wrote:
> Not sure what yo have set up for logging, but you might to crank it up. 13
> days between entries for a system that is in use all the time seems sort of
> light to me.
Most of the log settings are just the Debian default (except the log pref
> On 27 ביולי 2015, at 18:20, Tom Lane wrote:
> Herouth Maoz writes:
>> So I’m left with the question of what caused the shutdown on July 21st.
> Well, you had
> 2015-07-21 15:37:59 IDT LOG: received fast shutdown request
> There is exactly on
Hello. We have two problems (which may actually be related...)
1. We are running at over 90% capacity of the disk at one of the servers - a
report/data warehouse system. We have ran out of disk space several times. Now
we need to make some file-archived data available on the database to support
בתאריך 29/01/11 13:57, ציטוט Craig Ringer:
On 01/29/2011 05:12 AM, Herouth Maoz wrote:
The machine has no additional room for internal disks. It is a recent
purchase and not likely to be replaced any time soon.
Newly acquired or not, it sounds like it isn't sized correctly for the
On 30/01/2011, at 13:03, Alban Hertroys wrote:
> On 28 Jan 2011, at 22:12, Herouth Maoz wrote:
>> 2. That database has a few really huge tables. I think they are not being
>> automatically vacuumed properly. In the past few days I've noticed a vacuum
>> process
On 30/01/2011, at 12:27, Craig Ringer wrote:
> OK, so you're pre-8.4 , which means you have the max_fsm settings to play
> with. Have you seen any messages in the logs about the free space map (fsm)?
> If your install didn't have a big enough fsm to keep track of deleted tuples,
> you'd face
On 31/01/2011, at 03:49, Craig Ringer wrote:
> For approaches to possibly fixing your problem, see:
> http://www.depesz.com/index.php/2010/10/17/reduce-bloat-of-table-without-longexclusive-locks/
> http://blog.endpoint.com/2010/09/reducing-bloat-without-locking.html
I'm not quite sure what
As a result of my recent encounter with table bloat and other tuning issues
I've been running into, I'm looking for a good resource for improving my tuning
My sysadmin ran into the following book:
PostgreSQL 9.0 High Performance, by Gregory Smith, ISBN 184951030X
Hi there.
During the weekend I've worked for hours on recovering table bloat. Now I was
hoping that after the tables are properly trimmed, then after the next delete
operation which created dead tuples, autovacuum will go into effect and do its
job properly, and prevent the situation from recu
on 06/02/11 18:16, quoting Tom Lane:
Most likely, some other session requested an exclusive lock on the
table. Autovacuum will quit to avoid blocking the other query.
That's strange. During the day, only selects are running on that
database, or at worst, temporary tables are being created
Hello all.
I have created a function that partitions a large table into monthly
partitions. Since the name of the table, target schema for partitions, name of
the date field etc. are all passed as strings, the function is heavily based on
EXECUTE statements.
My problem is the main loop, in wh
> Rename old non-partition table to something else.
> Rename new partition table to the correct name as you wanted.
> Drop old non-partition table if you’re satisfied with current table structure.
> Thanks,
> Suya
> From: pgsql-general-ow...@postgresql.org
that make
On 07/09/2014, at 19:50, Tom Lane wrote:
> Herouth Maoz writes:
>> My problem is the main loop, in which data for one month is moved from the
>> old table to the partition table.
>>'WITH del
how it behaves in older
> versions…
> From: Herouth Maoz [mailto:hero...@unicell.co.il]
> Sent: Wednesday, September 10, 2014 6:26 PM
> To: Huang, Suya
> Cc: pgsql-general@postgresql.org
> Subject: Re: [GENERAL] Decreasing performance in table partitioning
> Thank you.
On 01/12/2014, at 19:26, Andy Colson wrote:
> On 12/1/2014 11:14 AM, Herouth Maoz wrote:
>> I am currently in the process of creating a huge archive database that
>> contains data from all of our systems, going back for almost a decade.
>> Most of the tables fall
I have a rather large and slow table in Postgresql 9.1. I'm thinking of
partitioning it by months, but I don't like the idea of creating and dropping
tables all the time.
I'm thinking of simply creating 12 child tables, in which the check condition
will be, for example, date_part('month'', time
> On 2013-10-28 12:27, Herouth Maoz wrote:
>> I have a rather large and slow table in Postgresql 9.1. I'm thinking of
>> partitioning it by months, but I don't like the idea of creating and
>> dropping tables all the time.
>> I'm thinking of sim
makes for maintenance spaghetti. I also don't like running automated
DDL commands. They don't play well with backups.
-הודעה מקורית-
מאת: Steve Crawford [mailto:scrawf...@pinpointresearch.com]
נשלח: ב 28/10/2013 22:31
אל: Herouth Maoz; pgsql-general@postgresql.org
נושא: Re: [GENER
I have one particular table with very specialized use. I am sending messages to
some partner. The partner processes them asynchronously, and then returns the
status report to me. The table is used to store a serialized version of the
message object, together with a few identifiers, expi
On 10/12/2013, at 20:55, Jeff Janes wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 10, 2013 at 8:23 AM, Herouth Maoz wrote:
> Hello.
> I have one particular table with very specialized use. I am sending messages
> to some partner. The partner processes them asynchronously, and then returns
On 10/12/2013, at 20:55, Kevin Grittner wrote:
> Herouth Maoz wrote:
>> The problem starts when our partner has some glitch, under high
>> load, and fails to send back a few hundred thousand reports. In
>> that case, the table grows to a few hundred records, and they
I have a production system using Postgresql 9.1.2.
The system basically receives messages, puts them in a queue, and then several
parallel modules, each in its own thread, read from that queue, and perform two
inserts, then release the message to the next queue for non-database-related
times per hour. The table normally contains around 2-3 million records,
and has 3 indexes.
Thank you,
On 17/02/2014, at 18:45, Herouth Maoz wrote:
> I have a production system using Postgresql 9.1.2.
> The system basically receives messages, puts them in a queue, and then
On 18/02/2014, at 19:02, Jeff Janes wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 17, 2014 at 8:45 AM, Herouth Maoz wrote:
> I have a production system using Postgresql 9.1.2.
> The system basically receives messages, puts them in a queue, and then
> several parallel modules, each in its own thread,
Hi guys,
I'm interested in a solution that will allow our customers to run reports -
which may involve complicated queries - on data which is as up-to-date as
One thing I don't want to do is to let the reporting system connect to the
production database. I want the indexes in product
On 23/05/2012, at 17:20, Chris Ernst wrote:
> I would have a look at slony. It is a trigger based replication system
> that allows you to replicate only the tables you define and you can have
> different indexing on the slave. The only requirement is that each
> table you want to replicate has
On 23/05/2012, at 18:54, Bartosz Dmytrak wrote:
> hi,
> my suggestion is to redesign reporting database to fit reporting specifics
> (e.g. brake normal form of database, in some cases this will speed up
> reports). Than you can use some ETL tool to sync production and reporting.
> Good thing i
I am using Postgresql 8.3.14 on our reporting system. There are scripts that
collect data from many databases across the firm into this database. Recently I
added tables from a particular database which has encoding UTF-8. My dump
procedure says
\encoding ISO-8859-8
\copy ( SELECT ... ) to file
ith my encoding (asterisks or whatever).
Thank you,
On 21/07/2012, at 15:36, Craig Ringer wrote:
> On 07/21/2012 04:59 PM, Herouth Maoz wrote:
>> I am using Postgresql 8.3.14 on our reporting system. There are scripts that
>> collect data from many databases across the firm into
Basically, I have several production databases with various data, and I have a
reports database that grabs all necessary data once a day.
Now, there is is a new requirement to have some of the data available in the
reports database as soon as it is inserted in the production database.
> Subject changed to describe the problem. Reply in-line.
> On 09/04/2012 07:57 PM, Herouth Maoz wrote:
>> The issue is that when an insert or an update is fired, I can't say
>> whether all the segments of the same transaction have been written yet,
>> and i
We have tables which we archive and shorten every day. That is - the main table
that has daily inserts and updates is kept small, and there is a parallel table
with all the old data up to a year ago.
In the past we noticed that the bulk transfer from the main table to the
archive table takes a
I created a function that does some heavy string manipulation, so I needed to
use pl/perl rather than pl/pgsql.
I'm not experienced in perl, but the function works well when used as an
independent perl subroutine - it depends only on its arguments. I use the
Encode package (in postgresql config
, which is basically what I needed for the time being.
I suspect it's less efficient than unpack, and I hope the function I created
won't be too slow for use inside a trigger.
On 12/09/2012, at 17:47, Tom Lane wrote:
> Herouth Maoz writes:
>> I created a functio
s to run for an hour, and
I'm sending this hour's worth of stats.
I'm attaching the stats files in tarballs. I'm not sure what I'm supposed to
look at.
Thanks for your time,
-הודעה מקורית-
מאת: Craig Ringer [mailto:ring...@ringerc.id.au]
נשלח: ב 17/09/2
I think you hit the nail right on the head when you asked:
> I wonder if they have different encoding/collations.
[headdesk]Of course. One of the requirements of the upgrade was to change the
database encoding to unicode, because previously it was in an 8-bit encoding
and we couldn't handle int
On 18/09/2012, at 20:19, Jeff Janes wrote:
> I think the one below will show an even larger discrepancy. You are
> doing 2 casts for each comparison,
> so I think the casts overhead will dilute out the comparison.
> select count(distinct foo) from ( select cast(random() as varchar(14)) as foo
Hi Everybody.
I have two questions.
1. We have a system that is accessed by Crystal reports which is in turned
controlled by another (3rd party) system. Now, when a report takes too long or
the user cancels it, it doesn't send a cancel request to Postgres. It just
kills the Crystal process tha
Scott Marlowe wrote:
You can shorten the tcp_keepalive settings so that dead connections
get detected faster.
Thanks, I'll ask my sysadmin to do that.
Might be, but not very likely. I and many others run pgsql in
production environments where it handles thousands of updates /
inserts per
Greg Stark wrote:
On Mon, Jan 25, 2010 at 8:15 AM, Scott Marlowe wrote:
Is there a parameter to set in the configuration or some other means to
shorten the time before an abandoned backend's query is cancelled?
You can shorten the tcp_keepalive settings so that dead connections
Greg Stark wrote:
On Mon, Jan 25, 2010 at 11:37 AM, Herouth Maoz wrote:
The tcp_keepalive setting would only come into play if the remote
machine crashed or was disconnected from the network.
That's the situation I'm having, so it's OK. Crystal, being a Windows
whole server, and without causing any harm to the database or memory
corruption? Something I can call from within SQL? I run the nightly script from
a linux user which is not "postgres", so I'd prefer a way that doesn't require
using "kill".
Thank you,
Herouth Maoz
On Mar 3, 2010, at 18:01 , Josh Kupershmidt wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 3, 2010 at 8:31 AM, Herouth Maoz wrote:
> First, the easy part - regarding allowing/disallowing queries. Is it possible
> to GRANT or REVOKE access to tables based on the originating IP?
> I
On Mar 3, 2010, at 18:01 , Josh Kupershmidt wrote:
> Though next time you see a query which doesn't respond to
> pg_cancel_backend(), try gathering information about the query and what the
> backend is doing; either you're doing something unusual (e.g. an app is
> restarting the query automati
On Mar 17, 2010, at 13:34 , Craig Ringer wrote:
> On 17/03/2010 6:32 PM, Herouth Maoz wrote:
>> On Mar 3, 2010, at 18:01 , Josh Kupershmidt wrote:
>>> Though next time you see a query which doesn't respond to
>>> pg_cancel_backend(), try gather
On Mar 17, 2010, at 14:56 , Craig Ringer wrote:
> On 17/03/2010 8:43 PM, Herouth Maoz wrote:
>> On Mar 17, 2010, at 13:34 , Craig Ringer wrote:
>>> On 17/03/2010 6:32 PM, Herouth Maoz wrote:
>>>> On Mar 3, 2010, at 18:01 , Jo
quoth Greg Smith:
Herouth Maoz wrote:
Aren't socket writes supposed to have time outs of some sort? Stupid
policies notwithstanding, processes on the client side can disappear
for any number of reasons - bugs, power failures, whatever - and this
is not something that is supposed to ca
? Scott Marlowe:
On Sat, Mar 20, 2010 at 11:44 AM, Herouth Maoz wrote:
The server version is 8.3.1. Migration to a higher version might be
difficult as far as policies go, if there isn't a supported debian package
for it, but if you can point out a version where this has been fi
Hi all.
We had a crisis this week that was resolved by tuning pg_autovacuum for a
particular table. The table is supposed to contain a small number of items at
any given point in time (typically around 10,000-30,000). The items are
inserted when we send out a message, and are selected, then del
First, I'd like to thank Bill and Alvaro as well as you for your replies.
Quoting Tom Lane:
Hmm. Given the churn rate on the table, I'm having a very hard time
believing that you don't need to vacuum it pretty dang often. Maybe the
direction you need to be moving is to persuade autovac to vacu
ציטוט Bill Moran:
In response to Herouth Maoz :
Did I understand the original problem correctly? I thought you were saying
that _lack_ of analyzing was causing performance issues, and that running
vacuum analyze was taking too long and causing the interval between
analyze runs to be too
I was instructed to delete old records from one of the tables in our production
system. The deletion took hours and I had to stop it in mid-operation and
reschedule it as a night job. But then I had to do the same when I got up in
the morning and it was still running.
The odd thing about i
On 29/11/2011, at 09:13, Tom Lane wrote:
> "Herouth Maoz" writes:
>> I was instructed to delete old records from one of the tables in our
>> production system. The deletion took hours and I had to stop it in
>> mid-operation and reschedule it as a night job. Bu
We are looking at a replication solution aimed at high availability.
So we want to use PostgreSQL 9's streaming replication/hot standby. But I seem
to be missing a very basic piece of information: suppose the primary is host1
and the secondary is host2. Suppose that when host1 fails host2 detect
I have a strange situation that occurs every now and again.
We have a reports system that gathers all the data from our various
production systems during the night, where we can run heavy reports on
it without loading the production databases.
I have two shell scripts that do this nightly transfe
Adrian Klaver wrote:
> Are you sure the problem is not in "$datefield" = "*" . That the script that
> formats the data file is not correctly adding "*" to the right file. Seems
> almost like sometimes the second CMD is being run against the table that the
> first CMD should be run on. In ot
Adrian Klaver wrote:
> On Sunday 21 December 2008 1:49:18 am Herouth Maoz wrote:
>> Adrian Klaver wrote:
>>> Are you sure the problem is not in "$datefield" = "*" . That the script
>>> that formats the
I have a daily process that synchronizes our reports database from our
production databases. In the past few days, it happened a couple of
times that an update query took around 7-8 hours to complete, which
seems a bit excessive. This is the query:
SET service = b.service
Marc Mamin wrote:
> Hello,
> - did you vacuum your tables recently ?
> - What I miss in your query is a check for the rows that do not need
> to be udated:
> AND NOT (service = b.service
>AND status = b.status
> AND has_notification = gateway_id NOT IN (4,
Filip Rembiałkowski wrote:
> 1. which postgres version?
> 2. can you post results of EXPLAIN ANALYZE (please note it actually
> executes the query)?
Well, if it executes the query it's a problem. I might be able to do so
during the weekend, when I can play with the scripts and get away
Grzegorz Jaśkiewicz wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 21, 2009 at 12:55 PM, Herouth Maoz wrote:
>> Well, if it executes the query it's a problem. I might be able to do so
>> during the weekend, when I can play with the scripts and get away with
>> failures, but of course the
Filip Rembiałkowski wrote:
> 2009/1/21 Herouth Maoz <mailto:hero...@unicell.co.il>>
> Hello.
> I have a daily process that synchronizes our reports database from
> our production databases. In the past few days, it happened a
> couple o
Grzegorz Jaśkiewicz wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 12:50 PM, Herouth Maoz wrote:
>> I hope someone can clue me in based on the results of explain analyze.
> Did you have a chance to run vmstat on it, and post it here ? Maybe -
> if db resides on the sam
Alban Hertroys wrote:
> On Feb 9, 2009, at 2:07 PM, Grzegorz Jaśkiewicz wrote:
>> On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 12:50 PM, Herouth Maoz
>> wrote:
>>> I hope someone can clue me in based on the results of explain analyze.
>> Did you have a chance to run vmstat
uch easier to fill, and it's not the sort of CGI that will draw 10,000
hits an hour... Just remember to make the ACTION a fully-qualified URL, so
that the mirrors won't complain.
Herouth Maoz, Internet developer.
Open University of Israel - Telem project
ill be the best
basis for the new production database.
The "creation" script also has the benefit of being full of comments which
explain what is hapenning, what the fields are, etc.
Herouth Maoz, Internet developer.
Open University of Israel - Telem project
| 200
30 | I am null! | 300
40 | David | 400
50 | I am null! | 500
And so on... So, if someone wants \N, he'll put '\\N' in the NVL function,
and if they want NULL, they'll put 'NULL', etc.
NVL will be usefull for lots of stuff... Not only for this...
echo "Now restoring $table"
psql $1 < $table.dmp
# restore sequences
foreach seq ( $seqs )
echo "Now restoring sequence $seq"
psql $1 < $seq.dmp ;
(Sorry, the first shell languague I learned is csh, so that's what I use).
E the_date BETWEEN '1998-08-01' AND '1998-08-31';
Herouth Maoz, Internet developer.
Open University of Israel - Telem project
of the day. Better use:
WHERE the_date >= '1998-08-01' AND the_date < '1998-09-01';
Herouth Maoz, Internet developer.
Open University of Israel - Telem project
Again, I recommend doing the >=, < thing rather than 'between', because
'between' will also allow the actual value of 1998-09-01 (for example) to
be included. It's a close interval, rather than a half-open one.
Herouth Maoz, Internet developer.
Open University of Israel - Telem project
nverting integer to text.)
Now, your queries will be something like:
FROM annex_log
WHERE sunday_of_date( login_start ) = sunday_of_date( 'now' );
If a week doesn't start on Sunday in your culture, you'll have to take the
result of the dow, add the appropriate number of da
thus, each of the updates
ani inserts in it is a separate transaction.
When that happens, the reads (from your psql frontend) and the writes (from
your C) are interspersed, because the lock only holds while a transaction
is active. The next update in your C program may wait until the read in
PSQL has b
the line. The command can
be any old script - in this case a script which parses its input (an email
message) and places it in the appropriate tables of your database.
That's how the "vacation" program works. Use "man forward" on your machine
to see how to handle a .for
ging to a NOT EXISTS rather than a NOT IN query
would help:
select id from users
select * from events
where userid = id
and code = 'some code'
select * from even
in case-sensitive.
(6 rows)
testing=> select * from test2 where t ~* 'test';
This is a mere test line
Survival of the fittest is the Jungle Law.
Testimony does not contain it in case-sensitive.
(3 rows)
Herouth Maoz,
en I want
to shut down or start up the postmaster. I use my own to create users and
And for the web server to access data, I grant permission to the specific
tables within the database, which the web server needs to read/write, to
the user "httpd" under which the webserver runs.
e \N (capital N) stands for null, and will cause Postgres to use the
default value for that field.
Herouth Maoz, Internet developer.
Open University of Israel - Telem project
you can fill the "definition file" with
comments which will help you understand what you meant a year afterwards.
It's a tradition I kept from the time we used Oracle in one of my former
jobs. I think it's a practice taught in basic Oracle training, but it's
good for any dat
plpgsql .. failed
Herouth Maoz, Internet developer.
Open University of Israel - Telem project
though. Are you sure you dropped all the indices? When you declare a
primary key it declares a unique index, so watch out for that as well.
Herouth Maoz, Internet developer.
Open University of Israel - Telem project
| date
This year |01-02-1998
Next year |03-15-1999
Nothing |
Last year |05-12-1997
More nothing|
(5 rows)
That is, convert to abstime, and then to date...
Herouth Maoz, Internet developer.
Open University of Israel - Telem project
es, and its manpage explains all about
Herouth Maoz, Internet developer.
Open University of Israel - Telem project
h 6.3, which broke Solaris 2.5.1
Which would mean that I'll have to say goodbye to Postgres, especially
since the mailing lists (I posted mine to this [GENERAL] list as well as
the ADMIN list and got no response of any kind).
It would be a real shame.
Herouth M
's what you expect in the negative numbers, you're home free. If
not, you can use some other operator combination.
Herouth Maoz, Internet developer.
Open University of Israel - Telem project
I seem to recall that in addition to shared memory it also requires
semaphores to be enabled in the kernel. Right or wrong? If right, should be
added to the FAQ.
Herouth Maoz, Internet developer.
Open University of Israel - Telem project
ented (speaking from the
point of view of a user who doesn't know what the plans are for 6.4, of
(PS. This thread doesn't really have anything to do with the interfaces
list, does it? I redirected the crosspost to "general".)
Herouth Maoz, Internet developer
s useful for those who want to display database results
on an HTML page.
Herouth Maoz, Internet developer.
Open University of Israel - Telem project
- and this is that if you have a table that relies
on this function for default or constraint, I think you'll run into a
problem. This is probably because the new function definition has a
different OID.
Herouth Maoz, Internet developer.
Open University of Israel - Telem proje
ll it dump grants as well?
Herouth Maoz, Internet developer.
Open University of Israel - Telem project
At 16:10 +0200 on 17/2/99, Jim Mercer wrote:
> > 3) Back to the issue of INSERTS - copies are faster. If you can transform
> >the data into tab-delimited format as required by COPY, you save a lot
> >of time on parsing, planning etc.
> this sorta defeats the purpose of putting the da
insert updated data back?
(Assuming you don't have a separate update for each line).
Herouth Maoz, Internet developer.
Open University of Israel - Telem project
At 22:48 +0200 on 11/3/99, Ralf Weidemann wrote:
> how could I do an automatic daily check
> to delete some expired data ? I mean
> can I have a cron functionality in post-
> gresql ?
You don't need to have cron functionality in postgresql when you have cron
functionality in cron. :)
What yo
ession. That is, it won't work if you use it before the insertion (because
the sequence didn't give you a number yet). It will also give you the
correct number even if between the INSERT and the SELECT, another process
or another connection also made an insert.
Herouth Maoz
you make the call to currval - the correct value is
already available to you.
Herouth Maoz, Internet developer.
Open University of Israel - Telem project
bottleneck is wider. You know, like you would treat any shared object in an
inter-process environment?
Herouth Maoz, Internet developer.
Open University of Israel - Telem project
as all the interfaces we need, it supports transactions and
locks, it is becoming more ANSI compatible with every version update, and
it seems to perform well enough.
Herouth Maoz, Internet developer.
Open University of Israel - Telem project
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