Is is possible that PostgreSQL will replace these building blocks in the future?
- redis (Caching)
- rabbitmq (amqp)
- s3 (Blob storage)
One question is "is it possible?", then next "is it feasible?"
I think it would be great if I could use PG only and if I could
avoid the other types of ser
> On Apr 30, 2017, at 4:37 AM, Thomas Güttler
> wrote:
> Is is possible that PostgreSQL will replace these building blocks in the
> future?
> - redis (Caching)
> - rabbitmq (amqp)
> - s3 (Blob storage)
You can use postgresql for caching, but caches don't require the data
On Sun, 30 Apr 2017 13:37:02 +0200
Thomas Güttler wrote:
> Is is possible that PostgreSQL will replace these building blocks in the
> future?
> - redis (Caching)
> - rabbitmq (amqp)
> - s3 (Blob storage)
> One question is "is it possible?", then next "is it feasible?"
> I think it w
I have started looking at the logical replication feature in Postgres
10. One thing I have no been able to determine is the interoperability
between it and pglogical( I
know the one is derived from the other, what I can not find is whether a
Hi All,
We have a PostgreSQL database. There are 26 tables and we use serial type as
primary key. We had a insert error as "duplicate key value violates unique
constraint, DETAIL: Key (id)=(1) already exists." one weeks ago. I checked and
found all tables' id were reset to 1.
I checked datab
On Sun, Apr 30, 2017 at 10:51 PM, Max Wang wrote:
> We have a PostgreSQL database. There are 26 tables and we use serial type as
> primary key. We had a insert error as “duplicate key value violates unique
> constraint, DETAIL: Key (id)=(1) already exists.” one weeks ago. I checked
> and found a