Re: [GENERAL] PG vs MSSQL language comparison ?

2012-05-25 Thread Grant Allen
On 26/05/2012 00:04, Andreas wrote: > Hi, > > I'm not into comparing which DBMS is better as we all know ... kind of ... > well ... > > I'd like to find ressources to look up how one can do X in MSSQL when one > knows how it is done in PG's SQL and the other way around. > > regards > Andreas

Re: [GENERAL] PG vs MSSQL language comparison ?

2012-05-29 Thread Grant Allen
On 27/05/2012 04:46, F. BROUARD / SQLpro wrote: >> It's a little out of date (I've been meaning to update it for about 2 years >> now) and has some gaps, but try the Database Rosetta Stone. >> >> > > Very out of date... Yep, agreed, as you

Re: [GENERAL] Are there plans to add data compression feature to postgresql?

2008-10-29 Thread Grant Allen
Tom Lane wrote: =?utf-8?Q?=E5=B0=8F=E6=B3=A2_=E9=A1=BE?= <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: [ snip a lot of marketing for SQL Server ] I think the part of this you need to pay attention to is Of course, nothing is entirely free, and this reduction in space and time come at the expense of

Re: [GENERAL] Are there plans to add data compression feature to postgresql?

2008-10-29 Thread Grant Allen
Ron Mayer wrote: Grant Allen wrote: ...warehouse...DB2...IBM is seeing typical storage savings in the 40-60% range Sounds about the same as what compressing file systems claim: "ZFS provides built-in compression. In addition to red

Re: [GENERAL] Many-to-many problem

2010-03-18 Thread Grant Allen
Hi Raymond, From a strictly relational viewpoint, this is as easy as (select users.uid, apps.appcode from apps, users) except (select canaccess.uid, canaccess.appcode from canaccess) In english, that's the cartesian product of all users' uid and apps appcode minus the known set of user+app a

Re: [GENERAL] Pet Peeves?

2009-02-04 Thread Grant Allen
Mark Roberts wrote: - It'd be nice if the query planner was more "stable" - sometimes the queries run fast, and then sometimes they randomly take 2 hours for a delete that normally runs in a couple of minutes. I was going to stay silent, because my pet peeves were already covered or had been f

Re: [GENERAL] Bundling PostgreSQL with an application

2009-03-09 Thread Grant Allen
Scott Marlowe wrote: On Mon, Mar 9, 2009 at 2:55 PM, Paul Vercellotti wrote: Hi there, I hope this hasn't been covered in FAQ's; I couldn't find it specifically mentioned. So we'd like to build a single-user application that uses PostgreSQL as a database back end because of so many of the uni

Re: [GENERAL] Any way to disable backslash as a string literal escape character?

2003-12-29 Thread Grant Allen
inions only If swallowed seek medical advice > -Original Message- > From: Tom Lane [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] > Sent: Tuesday, 30 December 2003 15:09 > To: Grant Allen > Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > Subject: Re: [GENERAL] Any way to disable backslash as a > string li

Re: [GENERAL] ole db

2004-03-24 Thread Grant Allen
> -Original Message- > From: Shachar Shemesh [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] > Sent: Thursday, 25 March 2004 05:39 > To: Grant Allen > Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; PostgreSQL OLE DB development; > [EMAIL PROTECTED] > Subject: Re: [GENERAL] ole db > > > Grant Allen wr