Re: [GENERAL] PG in cash till machines

2013-05-10 Thread Bexley Hall
Hi Carlos, On 5/10/2013 6:43 AM, Carlos Henrique Reimer wrote: We are developing a solution which will run in thousands of small cash till machines running Linux and we would like to use PostgreSQL but there is a insecurity feeling regarding the solution basically because these boxes would be ex

Re: [GENERAL] PG in cash till machines

2013-05-11 Thread Bexley Hall
Hi John, On 5/10/2013 2:55 PM, John R Pierce wrote: On 5/10/2013 2:11 PM, Bexley Hall wrote: Having designed (regulated) gaming and "grey area" devices (each handling hard currency), I can tell you that you have to have already performed a pretty exhaustive threat analysis (e.g.

[GENERAL] Query caching absent "query caching"

2012-11-24 Thread Bexley Hall
Hi, In the absence of query caching AND NOT WANTING TO FORCE THE APPLICATION TO DO SO EXPLICITLY, I'm looking for ideas as to how I should "future-safe" the design of some custom user base types and functions thereon. Specifically, I have several computationally expensive functions that derive t

Re: [GENERAL] Query caching absent "query caching"

2012-11-25 Thread Bexley Hall
Hi Pavel, On 11/24/2012 9:47 PM, Pavel Stehule wrote: Hello you can try use plperl as cache But how is this any different than just creating a named/shared table manually? And, how do further/additional accesses (by

Re: [GENERAL] Query caching absent "query caching"

2012-11-25 Thread Bexley Hall
Hi Kevin, On 11/25/2012 8:10 AM, Kevin Grittner wrote: Bexley Hall wrote: Specifically, I have several computationally expensive functions that derive their results from specific values of these base types. *Solely*. (For example, area() when applied to a given "circle" always yield

Re: [GENERAL] New Zealand Postgis DBA job vacancy

2012-12-26 Thread Bexley Hall
Hi Gavin, [apologies if msg reference chain mangled -- forgot to Cc list <:-( ] On 12/26/2012 12:45 PM, Gavin Flower wrote: I have a close friend who is working on embedded software for a green house controller. He would love to use PostgreSQL, but they started using SQLite and pg does not ap

Re: [GENERAL] New Zealand Postgis DBA job vacancy

2012-12-26 Thread Bexley Hall
Hi Martin, [apologies if msg reference chain mangled -- forgot to Cc list <:-( ] On 12/26/2012 2:04 PM, Martin Gainty wrote: most of us in the US choose to be *delightfully ignorant* of anything that doesnt fit into our 30 seconds (or less) lifestyle "30 seconds"? Seems an *eternity* for

Re: [GENERAL] New Zealand Postgis DBA job vacancy

2012-12-27 Thread Bexley Hall
Hi Martin, On 12/27/2012 8:31 AM, Martin Gainty wrote: so...why doesn't Postgres port to embedded systems? IME, it requires lots of resources (the vast majority of embedded systems are resource starved -- resources == $$ and when you are selling things in volume, every penny saved adds up qui