On 2017-11-02 20:51:23 +, Rhhh Lin wrote:
> where timestamp BETWEEN 150667656 AND 150875022
> *Also, as a sidenote - can someone please expand on why one (I was not
> involved
> in the creation of this DB/schema definition) would choose to have the
> definition of the time
On Fri, Nov 3, 2017 at 5:22 AM, John R Pierce wrote:
> On 11/2/2017 10:12 PM, Jeff Janes wrote:
>> https://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/List_of_drivers
>> What is 'python native'? psycopg works as long you update your libpq.
> I thought pythonistas preferred using a native driver that didn't
Hello All
I was trying to install postgresql by this tutorial
http://powa.readthedocs.io/en/latest/quickstart.html to use the tool for bd
I am use S.O. debian 8 Jessie.
I ran: apt-get install postgresql-9.6 postgresql-client-9.6
postgresql-contrib-9.6 apt-get install postgresql-9.6-powa
You can find the file locations on
You should find the configuration in /etc/postgresql/9.6/main.
Kind regards,
On 11/03/2017 12:51 PM, Neto pr wrote:
> Hello All
> I was trying to install postgresql by this tutorial
> http://powa.readt
Am 03.11.2017 um 12:51 schrieb Neto pr:
But I'm not finding where the postgresql.conf file is.
you can ask the database, inside psql:
test=# show config_file;
(1 Zeile)
Is the below syntax correct in the recovery.conf file:
restore_command = 'copy "D:\\apps\postgres\pg_archivelog\\%f" "%p"'
archive_cleanup_command = 'pg_archivecleanup
"D:\\apps\\postgres\\pg_archivelog\\" %r'
And the lines is corrent in portgresql.conf file:
archive_command = 'copy "%p" "
Rhhh Lin wrote:
> *Also, as a sidenote - can someone please expand on why one (I was not
> involved in the creation of this DB/schema definition) would choose to have
> the definition of the timestamp column as a bigint in this case?
Because the time value you need to hold exceeds 32 bits. :)
On Thu, Nov 2, 2017 at 10:22 PM, John R Pierce wrote:
> On 11/2/2017 10:12 PM, Jeff Janes wrote:
>> https://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/List_of_drivers
>> What is 'python native'? psycopg works as long you update your libpq.
> I thought pythonistas preferred using a native driver that d
On 10/16/17 03:19, Thomas Kellerer wrote:
> I don't know if this is intentional, but the Postgres 10 manual started to
> use lowercase IDs as anchors in the manual.
> So, if I have e.g.: the following URL open in my browser:
> https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/sql-createin
On Fri, Nov 3, 2017 at 4:12 PM, Jeff Janes wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 2, 2017 at 10:22 PM, John R Pierce wrote:
>> On 11/2/2017 10:12 PM, Jeff Janes wrote:
>>> https://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/List_of_drivers
>>> What is 'python native'? psycopg works as long you update your libpq.
>> I
I am new to Postgres and I am trying to build this SQL statement in my SQL
I am trying to build the above-stated command as a dynamic SQL statement:
Robert Lakes writes:
> I am new to Postgres and I am trying to build this SQL statement in my SQL
> script:
> nextval('tab_id_seq');
That looks correct, but this not so much:
> I am trying to build the above-stated command as a dynamic
Thanks for replying Tom.
Ah, I misunderstood the purpose of what you were looking for from the "ps"
command. Most definitely, the postgres process for this session is eating up
CPU cycles. That fact is what drew us to investigate the session activity in
the first place. The CPU (8 cores) on th
On Fri, 2017-11-03 at 16:47 -0400, Tom Lane wrote:
> Robert Lakes writes:
> > I am new to Postgres and I am trying to build this SQL statement in
> > my SQL
> > script:
> > ALTER TABLE listings_cdc ALTER COLUMN table_id SET DEFAULT
> > nextval('tab_id_seq');
> That looks correct, but this not
Hi Justin,
I checked for dead tuples against that particular table initially as I have
seen performance problems before in a related 'busy' environment which needed
its frequency of vacuuming to be increased. So I have a query to check for
table with dead tuples and this table is not showing a
On Fri, Nov 03, 2017 at 09:12:02PM +, Rhhh Lin wrote:
> I checked for dead tuples against that particular table initially as I have
> seen performance problems before in a related 'busy' environment which needed
> its frequency of vacuuming to be increased. So I have a query to check for
> t
On 10/30/2017 10:56 AM, Peter Geoghegan wrote:
On Mon, Oct 30, 2017 at 9:45 AM, Rob Sargent wrote:
Peter, you beat me to the punch. I was just about to say "Having read the
referenced message I thought I would add that we never delete from this
table." In this particular case it was written
Thanks Justin,
Yeah, I'd agree it would be much easier to show you direct command output but
I'm prohibited due to the security and sensitive nature of my work environment.
A few observations I had earlier this evening.
I created a CTAS copy of the table in order to mirror it from its origina
Thanks for the explanation Kevin!
From: pgsql-general-ow...@postgresql.org
on behalf of K. Brannen
Sent: 03 November 2017 14:35
To: pgsql-general@postgresql.org
Subject: [GENERAL]
Rhhh Lin wrote:
> *Also, as a sidenote - can someone please ex
That helps, thanks Peter.
From: pgsql-general-ow...@postgresql.org
on behalf of Peter J. Holzer
Sent: 03 November 2017 08:49
To: pgsql-general@postgresql.org
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] EXPLAIN command just hangs...
On 2017-11-02 20:51:23 +, R
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