Re: [GENERAL] Missing space in message

2015-07-06 Thread David Rowley
On 7 July 2015 at 10:52, Daniele Varrazzo wrote: > Patch attached. > > > Thanks for the patch. Would you be able to post it to instead? Regards David Rowley -- David Rowley <

Re: [GENERAL] Creating table with data from a join

2015-07-14 Thread David Rowley
INSERT INTO c SELECT * FROM a JOIN b on = WHERE >= 800; Of course, you'd need to be very careful to ensure that the results of each SELECT never overlap. It would be nice to invent some better way than this that divided the workload evenly even when the tables grow. Then yo

Re: [GENERAL] Postgresql jsonb

2015-08-14 Thread David Rowley
in memory? > > It depends which memory you're talking about. If you mean pages that are in the shared buffers then you can just EXPLAIN (ANALYZE, BUFFERS) select ... from table; You'll see Buffers: shared read=N if any buffers were "read from disk" but kee

Re: [GENERAL] Count of non-null values per table column

2015-08-14 Thread David Rowley
ttname | null_frac -+--- a | 0.33 b | 0.67 c | 1 Keep in mind though that this is an *approximation* and possibly could be inaccurate. If you want exact do the COUNT(col). If you're not on a version new enough for COUNT(c

Re: [GENERAL] Automatically Updatable Foreign Key Views

2015-09-23 Thread David Rowley
ome outer query. If foreign keys were updated immediately, like indexes normally are, then this wouldn't be an issue. I've attached a file with 2 examples of when this can happen. Regards David Rowley -- David Rowley <http://www.2ndqua

Re: [GENERAL] How to speed up delete where not in

2015-09-26 Thread David Rowley
our tables locally, and populated them with the same number of records as your row estimates in the EXPLAIN you pasted and I got: test=# delete from omdok where not exists (select 1 from omrid where omdok.dokumn = omrid.dokumnr); DELETE 0 Time: 1698.233 ms Whereas with the NOT IN() I cancelled it after 10 minutes. Regards David Rowley -- David Rowley <> PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services

Re: [GENERAL] Merge join vs merge semi join against primary key

2015-10-12 Thread David Rowley
ime=159.840..201915.765 > rows=7672 loops=1) > Filter: (group_id = 45) > Rows Removed by Filter: 212699113 > > Rows Removed by Filter: 212699113 seems to indicate that your 473733 row count for "customers" is incorrect. If you're doing lots of filtering on

Re: [GENERAL] Question about antijoin

2016-07-12 Thread David Rowley
exists(select * from b where and > random()); See: convert_EXISTS_sublink_to_join() for details. -- David Rowley PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services -- Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (pgs

Re: [GENERAL] select date between - PostgreSQL 9.5

2016-09-13 Thread David Rowley
-11 17:23:40 >> 2016-09-13 20:00:51 >> 2016-09-13 20:00:51 >> 2016-09-13 20:00:51 >> 2016-09-13 20:00:51 > > > > What am I doing wrong? None of those dates are between your specified date range. If you want to include all of 2016-09-13 timestamps, then you

Re: [GENERAL] Parallel query only when EXPLAIN ANALYZEd

2016-09-29 Thread David Rowley
atic/auto-explain.html) Setting this up will log the EXPLAIN ANALYZE to the PostgreSQL logs when you execute the query as normal. -- David Rowley PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services -- Sent via pgsql-general mailing lis

Re: [GENERAL] Parallel query only when EXPLAIN ANALYZEd

2016-09-29 Thread David Rowley
s interesting. How about trying to increase max_worker_processes to say, 16. I know you've said you've tried multiple times and it seems consistent, but increasing this seems to be worth a try, if anything, to rule that out. -- David Rowley http://www.

Re: [GENERAL] Parallel query only when EXPLAIN ANALYZEd

2016-09-30 Thread David Rowley
-> Parallel Seq Scan on big (cost=0.00..222744.43 rows=3 width=4) (actual time=0.143..992.890 rows=294118 loops=6) Filter: ((id % 17) = 0) Rows Removed by Filter: 4705883 -- David Rowley PostgreSQL D

Re: [GENERAL] Parallel query only when EXPLAIN ANALYZEd

2016-09-30 Thread David Rowley
On 1 October 2016 at 10:10, Tom Lane wrote: > David Rowley writes: >> On 1 October 2016 at 05:47, Tom Lane wrote: >>> Somebody will need to trace through this on Windows and see where it's >>> going off the rails. > >> I tried the test case on 9.6

Re: [GENERAL] Slow index scan - Pgsql 9.2

2017-01-09 Thread David Rowley
ing. Perhaps each of the 2513 found rows, plus the 1068 filtered out rows were spread over the table. Perhaps each on their own heap page, and all those pages had to be read from disk. The BUFFERS option might help show if this is the case. Does it execute as slowly when you run it for a 2n

Re: [GENERAL] 9.6.1: INSERT with PK as serial

2017-01-16 Thread David Rowley
s, in the same order as the columns defined on the table. -- David Rowley PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services -- Sent via pgsql-general mailing list ( To make changes to your subscription:

Re: [GENERAL] 9.6.1: INSERT with PK as serial

2017-01-16 Thread David Rowley
x27;url','industry','status','comment') > VALUES > (1,'AG Spray Inc.',' ','PO Box > 12129','Salem','OR','97309-0129','USA','503-371-7907','888-273-0937',

Re: [GENERAL] Poor performance on 9.4.4 when matching multiple columns from left side of LATERAL join

2015-11-14 Thread David Rowley
er with a common table expression such as: with cte (select owner_id from settings where setting_id = 1 and setting_value = 'common_1') as select id1 from multi_id where id1 in (select owner_id from cte) union select id2 from multi_id where id2 in (select owner_id from cte) union select id3 from multi_id where id3 in (select owner_id from cte); but you still have the union overhead. -- David Rowley <> PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services

Re: [GENERAL] Importing directly from BCP files

2015-11-15 Thread David Rowley
e lines of: copy from '' delimiter ' '; -- <- use a tab character between the quotes. Of course, you'll need to create the table first with CREATE TABLE. > Has anybody done anything like this before? > > I'd imagine that it's fairly common. -- Dav

[GENERAL] Re: [GENERAL] how to import "where exists(subquery)" EXISTS CONDITION performance?

2015-12-02 Thread David Rowley
OFFSET. You can view the output from the planner by prefixing your SELECT statement with EXPLAIN: See This will give you the information you need to see how the query planner has decided on how your query will be executed. -- David Row

Re: [GENERAL] aggregation question

2015-12-08 Thread David Rowley
_club or away_club columns. > > How would I do that? > Use UNION: select home_club from fixtures UNION select away_club from fixtures; -- David Rowley PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services

Re: [GENERAL] regexp_replace question / help needed

2015-12-10 Thread David Rowley
; > Would anyone here point me in the right direction? > I think you're just missing the capture group to grab the filename. What you capture in the group is then available to use as you please in \1 (which needs be escaped as \\1) so something like regexp_replace('','/([^/]*$)', E'&file=\\1'); -- David Rowley PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services

Re: [GENERAL] Secret Santa List

2015-12-22 Thread David Rowley
iver,recipient from (select row_number() over (order by random()) rn, giver from secretsanta) g inner join (select row_number() over (order by random()) rn, giver recipient from secretsanta) r on g.rn = r.rn ) update secretsanta set recipient = cte.recipient from cte WHERE cte.giver = secretsanta.giver; -- David Rowley PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services

Re: [GENERAL] grep -f keyword data query

2015-12-29 Thread David Rowley
t, then index that function, and then just include a call to that function in the join condition matching with the equality operator. That'll allow hash and merge joins to be possible again. -- David Rowley PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services

Re: [GENERAL] grep -f keyword data query

2015-12-29 Thread David Rowley
On 30 December 2015 at 13:56, Hiroyuki Sato wrote: > 2015年12月30日(水) 6:04 David Rowley : > >> On 30 December 2015 at 04:21, Hiroyuki Sato wrote: >> >>> 2015年12月29日(火) 4:35 Jeff Janes : >>> >>>> >>>> >>> But, the planner refus

Re: [GENERAL] Efficiently selecting single row from a select with window functions row_number, lag and lead

2016-01-05 Thread David Rowley
route where id < 1350) as prev, (select min(id) from route where id > 1350) as next from route where id=2; ? That should be much more efficient for a larger table as it should avoid the seqscan and allow the index to be used for all 3 numbers. -- David Rowley PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services

Re: [GENERAL] Code of Conduct: Is it time?

2016-01-06 Thread David Rowley
did, then I think that would be a bonus. Perhaps someone may mumble something in disagreement about that though. It's hard for me to imagine that I've been the only person to do this. -- David Rowley <> P

Re: [GENERAL] v9.1, DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS behaving oddly

2016-01-13 Thread David Rowley
d to > be raised. > > > > Seems to have been changed in;a=commit;h=b152c6cd0de1827

Re: [GENERAL] v9.1, DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS behaving oddly

2016-01-13 Thread David Rowley
On 14 January 2016 at 12:08, Adrian Klaver wrote: > On 01/13/2016 02:51 PM, David Rowley wrote: > >> On 14 January 2016 at 11:32, Adrian Klaver > <>> wrote: >> >> On 01/13/2016 02:24 PM, Tom Lane wrote

Re: [GENERAL] Why PG uses nested-loop join when no indexes are available?

2016-01-14 Thread David Rowley
f in production would be a slightly easier decision to make, if that was the case. It looks pretty simple to do this, so I hacked it up, and attached it here. There's no doc changes and I'm not that interested in fighting for this change, it's more just an idea for consideration

Re: [GENERAL] Why PG uses nested-loop join when no indexes are available?

2016-01-14 Thread David Rowley
On 15 January 2016 at 04:00, Tom Lane wrote: > David Rowley writes: > > Perhaps separating out enable_nestloop so that it only disables > > non-parameterised nested loops, and add another GUC for parameterised > > nested loops would be a good thing to do. Likely setting

Re: [GENERAL] 9.5 new features

2016-01-22 Thread David Rowley
ing execution time. So I agree with the "automatic partitioning" description. -- David Rowley PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services -- Sent via pgsql-general mailing list ( To make changes to your subscription:

Re: [GENERAL] 9.5 new features

2016-01-23 Thread David Rowley
maintains sequential read speeds which I don't think would work quite as efficiently with btree index performing heap lookups. -- David Rowley PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services -- Sent via pgsql-general mailing li

Re: [GENERAL] repeated characters in SQL

2016-01-23 Thread David Rowley
up in the regular expression, then the value matching the . gets stored in the variable \1, so your regex basically says; "match a single character which has the same single character to its immediate right hand side". The extra \ is just an escape character. -- David Rowley

Re: [GENERAL] Performance options for CPU bound multi-SUM query

2016-01-25 Thread David Rowley
ill offer much faster aggregation. There is also which may be of some use if you need fixed precision up to a predefined scale. We found that using fixeddecimal instead of numeric for the TPC-H benchmark improved performance of query 1 significantly. -- Da

Re: [GENERAL] Performance options for CPU bound multi-SUM query

2016-01-27 Thread David Rowley
eddecimal type than you won't have already gotten from float8. My tests showed that it's very slightly slower than float8, which is possibly due to float8 addition not having overflow checks. -- David Rowley PostgreSQL Development, 24x7

Re: [GENERAL] BRIN indexes

2016-01-28 Thread David Rowley
TEs might create new tuples in some free space elsewhere in the relation, but it's not hard to imagine other cases where there's no updates and "natural correlation" is persisted. -- David Rowley PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support

Re: [GENERAL] comparison between Postgresql and Microsoft SQL Server

2016-02-02 Thread David Rowley
r me. Well that's a pretty big topic, and you've not hinted much as to which aspects you'd like to compare. Perhaps somewhere like [1] might be a good start. [1] -- David Rowley


2016-02-17 Thread David Rowley
On 18/02/2016 9:34 am, "Tom Smith" wrote: > > Hi: > > I feel it is a stupid question. > > Can BRIN index enforce uniqueness? > My issue is > the column I'd like to apply BRIN index also needs to be unique > (think of timestamp as primary key). Only btree supports unique. Is there a special reas

Re: [GENERAL] Horrible/never returning performance using stable function on WHERE clause

2016-03-29 Thread David Rowley
odifying your query to become: select max(rh) into tmp from items where vslwhid=vvslid and itoar(defid) ~ (select get_machdef_sister_defids(vdefid)); Viewing the EXPLAIN of this, you'll notice the InitPlan, which will evaluate the function and allow the use the output value as a parameter in t

Re: [GENERAL] Enhancement request for pg_dump

2016-04-17 Thread David Rowley
On 18 April 2016 at 13:10, Sergei Agalakov wrote: > Thank you, I know this place. > I just wanted to check that my request will have the peoples support. > So far it doesn't. It looks like that or people never need to compare two PG > databases to find the differences in the schemas or security, >

Re: [GENERAL] Slow join over three tables

2016-04-26 Thread David Rowley
ds... probably not better. You can test this yourself with; SET enable_nestloop = 0; you might need to SET enable_mergejoin = 0; too. I imagine it'll be slower. Likely the only way to speed this up would be to create indexes; create index on reports (id, age, gender, created); the above mi

Re: [GENERAL] Slow join over three tables

2016-04-27 Thread David Rowley
f it ... or > could further tweaking to PostgreSQL's configuration be of any help here? EXPLAIN ANALYZE also has quite a bit of timing overhead, so it might not be taking quite as long as you think. How long does it take with EXPLAIN (ANALYZE, TIMING OFF) ... ? Or perhaps just run th

Re: [GENERAL] Slow query when the select list is big

2016-05-09 Thread David Rowley
and performing the joins to the other table on that single row, but that will depend on which windowing function you're using as the function may require the other rows in the window frame to calculate the correct result. -- David Rowley Postg

Re: [GENERAL] DISTINCT vs GROUP BY - was Re: is (not) distinct from

2017-03-03 Thread David Rowley
greSQL (pre 8.4) you may have also preferred to use GROUP BY over DISTINCT as GROUP BY could be implemented internally by sorting or hashing the results, whereas DISTINCT used to only be implemented by Sorting the results. Although this has long since been the case. -- David Rowley

Re: [GENERAL] Why so long?

2017-04-19 Thread David Rowley
be cached. You may also want to consider running the EXPLAIN (ANALYZE, BUFFERS) after having SET track_io_timing = on; -- David Rowley PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services -- Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (pgsql-gener

Re: [GENERAL] query planner placement of sort/limit w.r.t. joins

2017-04-28 Thread David Rowley
there are windows where they may not actually hold true to their word. -- David Rowley PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services -- Sent via pgsql-general mailing list ( To make changes to your subscription:

Re: [GENERAL] query planner placement of sort/limit w.r.t. joins

2017-04-28 Thread David Rowley
enefit to setting up > two deferrable references constraints to enforce the non-optional > requirement? There is no place in the planner where a foreign key is used as a proof that a joined row must exist, with the exception of row estimations for statistics. -- David Rowley

Re: [GENERAL] all serial type was changed to 1

2017-05-01 Thread David Rowley
psql, you can execute the above then execute \gexec which will execute the previous result set as commands. -- David Rowley PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services -- Sent via pgsql-general mailing list ( To make changes to your subscription:


2017-05-07 Thread David Rowley
table_constraints row matching the join condition. If you can state what you want to achieve then I'm sure someone will help. (Please, in the future, give your emails a suitable subject line) -- David Rowley PostgreSQL Development, 24x7


2017-05-07 Thread David Rowley
erencing or referenced in a foreign key constraint. -- David Rowley PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services -- Sent via pgsql-general mailing list ( To make changes to your subscription:

Re: [GENERAL] Select from tableA - if not exists then tableB

2017-05-08 Thread David Rowley
#x27;a' tablename from a where id=1 union all select *,'b' tablename from b where id=1) ab order by id,tablename; Assuming that id is what you want to be unique. -- David Rowley PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Serv

Re: [GENERAL] Remove useless joins (VARCHAR vs TEXT)

2017-09-16 Thread David Rowley
this being a bug. The attached fixes. (CC'd -hackers since we're starting to discuss code changes. Further discussion which includes -hackers should drop the general list) -- David Rowley PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training &a

Re: [GENERAL] a JOIN to a VIEW seems slow

2017-10-07 Thread David Rowley
.due_row_id ) c ON c.due_row_id = a.row_id; SQL Server will probably be doing this rewrite. -- David Rowley PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services -- Sent via pgsql-general mailing list ( To m

Re: [GENERAL] Equivalence Classes when using IN

2017-10-08 Thread David Rowley
] -- David Rowley PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training &a

Re: [GENERAL] OR-clause support for indexes

2017-10-08 Thread David Rowley
on? Any progress in btree-support? Not exactly what you're asking, but perhaps could improve your workload, or perhaps you could just manually rewrite the query. -- David Rowley PostgreSQL Development

Re: [GENERAL] Equivalence Classes when using IN

2017-10-09 Thread David Rowley
mer_id) to parameterise the nested loop, at least, it likely would, if you have one. It's pretty bad practice to have ORDER BY in views. I kinda wish we didn't even allow it, but that ship sailed many years ago... -- David Rowley PostgreSQL

Re: [GENERAL] Equivalence Classes when using IN

2017-10-09 Thread David Rowley
On 10 October 2017 at 02:51, Tom Lane wrote: > David Rowley writes: >> It's pretty bad practice to have ORDER BY in views. I kinda wish we >> didn't even allow it, but that ship sailed many years ago... > > I think it's actually disallowed by the SQL spec (al

Re: [GENERAL] Equivalence Classes when using IN

2017-10-09 Thread David Rowley
On 10 October 2017 at 12:44, Tom Lane wrote: > David Rowley writes: >> If the only reason that is_simple_subquery() rejects subqueries with >> ORDER BY is due to wanting to keep the order by of a view, then >> couldn't we make is_simple_subquery() a bit smarter a

Re: [GENERAL] Equivalence Classes when using IN

2017-10-11 Thread David Rowley
he WHERE to pass through ORDER BY. > > A special case can be allowed for WHERE to pass the ORDER BY if the column is > part of DISTINCT ON. Yeah, we do allow predicates to be pushed down in that case. -- David Rowley PostgreSQL Development, 24

Re: [GENERAL] Equivalence Classes when using IN

2017-10-11 Thread David Rowley
that the planner was able to pull the subquery (or view) up a level. When the planner is able to do this it's much more flexible to the types of plans it can generate. It's just that we don't ever pull up subqueries with DISTINCT ON, plus a bunch of other reasons. -- David Rowley

[GENERAL] dblink to non postgresql dbms

2008-06-26 Thread David Rowley
Hello all, I'm looking for a solution to query a SQL Server 2000 instance from PostgreSQL 8.3.3. I've been trawling the internet for some type of solution with out any luck, I only found old references to someone talking about implementation of create database link to postgresql Does anyon

Re: [GENERAL] dblink to non postgresql dbms

2008-06-28 Thread David Rowley
Mircosoft's native client rather than tds. The odbclink does not have any files yet, but looks like exactly what I'd need. David. -Original Message- From: Klint Gore [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: 27 June 2008 00:45 To: David Rowley Cc: Subject:

Re: [GENERAL] Indexing problem with OFFSET LIMIT

2008-08-29 Thread David Rowley
I'm no expert at reading query plans, but I'm guessing the planner chose the other plan because your offset + limit went beyond the row estimate. Look's like it's then doing a disk based sort in the other plan which probably explain why it's slow. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong.

Re: [GENERAL] Sample databases

2008-09-29 Thread David Rowley
Tommy Gibbons wrote: >I would like some pointers as to how to install the dbsamples so that I can use them in Postgres. These .tar.qz files seem to contain *.sql files. These seem to be text files but I do not understand how to > import to postgres or if there is some command line command to run.

Re: [GENERAL] Numbering rows

2008-10-15 Thread David Rowley
Andreas Kretschmer wrote: > Can you show an example for 8.4? It's not 100% certain that it will be possible for 8.4, probably though. select row_number() over (order by employeeid) as nrow,* from employee order by employeeid It's important to have both the order bys There is more information on

Re: [GENERAL] Query too slow with "not in" condition

2008-11-30 Thread David Rowley
> I have loaded the backup from a live database in a test system. Both run > 8.3.5 versions. The plan for a query varies in these systems. > Test System > A. PostgreSQL 8.3.5 on i686-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by GCC gcc (GCC) 4.1.2 > 20061115 (prerelease) (SUSE Linux) > B. explain select * from stoc


2008-12-08 Thread David Rowley
> -Original Message- > From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:pgsql-general- > [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Madison Kelly > Sent: 08 December 2008 22:19 > To: > Subject: [GENERAL] SELECT DISTINCT ... ORDER BY problem > > Hi all, > >I've got a table that I am tr


2008-12-08 Thread David Rowley
> -Original Message- > From: David Fetter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] > Sent: 09 December 2008 00:55 > To: David Rowley > Cc: 'Madison Kelly'; > Subject: Re: [GENERAL] SELECT DISTINCT ... ORDER BY problem > > On Mon, Dec 0


2008-12-08 Thread David Rowley
Madison Kelly Wrote: > David Fetter wrote: > > On Mon, Dec 08, 2008 at 11:16:29PM -0000, David Rowley wrote: > >>> -Original Message- > >>> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:pgsql-general- > >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Madison Kelly >


2008-12-09 Thread David Rowley
Adam Rich Wrote: > > > > > > When we get windowing functions, a lot of this pain will go away :) > > > > > > > Yes! Hope it won't be too long now. The patch seems to behave like it > > should > > now :) > > Hopefully we'll see it commited for 8.4. > > > > Though this does not look too much cleaner

Re: [GENERAL] Is index enough to do simple fetch, or table is always used too?

2008-12-14 Thread David Rowley
2008/12/14 Dmitry Koterov : > Hello. > > Suppose I have the following index: > > CREATE INDEX idx ON tbl USING btree (abc, def, id) > > and perform the query with index scan: > > SELECT md5(id) > FROM tbl > WHERE abc=1 AND def=2 > LIMIT 200 > > The question: if the table "tbl" scanned to fetch "id

Re: [GENERAL] Is index enough to do simple fetch, or table is always used too?

2008-12-14 Thread David Rowley
2008/12/14 Dmitry Koterov : > > On Sun, Dec 14, 2008 at 3:36 PM, David Rowley wrote: >> >> 2008/12/14 Dmitry Koterov : >> > The question: if the table "tbl" scanned to fetch "id" and calculate >> > md5(id), or the value of "id"

Re: [GENERAL] keeping track of function execution

2009-05-03 Thread David Rowley
Wojtek wrote: > But... Postgress treats function as single transaction, of course. > Hence, I'm not able to see any changes in my progress monitoring table > until my main function is finished and all the statuses are set to 0. You could use dblink() to insert into your logging table. David. --