> > is it possible to add column to database, that will automatically
> > contain date+time (or likely Unix timestamp) when the row was
> > touched/changed - ie by INSERT or UPDATE ?
> Yes, a very simple trigger can do this.
Wouldn't just setting the default value of the field to be NOW() accom
> I would like to know if can have a time based
> trigger, for example a procedure that could be run everyday at say 10 in
> the night. Thanking you,
Isn't this what cron is for? Just set it up so it invokes pg with a command
> OTOH, I'm in the process of writing a GPL table-driven web-based table
> browser/data entry program in PHP because I can't find one that does
> what I want. I hope to be able to put out a beta of it by September,
> assuming my own personal feature gallop is coming down the home
> stretch by th