Sandeep Kumar Jakkaraju wrote:
Is Postgres good for large Applications ??
cf., e.g., "";
Vice president of operations at Afilias, Ram Mohan said the .ORG
database will be based on a standard implementation of PostgreSQL
Devrim GUNDUZ wrote:
On Tue, 2006-10-17 at 14:21 +0530, Sandeep Kumar Jakkaraju wrote:
Can we convert from Postgres to Oracle !!???
But of course, that begs the question: Why on earth would you want to!!???
---(end of broadcast)--
A. Kretschmer wrote:
am Tue, dem 14.11.2006, um 0:58:56 -0500 mailte Tom Lane folgendes:
"SunWuKung" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Yep, I think this is it:
select trim(trailing '0.' from 1.020)
Um, I think not:
regression=# select trim(trailing '0.' from 1000.000);
John McCawley wrote:
Oh, I see, so there's one master schema, and one customer schema, and
the customer schema views are automatically filtered based on
login...Makes sense...I will definitely try to implement this, thanks!
I've on-and-off toyed with the idea of accomplishing a similar objecti
Bob Pawley wrote:
Your missing the point.
I am creating a design system for industrial control.
The control devices need to be numbered. The numbers need to be
sequential. If the user deletes a device the numbers need to
regenerate to again become sequential and gapless.
Could you explain wha
Raymond O'Donnell wrote:
Just do list member represent gender when storing
details of people in a database?
I've done it two ways:
* A bool column, with the understanding that true/false represents
one gender or the other.
* Create a domain, something like:
Joshua D. Drake wrote:
On Fri, 2006-12-08 at 09:31 -0700, John Meyer wrote:
COPY gender (gender_pk, gender) FROM stdin;
Not to take this completely off track, but isn't transgendered not so
much a gender as it is a process of moving f
Scott Marlowe wrote:
On Fri, 2006-12-08 at 10:44, John Meyer wrote:
David Fetter wrote:
On Fri, Dec 08, 2006 at 03:23:11PM -, Raymond O'Donnell wrote:
Just do list member represent gender when storing
details of people in a database?
I usually use
l_sequence_name ALIAS FOR $1;
l_last_value ALIAS FOR $2;
IF l_last_value = 0 THEN
PERFORM setval(l_sequence_name,1, False);
PERFORM setval(l_sequence_name,l_last_value);
Mike Harding wrote:
mvh=> set time zone 'UTC';
mvh=> select now();
2007-02-13 03:37:35.660652+00
(1 row)
"+00" says your database thinks you are in Greenwich.
mvh=> select timestamp with time zone '2007-01-01' at time zone
Postgres User wrote:
I'm using this code to increment a counter table:
IF Exists (SELECT keyfld FROM counter_tbl WHERE key_fld = 'key_val') THEN
UPDATE counter_tbl SET counter_fld = counter_fld + 1
WHERE key_fld = 'key_val';
INSERT INTO counter_tbl(key_fld, counter_fld) VAL
Christian Schröder wrote:
Peter Eisentraut wrote:
A first step in that direction would be to rethink the apparently
troublesome use of null values.
Some of the limits are
only valid after a given date, whereas other limits are valid all the
time. How would you put this information
Christian Schröder wrote:
Berend Tober wrote:
Christian Schröder wrote:
Peter Eisentraut wrote:
A first step in that direction would be to rethink the apparently
troublesome use of null values.
Some of the limits are
only valid after a given date, whereas
> Planning on witting a rule for a view, and i was wondering if anyone
> could suggest a good Internet resource?
(Sorry, couldn't resist.)
---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map sett
>> Planning on witting a rule for a view, and i was wondering if anyone
>> could suggest a good Internet resource?
> (Sorry, couldn't resist.)
But here is a simple working example of making a view updatable:
CREATE TABLE consumable (
consumable_pk serial NOT
> I am trying to create a database, which allows me to store appointment
> information. ...
> Now, I want to have several tables, say Car and Driver, which INHERIT from
> the Resource table. I also want AppRes table can enforce a ref. constraint
> on the Resource table. So, in the future I can ad
> On Thu, Dec 02, 2004 at 10:53:37PM -0500, Berend Tober wrote:
>> I learned that the unusual behavior (or at least the behavior that
>> seems weird to me) regarding relational integrity and uniquness
>> constraints as been around for a while, and some people actually th
> ...have a Resource table and a Car table
> and a ResCar many-to-many relation.
I don't think you need the ResCar table. The Car table defines a
many-to-many relation with Appointment. As does the Resource table. The
Car table contains a subset of rows from the Resource table.
>'s not exte
> I'm trying to write a stored procedure in plpgsql that selects a row
> and possibly increments one of its fields. I thought I would do SELECT
> INTO my_record * FROM my_table FOR UPDATE WHERE ..., but apparently
> plpgsql doesn't like the FOR UPDATE in a stored procedure. Does plpgsql
> automatic
>>anyone any ideas
> If yes you should you have to use.
> SELECT first_name,work_email FROM tb_contacts WHERE
> tb_contacts.work_email <>''
> tb_contacts.work_email IS NOT NULL;
See what happens with
SELECT first_name, work_email, LENGTH(COALESCE(work_email, ''))
FROM tb_contacts
I encountered what looks like unusually sorting behavior, and I'm wondering if
anyone can tell me if this is supposted to happen (and then if so, why) or if
this is a bug:
CREATE TABLE sample_table
account_id varchar(4),
account_name varchar(25)
INSERT INTO sample_table VALU
> -Original Message-
> From: John DeSoi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 07 February 2005 04:21 PM
> To: Shaun Clements
> Cc: 'PgSql General'
> Subject: Re: [GENERAL] Problem performing a restore of a data schema in
> Windows
> On Feb 7, 2005, at 8:22 AM, Shaun Clements wrote:
>> p
> On Tue, 8 Feb 2005 01:10 pm, CoL wrote:
>> hi,
>> Berend Tober wrote, On 2/7/2005 22:20:
>> > I encountered what looks like unusually sorting behavior, and I'm
>> wondering if
>> > anyone can tell me if this is supposted to happen
> This can be easily done with pl/pgsql, visit the documentation at
> OT: seems like this is a questionnaire/survey application, yes?
> - -
> Jonel Rienton
FWIW, given the signature:
"Reuben D. Budiardja, Dept. Physics and As
> i just wanted to share this with you, i wanted to do something like
> this for a long time but just recently found out about "create
> aggregate" reading old posts, so here it is, using user-defined
> aggregate functions to concatenate results.
> when it's numbers i usually use SUM to compute t
>> i just wanted to share this with you, i wanted to do something like
>> this for a long time but just recently found out about "create
>> aggregate" reading old posts, so here it is, using user-defined
>> aggregate functions to concatenate results.
>> when it's numbers i usually use SUM to com
> Tony Caduto wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Does anyone know if there is a way to get the backends IP address from
>> the PID?
>> I am using the view pg_stat_activity and it would be nice if it would
>> also display the IP address along with the PID.
>> I can see the IP address when I do a ps -ef but it woul
> hi, is it possible to change the current user's password from a
> function/stored procedure , I mean, is there a system function/stored
> procedure to do it? like the dbo.sp_password found in adaptive server
> anywhere.
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.alter_password(name, name)
Michael Fuhr wrote:
On Mon, Nov 21, 2005 at 11:03:22AM -0500, Berend Tober wrote:
I'm interested in defining a covariance aggregate function. (As a
...aggregates must take a single value, so the above won't
work as written. However, in PostgreSQL 8.0 or later you could
Peter Futaro wrote:
I need to make a documentation for my database. The documentation I want is almost exactly like the result
of "\d" command. I want to make the report using a database manager application, and it requires
me to make my own report by typing the SQL command in it. Can you
might not be feasible depending on
circumstances, like dropping and recreating the table and reloading
data, but you have to deal with foreign key and other dependencies and
so it is probably more work than justifiable for something that makes no
practical difference.
Berend Tober
think, although the transaction block prehaps provides appropriate
Berend Tober
---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?
Peerri (sent by wrote:
I'm with problems to record images in database in field type bytea.
I'm using visual basic 6.0 and object ado stream to convert binary.
They say me if another way exists to record the images in the data base.
This may not be for the faint of heart, but what
= text,
RIGHTARG = text);
This goes against proper form, considering what NULL is designed for, but it
sure is convenient.
Berend Tober
---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?
last_bln_agg)).value as last_boolean,
(first((cur_date, boolean_column)::last_bln_agg)).value as first_boolean
from test_agg_last
group by grouping
order by grouping
-- cleanup test data
drop table test_agg_last;
---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: don&
hile at first I was a bit dissatisfied with having to cast my data pairs as POINT data type, once I got confortable with that it made a lot of sense.
Berend Tober
---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend
Peter Eisentraut wrote:
David Inglis wrote:
Can anybody assist with this problem I have a table that has some
duplicated rows of data, I want to place a unique constraint on the
columns userid and procno to eliminate this problem in the future but
how do I identify and get rid of the exist
Tony Caduto wrote:
Jimbo1 wrote:
"With MySQL, customers across all industries are finding ...
If any PostgreSQL devotees on this group can comment on the above and
its accuracy/inaccuracy, I'd really appreciate it.
That's exactly what it is "propoganda", I can think of two really high
Bob Powell wrote:
I have a systems admin that is backing up our Linux computers
(postgres) by backing up the directory structure. This of course
includes all the files that pertain to my postgres databases. I
maintain that using pgdump and creating a file of SQL commands for
restore is a bett
FROM pg_catalog.pg_trigger where pg_class.oid = tgrelid) WHERE oid =
Berend Tober
---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings
in to the data base. Or maybe even use it to update their
password expiration date to NOW()+30 DAYS, so that the data base
automatically expires accounts that aren't being used.
Berend Tober
fn:Berend Tober
org:Seaworthy Systems, Inc.
adr:;;22 Main Str
age(now() + '01:30:00'::interval, current_date),
age(now() + '01:30:00'::interval, now())
might help, as would RTFM
Table 9-26. Date/Time Functions).
Berend Tober
Chris Velevitch wrote:
What is the point of the create or replace view command if you can't
change the column and data types ?
You could have a calculated column and change the calcuation.
You could change the sort order, selection, or grouping clauses.
Just to name two.
Chris Velevitch wrote:
> On 6/5/06, Berend Tober wrote:
>> Chris Velevitch wrote:
>> > What is the point of the create or replace view command if you can't
>> > change the column and data types ?
>> You could have a calculated column and change
social security number, and other
information, but as a practical matter those columns can certainly be
committed NULL initially.
Berend Tober
860-767-0700 x118
---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings
''md5''||encode(digest(ls_passwd||ls_usename , ''md5''), ''hex'') = passwd);
So, you can see that pg_shadow.passwd stores the md5 hash of the
concatinated plaintext pa
Ken Winter wrote:
It's a basic bit of database administration work. I'm trying to establish
two (or if necessary more) instances of the same database - a production
instance and a development instance - and a change management process for
coordinating them. As you can probably guess:
You ne
if an UPDATE, DELETE, or SELECT FOR UPDATE from another transaction has
already locked a selected row or rows, SELECT FOR UPDATE will wait for
the other transaction to complete, and will then lock and return the
updated row (or no row, if the row was deleted). ..."
Berend Tober
Brad Nicholson wrote:
On Mon, 2006-08-14 at 16:08 -0400, Berend Tober wrote:
Jorge Godoy wrote:
Chris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
I'm not sure what type of lock you'd need to make sure no other transactions
updated the table (see
elein wrote:
On Mon, Aug 14, 2006 at 02:46:17PM -0700, Adrian Klaver wrote:
On Monday 14 August 2006 01:59 pm, Brad Nicholson wrote:
On Mon, 2006-08-14 at 16:08 -0400, Berend Tober wrote:
Wouldn't SELECT ... FOR UPDATE give you the row lock you need without
locking the table?
If th
Jorge Godoy wrote:
Berend Tober <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
A business requirement is to generate table rows that have uniformly
increasing, whole number sequences, i.e., the "gap-less" sequence.
This is something that I'll also have to code ;-) But the sequence for
Guy Rouillier wrote:
Dwight Emmons wrote:
I am upgrading from Postgres 7.2 to 8.1. We have multiple systems
already in place that took advantage of the implicit cast of a null
'' string to an integer of '0'. It is not financially feasible for
us to modify all the instances. Does anyone kn
On Wed, Sep 13, 2006 at 10:56:41AM +0200, Alban Hertroys wrote:
I found an oops in one of our template1 databases; tables and stuff were
apparently loaded into the wrong database (namely template1). I found
this page describing a solution:
ld be lost. But I
suppose one can make the point that your suggestion is a great solution, given
the contrived example and insufficient problem understanding presented by the
OP -- I really think he needs more help than he realizes.
Berend Tober
---(end of
AgentM wrote:
On Sep 14, 2006, at 11:27 , Arturo Perez wrote:
One performance enhancement that Lerdorf suggested based on code
analysis was to use MySQL instead of PostgreSQL for the database.
...If you give up A, C, I, and D, of course you get better
performance- just like you can ge
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