2008/7/17 ram subbu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi All,
> Here i am facing a peculiar scenario. I have a query which always result
> in 3 rows. There are two columns in the query result. I have to make the
> result of 3 rows as a one row
> select * from tab1;
> col1---col2
> --
Is there any opportunity to find out what compilier is used to build standard
binaries from http://www.postgresql.org/ftp/binary/v8.3.3/win32/
MSVC or MinGW(gcc)?
I have some problems with C-procedures compilation (PG 8.3, WinXP). I've got
2008/7/17 el dorado <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hello!
> Is there any opportunity to find out what compilier is used to build standard
> binaries from http://www.postgresql.org/ftp/binary/v8.3.3/win32/
> (postgresql-8.3.3-1-binaries-no-installer.zip
> MSVC or MinGW(gcc)?
> I have some problems with C-p
Hello Tom,
Il giorno 16/lug/08, alle ore 16:40, Tom Lane ha scritto:
Enrico Sirola <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
I have two tables, one has a field with a foreign key pointing to the
primary key of another table. When I to drop the first table, I get
the following error:
test=# drop table use
Hi Michael,
Il giorno 16/lug/08, alle ore 18:21, Michael Glaesemann ha scritto:
On 2008-07-16, at 7:18 AM, Enrico Sirola wrote:
I'm using postgresql version 8.3.1
I have two tables, one has a field with a foreign key pointing to
the primary key of another table. When I to drop the fi
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This posting is a follow up to this posting from July 15th.
Given the following select statement
select sec.*
from security sec , positions_gsco
where positions_gsco.securitykey is NULL and
I have one of those master-detail relationships here and I need to be able
to delete the master but leave the details untouched
But the delete command doesn't let me delete the master as long as
there are details referencing it.
ON DELETE RESTRICT | NO ACTION won't let me delete the master
Moving to -general. -hackers is for discussion about PG development.
On Jul 16, 2008, at 1:10 AM, cinu wrote:
Hi All, I installed PostgreSQL-8.3.1 on my Suse Linux machine
You should upgrade; I'm pretty sure 8.3 is up to 8.3.3 now.
, it went on fine without any problems and I was able to cre
am Thu, dem 17.07.2008, um 11:11:00 -0500 mailte Ismael folgendes:
> hi
> I have one of those master-detail relationships here and I need to be able
> to delete the master but leave the details untouched
> But the delete command doesn't let me delete the master as long as
> there are de
On 17/07/2008 17:11, Ismael wrote:
ON DELETE RESTRICT | NO ACTION won't let me delete the master
CASCADE | SET NULL | SET DEFAULT will modify the details
Can you just drop the constraint that's doing the referential integrity?
So is there no other way to do it but to verify the integrity using triggers
and drop the referential constraints?
Because I *still* need to verify that NEW records in the details table
direct to something that exists
>> ON DELETE RESTRICT | NO ACTION won't let me delete the master
On Thu, Jul 17, 2008 at 12:11 PM, Ismael <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hi
> I have one of those master-detail relationships here and I need to be able
> to delete the master but leave the details untouched
Then remove the referential integrity constraint, since it's obviously
incompatible wi
What does the output of explain select sec.* ... have to say?
Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (pgsql-general@postgresql.org)
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On Thu, Jul 17, 2008 at 10:52 AM, Douglas McNaught <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 17, 2008 at 12:11 PM, Ismael <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> hi
>> I have one of those master-detail relationships here and I need to be able
>> to delete the master but leave the details untouched
It seems like 3 vs 1 so you win :)
I'll drop the constraint and verify the integrity of the new records manually
> On Thu, Jul 17, 2008 at 10:52 AM, Douglas McNaught wrote:
>> On Thu, Jul 17, 2008 at 12:11 PM, Ismael wrote:
>>> hi
>>> I have one of those master-detail relati
I was looking at the TODO:
"A hyphen, "-", marks changes that will appear in the upcoming 8.4 release."
Well, making a search for the "-" sign is complicated... it's obviously
used for a lot of other things... could you use another character?
Decibel! <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Moving to -general. -hackers is for discussion about PG development.
> On Jul 16, 2008, at 1:10 AM, cinu wrote:
>> Can anyone throw light on why the postmaster.pid was not visible,
> My guess would be that something went in and removed the .pid file.
I was
I have one of those master-detail relationships here and I need to be able
to delete the master but leave the details untouched
when you create the table with an FK constraint, use the ON DELETE SET
NULL option, or SET DEFAULT. And read the docs on "CREATE TABLE":
>> -Allow administrators to safely terminate individual sessions either
via an SQL function or SIGTERM <<
Can't you already do this with pg_cancel_backend() or kill ?
Or is this for something else altogether?
Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (pgsql-general@postgresql.org)
Hi all,
this is from the is there a way file.
Is there a way to get the name of the relation or relations in a query
from within the query? Like some kind of magic variable...?
for example :
"select *, from thistable"
where would be replaced by thistable.
Peace & Love|Live
On Thu, 17 Jul 2008, Ismael wrote:
> So is there no other way to do it but to verify the integrity using triggers
> and drop the referential constraints?
Well, you could do something using a before delete trigger on the
referencing table that returns NULL to avoid the delete as well, but
On Thu, Jul 17, 2008 at 2:43 PM, Tom Lane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I was wondering if the postmaster was running in some other data
> directory than the OP thought. I've never heard of anything just
> randomly removing a .pid file from a data directory; and it would
> be extremely dangerous if
>> So is there no other way to do it but to verify the integrity using triggers
>> and drop the referential constraints?
> Well, you could do something using a before delete trigger on the
> referencing table that returns NULL to avoid the delete as well, but
> making it only prevent the de
> Hi all,
> this is from the is there a way file.
> Is there a way to get the name of the relation or relations in a query
> from within the query? Like some kind of magic variable...?
> for example :
> "select *, from thistable"
> where would be replaced by thistable.
Rhys A.D. Stewart escribió:
> Is there a way to get the name of the relation or relations in a query
> from within the query? Like some kind of magic variable...?
> for example :
> "select *, from thistable"
> where would be replaced by thistable.
select *, tableoid::regclass fro
Is there a way to disable some of the autovacuum logging?
I don't want to see the below log over and over again in the logfile.
postgres[85482]: [1-1] : LOG: autovacuum: processing database
Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (pgsql-general@postgresql.org)
To make c
Kevin Duffy wrote:
So here are the questions for the PSQL gurus:
Is getsectypekey(‘CFD’) executing for every join (or possible join)
between positions_gsco and security?
Causing a scan of security for every possible join.
Does ‘ (select getsectypekey('CFD') ) ‘ cause the getsectype()
Redhat 4
postgresql 8.3.3
Memory: 12GB
While doing a couple of operations of the type
insert into select from
The OS triggered the out of memory killer (oom-killer).
After some research and trial/error I found it was the inserts.
I see one of the inserts is using up 12GB!
How can I reduce th
salman wrote:
> >> -Allow administrators to safely terminate individual sessions either
> via an SQL function or SIGTERM <<
> Can't you already do this with pg_cancel_backend() or kill ?
Cancel backend only cancels the current query but later queries are
still executed. Kill was never of
Scara Maccai wrote:
> Hi,
> I was looking at the TODO:
> http://www.postgresql.org/docs/faqs.TODO.html
> "A hyphen, "-", marks changes that will appear in the upcoming 8.4 release."
> Well, making a search for the "-" sign is complicated... it's obviously
> used for a lot of other t
On Thu, Jul 17, 2008 at 7:21 PM, Francisco Reyes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Redhat 4
> postgresql 8.3.3
> Memory: 12GB
> While doing a couple of operations of the type
> insert into select from
> The OS triggered the out of memory killer (oom-killer).
Is this a 32-bit installation or 64-bi
On Thu, Jul 17, 2008 at 9:27 PM, Francisco Reyes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Douglas McNaught writes:
>> Is this a 32-bit installation or 64-bit? 3GB of shared_buffers is way
>> too big for a 32-bit setup.
> 64-bit.
> The machine has 12GB of RAM so shared-buffers is about 1/3.
> Dedicated D
Douglas McNaught writes:
It does seem that reducing work_mem might help you, but others on this
I reduced it from 256MB to 64MB. It seems it is helping.
At 256MB the usage per DB connection instance was upwards of 12GB. At 64MB
so far is around 7GB. I just reduced it further to 32MB and see
Douglas McNaught writes:
Is this a 32-bit installation or 64-bit? 3GB of shared_buffers is way
too big for a 32-bit setup.
The machine has 12GB of RAM so shared-buffers is about 1/3.
Dedicated DB server.
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