Hi list,
Happy newyear to all of you.
We use WAL files for backup purposes. Now we need to restore up to a certain
date in december, we have a base backup from october 24th, but the WAL files
start only at october 28th. Is there a way that we can use the WAL files to
recover data up to half de
Van: Andreas Kretschmer
Verzonden: za 01-01-11 10:04:11
Aan: pgsql-general@postgresql.org;
Onderwerp: Re: [GENERAL] Shit happens
> Dick Kniep wrote:
> > Hi list,
> >
> > Happy newyear to all of you.
> >
> > We use WAL files for backup purposes. Now we
Van: Andreas Kretschmer
Verzonden: za 01-01-11 10:04:11
Aan: pgsql-general@postgresql.org;
Onderwerp: Re: [GENERAL] Shit happens
> Dick Kniep wrote:
> > Hi list,
> >
> > Happy newyear to all of you.
> >
> > We use WAL files for backup purposes. Now we
Hi list,
We have been using Postgresql for more than a decade now. Never had any real
problems. Thank you very much for this great product.
Now recently I have noticed a strange problem.
Below is a traceback of a python program using psycopg and this correlates with
the postgresql log below th
As a long time user of the combination, Postgresql, Python, Django,
Flask etc. here are my 2 cents:
The frameworks of python; Django (enormous) or Flask (smaller) and there
are more, are of superb quality, battle hardened and are used in many
many companies and high volume sites around the wor
Hi List,
Thanks for this great product.
We have a database with many schema's and we are trying to migrate the db from
version 8.1.9 to 8.3.8.
So we made a pg_dumpall.
Now, when we try to restore with psql, we get loads of errors and warnings:
Hi List,
Thanks for this great product.
We have a database with many schema's and we are trying to migrate the db from
version 8.1.9 to 8.3.8.
So we made a pg_dumpall.
Now, when we try to restore with psql, we get loads of errors and warnings:
Hi list,
We have a peculiar problem with a restore.
We have a database with many different schema's that all act as separate
The data is backed up from postgresql 8.1 with the following commands in cron:
28 12 * * * /usr/bin/pg_dump -a -F c --disable-triggers -f
:/tmp> pg_restore -O -d cvix2 /tmp/dumpdb
pg_restore: [archiver (db)] could not execute query: ERROR: schema "Lindix"
does not exist
What am I doing wrong, or is it a bug. After the restore the database does
contain the schema's but all in lowercase.
Hope someone knows what to
Hi Michael,
Yes indeed, it is 7.4.8, and I will file a bugreport.
Op maandag 22 augustus 2005 15:21, schreef Michael Fuhr:
> On Mon, Aug 22, 2005 at 09:30:36AM +0200, Dick Kniep wrote:
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/tmp> pg_restore -O -d cvix2 /tmp/dumpdb
> > pg_restore: [archiv
Hi list,
we are using schema's to separate different administrations, and are using
Zope/Plone as a front-end portal to the database.
In this installation almost the first statement is:
cvix=# SELECT set_config('search_path', '"' || t2.schema || '"', true)
cvix-# FROM "Lindix"."Gebruikers" as
> On Thu, Sep 01, 2005 at 11:35:43PM +0200, Dick Kniep wrote:
> > After starting psql, and executing the query, without a begin, after the
> > query there is no search path
> >
> > SELECT set_config('search_path', '"' || t2.schema
reted as an indication that
the grants were not restored.
Op vrijdag 2 september 2005 14:35, schreef Dick Kniep:
> Hi list/Michael,
> Sorry I forgot "reply to all"
> It proved to be a problem with the permissions on the table and view! So,
> the error that was repor
Hi list,
I have a weird problem with grants. Probably I am forgetting something, but I
simply don't understand it.
We have a user 'x' that is member of group 'a'
there is a sequence where
Grant all on table schema.sequence to group 'a'
But still I get a permission denied when I try to access t
Hi list,
I downloaded Postgresql 8.0.4, and tried to compile on Slackware 10.2.
However, the configure runs fine, but when I run 'make' (or 'gmake') after
that, it executes the configure again (and again, and again...), without
actually making the application.
Any ideas?
Op dinsdag 18 oktober 2005 16:30, schreef Raymond O'Donnell:
> On 18 Oct 2005 at 15:41, Wim Bertels wrote:
> > When i look at pgadmin: an anoying feature: it closes when u do
> > something illegal, instead of saying: u don't have the rights to do
> > this.
> You must be using an old version - pgA
Hi list,
We are using logging in a database based on triggers and plpgsql functions.
This works OK. However, we want deletes to be recorded too, and there we want
the user who connected to be recorded in the log. So, how can I get the
connected user in a triggerfunction?
Dick Kniep
Op vrijdag 20 januari 2006 07:56, schreef Dick Kniep:
> Hi list,
> We are using logging in a database based on triggers and plpgsql functions.
> This works OK. However, we want deletes to be recorded too, and there we
> want the user who connected to be recorded in the l
Oops, Sorry, didn't get the answers untill just now...
Op donderdag 26 januari 2006 10:02, schreef Richard Huxton:
> Dick Kniep wrote:
> > Anyone?
> I thought I saw an answer to this yesterday. Have you tried CURRENT_USER
> ? It's in the "functions and
Hi list,
Does this also affect if you have many NULL values in the key? So testing Not
is NULL would also be affected?
Dick Kniep
On Tuesday 07 February 2006 23:13, Tom Lane wrote:
> > Quoting Tom Lane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> >> In 8
On Wednesday 08 February 2006 06:18, Tom Lane wrote:
> Dick Kniep <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Does this also affect if you have many NULL values in the key? So testing
> > Not is NULL would also be affected?
> IS NOT NULL isn't an indexable operation, so your
if there are advantages
to use tablespaces instead of schema's?
Keep up the good work
Dick Kniep
---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
choose an index scan if your jo
a bug, or do I misunderstand something?
On Tuesday 28 March 2006 09:48, Martijn van Oosterhout wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 28, 2006 at 09:41:46AM +0200, Dick Kniep wrote:
> > Hi list,
> >
> > We have developed a system that is running as an ASP application,
> > curren
euxproductie".groepen_per_medewerker et4
where et1.opd_id = et3.opd_id and et1.stp_id =
et2.tab_id and et4.mwg_id = et2.act_med_groep and med_id = 1061 and
< 90 OR (opd_status >= 90 AND ((opd_real_einde is NULL or opd_real_einde >
24 matches
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