Re: [GENERAL] Postgres 10.1 fails to start: server did not start in time

2017-11-12 Thread Christoph Berg
Re: To Adam Brusselback 2017-11-11 <> > I'm investigating if it's a good idea to tell systemd to ignore the > exit code of pg_ctl(cluster). Telling systemd to ignore ExecStart errors seems to be the correct solution. The service will still be active, wi

Re: [GENERAL] Postgres 10.1 fails to start: server did not start in time

2017-11-12 Thread Peter J. Holzer
On 2017-11-12 13:26:58 +0100, Christoph Berg wrote: > Re: To Adam Brusselback 2017-11-11 > <> > > I'm investigating if it's a good idea to tell systemd to ignore the > > exit code of pg_ctl(cluster). > > Telling systemd to ignore ExecStart errors seems

Re: [GENERAL] Postgres 10.1 fails to start: server did not start in time

2017-11-12 Thread Christoph Berg
Re: Peter J. Holzer 2017-11-12 <> > Wouldn't it be better to remove the timeout? If some other service > depends on PostgreSQL it probably shouldn't be startet until PostgreSQL > is really up and services which don't need PostgreSQL (e.g. SSH or X11 > login or

[GENERAL] Migrating plattaform

2017-11-12 Thread Valdir Kageyama
Hello, I need migrated the postgres from Linux on IBM Power to Oracle Linux on SPARC. My doubt is possible copy the datafiles to new enviorement ? or I need using other means of copying the data. For exemples: pg_dump/pg_restore. regards valdir

Re: [GENERAL] Combine multiple text search configuration

2017-11-12 Thread Johannes Graën
On 2017-11-07 08:27, hmidi slim wrote: > Hi,  > Thank for your proposition but when to use this query :  > (to_tsvector('english', document) || to_tsvector('french', document)) @@ > (to_tsquery('english', query) || to_tsquery('french', query)) > I think that the performance decrease and not a good

[GENERAL] sync the data's from catalog table

2017-11-12 Thread Dinesh kumar
Hi Team, How can I sync the data's from pg_authid to manually created table (user table) whenever the update or insert happens on pg_authid table. Thanks Dinesh Kumar

Re: [GENERAL] Combine multiple text search configuration

2017-11-12 Thread Johannes Graën
Hi, On 2017-11-06 09:17, hmidi slim wrote: > Hi, > I want to know if I can combine multiple text search configurations when > I tried to use FTS. > Is there any options like this: > *to_tsvector(['english', 'french'], document)* > * > * > Trying to create a new text configuration: > *Create text

[GENERAL] Invalid client charset when using TDS_FDW

2017-11-12 Thread Igal @
Hi, I am trying to connect to a MSSQL database via the tds_fdw extension.  I've installed the extension version 1.0.8 from BIGSQL on a Windows machine. I get a client charset invalid though, and I'm not sure where it is set or what to set it to: config.c:886:Setting tds version to 7.3 (0x70

Re: [GENERAL] Postgres 10.1 fails to start: server did not start in time

2017-11-12 Thread Tom Lane
Christoph Berg writes: > Re: Peter J. Holzer 2017-11-12 <> >> Wouldn't it be better to remove the timeout? > If you don't want to block, don't depend on the database service. That > question is independent from the timeout. Agreed, but I think Peter has a po

Re: [GENERAL] pg on Debian servers

2017-11-12 Thread Karsten Hilbert
On Sat, Nov 11, 2017 at 01:03:18PM +, Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote: > Several legacy programs written in Delphi ground to a halt this morning, > which turned out to be because a Debian system had updated its copy of > PostgreSQL and restarted the server, which broke any live connections. > > At le

Re: [GENERAL] Postgres 10.1 fails to start: server did not start in time

2017-11-12 Thread Christoph Berg
Re: Tom Lane 2017-11-12 <> > Agreed, but I think Peter has a point: why is there a timeout at all, > let alone one as short as 30 seconds? Since systemd doesn't serialize > service starts unnecessarily, there seems little value in giving up > quickly. And we know tha

Re: [GENERAL] Postgres 10.1 fails to start: server did not start in time

2017-11-12 Thread Tom Lane
Christoph Berg writes: > The default systemd timeout seems to be 90s. I have already changed > the systemd timeout to infinity (start) and 1h (stop), so only the > default pg_ctl timeout remains (60s), which I'd rather not override > unilaterally. > That said, isn't 60s way too small for shutting

Re: [GENERAL] pg on Debian servers

2017-11-12 Thread rob stone
On Sat, 2017-11-11 at 14:30 +0100, Magnus Hagander wrote: > > > > The init.d script is not used with systemd. > > > Hello Magnus, Many months ago on a bog standard Debian set-up did a re-boot and ended up with postmasters running for 9.2, 9.4, 9.5 and 9.6 all started one after the other.

Re: [GENERAL] Postgres 10.1 fails to start: server did not start in time

2017-11-12 Thread Andres Freund
On 2017-11-12 14:26:42 -0500, Tom Lane wrote: > Christoph Berg writes: > > The default systemd timeout seems to be 90s. I have already changed > > the systemd timeout to infinity (start) and 1h (stop), so only the > > default pg_ctl timeout remains (60s), which I'd rather not override > > unilater

[GENERAL] ways of monitoring logical decoding performance

2017-11-12 Thread Weiping Qu
Dear all, I'd like to monitor the resource utilization of logical decoding (e.g. in version 9.5). For example, I'd like to see the wal buffer hit ratio, i.e. how much reading for logical decoding is from in-memory pages. This can be set by blks_hit/(blks_read+blks_hit) from pg_stat_database. B

[GENERAL] Multiple unnests in query

2017-11-12 Thread Aron Widforss
Good night, Is this first query expected behavior? If so, what is the rationale? I would have expected nine rows returned (as in my second example). Regards, Aron Widforss SELECT unnest(ARRAY[1, 1, 2]) AS unnested1, unnest(ARRAY[3, 3, 4]) AS unnested2 ; unnested1 | unnested2 ---+--

Re: [GENERAL] Multiple unnests in query

2017-11-12 Thread Tom Lane
Aron Widforss writes: > Is this first query expected behavior? If so, what is the rationale? The short answer is "because it's always worked that way". You might find the last half of section 37.4.8 illuminating:

Re: [GENERAL] Postgres 10.1 fails to start: server did not start in time

2017-11-12 Thread Tom Lane
Andres Freund writes: > we could really do better than just wonder whether our signal to > shutdown was received or not. There probably should be a quite short > timeout for the server to change status, and then a much longer one for > that shutdown to finish. While I don't want to just raise th

Re: [GENERAL] Migrating plattaform

2017-11-12 Thread John R Pierce
On 11/8/2017 11:38 AM, Valdir Kageyama wrote: I need migrated the postgres from Linux on IBM Power to Oracle Linux on SPARC. My doubt is possible copy the datafiles to new enviorement ? or I need using  other means of copying the data. For exemples: pg_dump/pg_restore. pretty sure you ca