Thomas H. wrote:
hi list.
as soon as i left-join an additional table, the query takes 24sec
instead of 0.2sec, although the added fields have no impact on the
SELECT * FROM shop.dvds
LEFT JOIN oldtables.movies ON mov_id = dvd_mov_id
WHERE (lower(mov_name) LIKE
Thomas H. wrote:
SELECT * FROM shop.dvds
LEFT JOIN oldtables.movies ON mov_id = dvd_mov_id
LEFT JOIN shop.data_soundmedia ON sm_info_ean = dvd_ean
WHERE (lower(mov_name) LIKE '%superman re%' OR lower(dvd_name) like
'%superman re%' OR lower(dvd_edition) LIKE '%superman re%')
Matthew Peter wrote:
Do rules get special variables like triggers? Can I set variables in them like
You get NEW/OLD but they mean something subtly different. Rules act on a
query-tree so they are more like placeholders.
You can't set variables in triggers. You do so in a function.
Matthew Peter wrote:
Is it possible to access the entire sql query_string that called the trigger?
No. It doesn't necessarily exist in any useful form (think about what
happens with rules on a view, or triggers making updates which fire
other triggers - what is the "original" query?).
Matthew Peter wrote:
Is there any way to use CREATE TYPE or an VIEW/TABLE defintion list instead of
manually defining it?
Yes, just define your function as returning that type rather than
RECORD. That way the calling context will know what to expect.
Richard Huxton
Archonet Ltd
For a project I have a table containing products and flags.
The columns of this table are of 2 kinds :
- Not null data (id, column1, column2)
- Flags (100 different flags set to 1 or 0)
Over the time the number of flag will increase from 100 to 200 or more.
So I have 2 choices :
- Use a
> Do rules get special variables like triggers? Can I set
> variables in them like
> triggers?
A rule is one or more SQL-Statements - how do you set variables in SQL?
Don't think of a rule as a program!
In a statement in a rule, you have the pseudotables 'OLD' and 'NEW'
which refer to the affe
Richard Ollier wrote:
For a project I have a table containing products and flags.
The columns of this table are of 2 kinds :
- Not null data (id, column1, column2)
- Flags (100 different flags set to 1 or 0)
Over the time the number of flag will increase from 100 to 200 or more.
On fim, 2006-11-09 at 10:56 +0100, Alban Hertroys wrote:
> Richard Ollier wrote:
> > For a project I have a table containing products and flags.
> > The columns of this table are of 2 kinds :
> > - Not null data (id, column1, column2)
> > - Flags (100 different flags set to 1 or 0)
> >
> > Over th
Bill wrote:
Jorge Godoy wrote:
I have the impression that you're missing a lot of sections in the
manual... How about some time to re-read it?
I don't know about you but for me a 1500 page manual is at least two
weeks of full time reading. I have read several sections of it but I
am trying t
i'm wanting to learn something here so i'm going to
chime in.
the way i read what you are saying is that you'd have
start_date and number_days columns in your table.
each day a query would run and pull the start_date and
numbers_days columns.
the application (or postgr
I am admittedly speaking up somewhat late here, and may be completely off base,
but it seems to me that the "LIKE" operation is almost always going to be a
loser, performance-wise, when there is an initial wildcard, e.g. "%superman
re%" will require a sequential scan, while "superman re%" would
Albe Laurenz wrote:
Do rules get special variables like triggers? Can I set
variables in them like
A rule is one or more SQL-Statements - how do you set variables in SQL?
SET [ SESSION | LOCAL ] name { TO | = } { value | 'value' | DEFAULT }
I just can't understand why autovacuum is not working. I have a test
db/table which I insert values into (by the thousands) and can't work
out why my stats don't get updated. Could someone have a quick look at
my attached .conf and tell me what I am doing?
I am running it on FC5 8.1.4.fc5.1.
Thomas H. wrote:
hi list.
as soon as i left-join an additional table, the query takes 24sec
instead of 0.2sec, although the added fields have no impact on the
SELECT * FROM shop.dvds
LEFT JOIN oldtables.movies ON mov_id = dvd_mov_id
WHERE (lower(mov_name) LIKE
Shane Ambler wrote:
Albe Laurenz wrote:
Do rules get special variables like triggers? Can I set variables in
them like
A rule is one or more SQL-Statements - how do you set variables in SQL?
SET [ SESSION | LOCAL ] name { TO | = } { value | 'value' | DEFAULT }
Anton Melser wrote:
I just can't understand why autovacuum is not working. I have a test
db/table which I insert values into (by the thousands) and can't work
out why my stats don't get updated. Could someone have a quick look at
my attached .conf and tell me what I am doing?
I am running it
"Bill" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Jorge Godoy wrote:
>> I have the impression that you're missing a lot of sections in the
>> manual... How about some time to re-read it?
> I don't know about you but for me a 1500 page manual is at least two
> weeks of full time reading. I have read severa
Hi General,
Is there a reason why it is not possible to redefine a view with a
different number of columns or a different column type?
It's been possible to change the datatypes of a table, and the column
numbers for a long time. What are the restrictions on making this
possible for views.
1. You MUST sequence scan dvds, as there is no way to do an index search
on a like with % at the beginning.
2. You are asking for a left join on dvds, which means you want all
records, so you must sequence scan dvds. The filters are all OR, so you
can't say that a records is excluded until AFTE
Try putting your conditions as part of the join:
SELECT * FROM shop.dvds
mov_id = dvd_mov_id
lower(mov_name) LIKE '%superman re%'
OR lower(dvd_name) like '%superman re%'
OR lower(dvd_edition) LIKE '%superman re%'
LEFT JOIN shop.data_soundme
Russell Smith wrote:
Hi General,
Is there a reason why it is not possible to redefine a view with a
different number of columns or a different column type?
It's been possible to change the datatypes of a table, and the column
numbers for a long time. What are the restrictions on making this
Hi All ..
I have used Oracle 9i in the past ...currently working on postgres ...
Oracle throws this SQLException ... Too many open cursors
when there are too many connections to the database.
I have found that ..but postgres ..locks ..the DB ..and doesnt throw this exception
I am tr
Thomas H. wrote:
Try putting your conditions as part of the join:
SELECT * FROM shop.dvds
mov_id = dvd_mov_id
lower(mov_name) LIKE '%superman re%'
OR lower(dvd_name) like '%superman re%'
OR lower(dvd_edition) LIKE '%superman re%'
On 09/11/06, Richard Huxton wrote:
Anton Melser wrote:
> Hi,
> I just can't understand why autovacuum is not working. I have a test
> db/table which I insert values into (by the thousands) and can't work
> out why my stats don't get updated. Could someone have a quick look at
> my attached .conf
Hello.I'm porting some procedures from PL/SQL and I encountered following problem:In PL/SQL I'm using this statement related to cursor:OPEN crs_cnt(start_millis, end_millis);LOOP FETCH crs_cnt into row_cnt;
EXIT WHEN crs_cnt%NOTFOUND; insert into spm_audit_stats values(SEQ_SPM_ID_AUTO_INC.n
surabhi.ahuja wrote:
> hi
> I am using Postgres 8.0.0 and we found this issue "ERROR: index
> "patient_pkey" is not a btree" I have been informed that we should
> shift to Postgres 8.0.9
> I discussed this with my team member and they are asking if we can
> upgrade to the latest Postgres vers
Title: Nachricht
use this:
FETCH crs_cnt into row_cnt;
-Original Message-From:
On Behalf Of Jeremiasz MiedzinskiSent: Thursday, November
09, 2006 1:15 PMTo: pgsql-general@p
Hi Anton!
I'm not sure how this is with 8.1 but on 7.4.14 we have to enable row level
statistics collection for autovacuum:
stats_row_level = true
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Anton Melser
> Sent: Thursday, N
OK - in that case try explicit subqueries:
(SELECT * FROM shop.dvds
LEFT JOIN shop.oldtables.movies
WHERE lower(mov_name) LIKE ...
) AS bar
LEFT JOIN shop.data_soundmedia
same result, have tried this as well (22sec). it's the LEFT JOIN
shop.data_soundmedia for which the plan
Jeremiasz Miedzinski wrote:
I'm porting some procedures from PL/SQL and I encountered following
In PL/SQL I'm using this statement related to cursor:
OPEN crs_cnt(start_millis, end_millis);
FETCH crs_cnt into row_cnt;
insert into spm_aud
Alban Hertroys wrote:
Richard Ollier wrote:
For a project I have a table containing products and flags.
The columns of this table are of 2 kinds :
- Not null data (id, column1, column2)
- Flags (100 different flags set to 1 or 0)
Over the time the number of flag will increase from 100 t
I am not familiar with Informix but:
- is OUTER() a LEFT or FULL outer join?
- it is important where you put your join condition in Postgres wrt NULL
insertions of OUTER joins
E.g. Tables A(k,a) with (k1,a1), (k2, a2) records and table B(k,b) with
(k1, b1) will result in:
I think the typical way of attacking a problem would be a second and third
table. The second table would look like:
flat_type table
flag_type (like the column name in your original table)
flag_type_description (BONUS: you can describe each flag)
product_flag table
Thomas H. wrote:
OK - in that case try explicit subqueries:
(SELECT * FROM shop.dvds
LEFT JOIN shop.oldtables.movies
WHERE lower(mov_name) LIKE ...
) AS bar
LEFT JOIN shop.data_soundmedia
same result, have tried this as well (22sec). it's the LEFT JOIN
Anton Melser wrote:
> Hi,
> I just can't understand why autovacuum is not working. I have a test
> db/table which I insert values into (by the thousands) and can't work
> out why my stats don't get updated. Could someone have a quick look at
> my attached .conf and tell me what I am doing?
> I am r
On Thursday 9. November 2006 09:34, Richard Ollier wrote:
>For a project I have a table containing products and flags.
>The columns of this table are of 2 kinds :
>- Not null data (id, column1, column2)
>- Flags (100 different flags set to 1 or 0)
>Over the time the number of flag will
set datestyle to iso,iso;
select 1 where ('2006-10-31'::date, '-12-31'::date) OVERLAPS
('2006-10-16'::DATE, '2006-10-31':: DATE)
does not return any rows.
Why ?
How to make overlaps to return correct result?
---(end of broadcast)---
Hm, why not this one:
select ('2006-10-31'::date, '-12-31'::date) OVERLAPS
('2006-10-16'::DATE, '2006-10-31':: DATE);
(1 row)
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Andrus
> Sent: Thursday,
To date I have always used pg on a system where I had pg superuser status.
I'm trying to move a database from such a system to one where I am just
a user, and I'm having a couple of problems.
The first is, the output of pg_dump has a lot of lines like:
ALTER FUNCTION some_function OWNER TO ric
Andrus wrote:
set datestyle to iso,iso;
select 1 where ('2006-10-31'::date, '-12-31'::date) OVERLAPS
('2006-10-16'::DATE, '2006-10-31':: DATE)
does not return any rows.
Why ?
They're adjacent, they don't overlap. Check the documentation on
OVERLAPS, I'm sure it's explicit about whet
am Thu, dem 09.11.2006, um 15:46:50 +0200 mailte Andrus folgendes:
> set datestyle to iso,iso;
> select 1 where ('2006-10-31'::date, '-12-31'::date) OVERLAPS
>('2006-10-16'::DATE, '2006-10-31':: DATE)
> does not return any rows.
> Why ?
> How to make overlaps to return correct
I have a number of select statements (in 8.1 and 8.2beta) which assume that
overlaps returns true for those cases.
Which the best way to fix them ?
Should I use AND, OR and date comparison operators instead of OVERLAPS ?
---(end of broadcast)-
> They're adjacent, they don't overlap. Check the documentation on OVERLAPS,
> I'm sure it's explicit about whether it is inclusive or exclusive (the
> latter apparently).
8.2 doc does not explain term overlap. It only says:
"This expression yields true when two time periods (defined by their
2006/11/9, Andrus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> They're adjacent, they don't overlap. Check the documentation on OVERLAPS,> I'm sure it's explicit about whether it is inclusive or exclusive (the> latter apparently).8.2 doc does not explain term overlap. It only says:
"This _expression_ yields true when tw
Hi all,
after a crash of my machine I restarted the pgsql as usual, and I can connect
from the machine itself, but no more from a remote host. I checked the
pg_hba.conf file and it's ok, but either from psql or pgadmin I cannot
connect to the host. Nmapping my host I cannot see the daemon listen
Hi all. Sorry to bother. Does anyone know where the postgres headers are stored? Which files constitute postgres headers? kind regards, Antonios
Access over 1 million songs - Yahoo! Music Unlimited.
Alban Hertroys <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> They're adjacent, they don't overlap. Check the documentation on
> OVERLAPS, I'm sure it's explicit about whether it is inclusive or
> exclusive (the latter apparently).
It's not very clear, but the spec defines (S1,T1) OVERLAPS (S2,T2)
On Thursday 09 November 2006 06:33 am, Antonios Katsikadamos wrote:
> Hi all. Sorry to bother. Does anyone know where the postgres headers are
> stored? Which files constitute postgres headers?
> kind regards,
> Antonios
> -
> Access over 1 million songs - Ya
Hello,I'm still trying to convert my PL/SQL stored procedures into PL/pgSQL. Now, I have problem with commiting transaction every N rows:
loopfetch csr_ac into row_id; if not FOUND then exit; end if; counter := counter + 1; delete from spm_audit where adt_id=row_id; delete from spm_a
Jeremiasz Miedzinski wrote:
I'm digging into postgresql documentation but maybe I'm just not smart
enough to understand the way which transactions are being processed into
pgSQL. Is it possible to port above code to PL/pgSQL ?
All functions, including pl/pgsql functions take place within a
2006/11/9, Luca Ferrari <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Hi all,after a crash of my machine I restarted the pgsql as usual, and I can connectfrom the machine itself, but no more from a remote host. I checked thepg_hba.conf file and it's ok, but either from psql or pgadmin I cannot
connect to the host. Nmapping
Luca Ferrari wrote:
Hi all,
after a crash of my machine I restarted the pgsql as usual, and I can connect
from the machine itself, but no more from a remote host. I checked the
pg_hba.conf file and it's ok, but either from psql or pgadmin I cannot
connect to the host. Nmapping my host I cannot
On 11/9/06, Richard Ollier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
For a project I have a table containing products and flags.
The columns of this table are of 2 kinds :
- Not null data (id, column1, column2)
- Flags (100 different flags set to 1 or 0)
Over the time the number of flag will increase f
On Thu, Nov 09, 2006 at 11:52:48AM +0500, Shoaib Mir wrote:
> Have a look at "16.4.3. Linux Memory Overcommit" on
If you look at the beginning of the thread you'dve seen we're talking
about HPUX here...
Maybe they have an OOM
On Thursday 09 November 2006 15:57 Jeremiasz Miedzinski's cat, walking on the
keyboard, wrote:
> Have You checked network interfaces on your machine ? Maybe some of them
> doesn't start-up properly...
Interfaces are ok, and in fact other services on such interface are running
Richard Huxton writes:
> Luca Ferrari wrote:
>> I've started the daemon as:
>> postmaster -D /mnt/data/database &
> Is that how you normally start your DB server?
Ditto. But if you are using a stock postgresql.conf then in fact the
postmaster will *not* be listening to TCP with that command lin
Andrus wrote:
I have a number of select statements (in 8.1 and 8.2beta) which assume that
overlaps returns true for those cases.
Which the best way to fix them ?
Should I use AND, OR and date comparison operators instead of OVERLAPS ?
Why not just subtract/add 1, so that the check includes t
Craig White wrote:
> logs say...
> Nov 8 20:18:26 srv1 postgresql: Starting postgresql service: succeeded
> Nov 8 20:18:39 srv1 postgres[21020]: PAM audit_open() failed:
> Permission denied
> Nov 8 20:18:39 srv1 postgres[21020]: [2-1] LOG: pam_authenticate
> failed: System error
> Nov 8 20:1
'lo list,
I have a plpgsql SP where I loop through a cursor. I have an internal
variable that keeps the previous row, so that I can compare it with the
current row in the cursor.
Like so;
current table%ROWTYPE;
previous table%ROWTYPE;
> Why not just subtract/add 1, so that the check includes the boundary
> dates?
> Like so;
> select 1 where ('2006-10-31'::date -1, '-12-31'::date +1) OVERLAPS
>('2006-10-16'::DATE -1, '2006-10-31':: DATE +1)
thank you. I use only dates as OVERLAPS arguments.
I changed all my
Look at the database server logs and see what actually was happening just before the server crashed... do you have the auto vacuuming running at backend? or was there some client making connection just when the server did crash? your db logs can actually help you here.
Thank you,---Sho
You might want to check the ip tables as well if they have the required entries or not.Thanks,---Shoaib MirEnterpriseDB (
On 11/9/06, Richard Huxton wrote:
Luca Ferrari wrote:> Hi all,> after a crash of my machine I restarted the pgsql as usual, and I can
On Thu, 2006-11-09 at 12:34 -0300, Alvaro Herrera wrote:
> Craig White wrote:
> > logs say...
> > Nov 8 20:18:26 srv1 postgresql: Starting postgresql service: succeeded
> > Nov 8 20:18:39 srv1 postgres[21020]: PAM audit_open() failed:
> > Permission denied
> > Nov 8 20:18:39 srv1 postgres[21
Craig White <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I haven't had to fool too much with pam for authenticating other
> services so I'm a little bit out of my knowledge base but I know that it
> was simple to add netatalk into the pam authentication and expected that
> postgresql would be similar.
FWIW, we s
I'm newbie of programming postgresql sever side,
I write the function below and when I execute
SELECT (anag_art, 150) AS esistenza from anag_art order by 1;
result is something about this:
| esistenza |
("(""002 "",""ARTICOLO PREZ. VEND. "",,PZ,32,1,20,""1
I run an older version of psql (7.2.4) on a Linux machine.I wish to migrate psql to an Intel Mac running OS x 10.4.8.The supported platforms table in postgresql-8.1-US.pdf (page 259) lists Mac OS X with a PPC cpu as being supported, but not Mac OS X with a Intel cpu.Can psql run on an Intel Mac?Hav
"Andrus" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> Why not just subtract/add 1, so that the check includes the boundary
>> dates?
>> Like so;
>> select 1 where ('2006-10-31'::date -1, '-12-31'::date +1) OVERLAPS
>>('2006-10-16'::DATE -1, '2006-10-31':: DATE +1)
> Alban,
> thank you. I use on
On Thu, 2006-11-09 at 10:10 -0700, Nathan Leon Pace, MD, MStat wrote:
> I run an older version of psql (7.2.4) on a Linux machine.
> I wish to migrate psql to an Intel Mac running OS x 10.4.8.
> The supported platforms table in postgresql-8.1-US.pdf (page 259)
> lists Mac OS X with a PP
On 09/11/06, Alvaro Herrera <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Anton Melser wrote:
> Hi,
> I just can't understand why autovacuum is not working. I have a test
> db/table which I insert values into (by the thousands) and can't work
> out why my stats don't get updated. Could someone have a quick look at
On Nov 9, 2006, at 9:10 AM, Nathan Leon Pace, MD, MStat wrote:
I run an older version of psql (7.2.4) on a Linux machine.
I wish to migrate psql to an Intel Mac running OS x 10.4.8.
The supported platforms table in postgresql-8.1-US.pdf (page 259)
lists Mac OS X with a PPC cpu as being supp
On Thu, Nov 09, 2006 at 06:12:08PM +0100, Enrico wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm newbie of programming postgresql sever side,
> I write the function below and when I execute
> SELECT (anag_art, 150) AS esistenza from anag_art order by 1;
> result is something about this:
Well, you didn't actually call a
am Thu, dem 09.11.2006, um 18:12:08 +0100 mailte Enrico folgendes:
> Hi,
> I'm newbie of programming postgresql sever side,
> I write the function below and when I execute
> SELECT (anag_art, 150) AS esistenza from anag_art order by 1;
Try select *, 150 AS esistenza from anag_art order by 1;
On Thu, 2006-11-09 at 06:07, Sandeep Kumar Jakkaraju wrote:
> Hi All ..
> I have used Oracle 9i in the past ...currently working on postgres ...
> Oracle throws this SQLException ... Too many open cursors
> when there are too many connections to the database.
That may be the excep
On Thu, 2006-11-09 at 11:51 -0500, Tom Lane wrote:
> Craig White <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > I haven't had to fool too much with pam for authenticating other
> > services so I'm a little bit out of my knowledge base but I know that it
> > was simple to add netatalk into the pam authentication a
I seem to be having a problem with pg_dump in 8.1.2, it's not dumping indexes at all. Is this a known problem, should I just do an upgrade?Thanks,Alex TurnerMint Pixels
On Thu, 2006-11-09 at 10:16 +, Richard Huxton wrote:
> Bill wrote:
> > Jorge Godoy wrote:
> >
> >> I have the impression that you're missing a lot of sections in the
> >> manual... How about some time to re-read it?
> >
> > I don't know about you but for me a 1500 page manual is at least two
am Thu, dem 09.11.2006, um 13:04:31 -0500 mailte Alex Turner folgendes:
> I seem to be having a problem with pg_dump in 8.1.2, it's not dumping indexes
> at all. Is this a known problem, should I just do an upgrade?
I can't see a necessity to dump a index. But, i hope, and i'm sure,
pg_dump dump
>> WHERE (a,b) OVERLAPS (c,d)
>> to
>> WHERE (a-1,b+1) OVERLAPS (c-1,d+1)
>> Will this give correct results ?
> It might give you false positives...
> 2006-11-30 -- 2006-12-05 AND2006-12-06 -- 2006-12-15 (original) --
> 2006-11-29 -- 2006-12-06 AND2006-12-05 -- 200
Jeff Davis wrote:
On Thu, 2006-11-09 at 10:16 +, Richard Huxton wrote:
Bill wrote:
Jorge Godoy wrote:
I have the impression that you're missing a lot of sections in the
manual... How about some time to re-read it?
I don't know about you but for me a 1500 page manual is at least two
Craig White <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> On Thu, 2006-11-09 at 11:51 -0500, Tom Lane wrote:
>> FWIW, we ship this PAM config file in the Red Hat PG RPMs:
> that doesn't work at all... /var/log/messages reports...
Sorry, I should have mentioned that that was for recent Fedora branches.
Where I can find the instruction on-line? I only see the UNIX/LINUX
instruction. I installed PG on window before, but can't remember how it is
done right now.
BTW, is the 8.2 beta good for a development environment?
Tom Lane wrote:
> Craig White <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > I haven't had to fool too much with pam for authenticating other
> > services so I'm a little bit out of my knowledge base but I know that it
> > was simple to add netatalk into the pam authentication and expected that
> > postgresql wou
On Thu, 2006-11-09 at 18:16 +0100, Anton Melser wrote:
> On 09/11/06, Alvaro Herrera <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Anton Melser wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > > I just can't understand why autovacuum is not working. I have a test
> > > db/table which I insert values into (by the thousands) and can't work
On Thu, 2006-11-09 at 16:34 -0300, Alvaro Herrera wrote:
> Tom Lane wrote:
> > Craig White <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > > I haven't had to fool too much with pam for authenticating other
> > > services so I'm a little bit out of my knowledge base but I know that it
> > > was simple to add netata
"Andrus" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Jorge,
> Thank you very much. Now I try to William Leite Araújo solution by replacing
> WHERE (a,b) OVERLAPS (c,d)
> with
> WHERE ( c BETWEEN a AND b ) OR ( d BETWEEN a AND b )
> Is this OK ?
From bare tests this looks OK.
> This requires writi
Anton Melser wrote:
> Thanks for that. Just a clarification, can someone tell me what the
> "number of tuples" means in the context of the multipliers? I mean,
> when the vacuum min multiplier is at 0.4, we multiply 0.4 by what? I
> get the min val, but what are we multiplying by 0.4? The total nu
I am transferring a database from a system where I am a pg superuser to
one where I am not.
The database uses tsearch2. I am unable to install any of the
functions. For example:
CREATE FUNCTION gtsvector_in(cstring) RETURNS gtsvector
AS '$libdir/tsearch2', 'gtsvector_in'
On Thu, Nov 09, 2006 at 04:04:33PM -0500, Rick Schumeyer wrote:
> I am transferring a database from a system where I am a pg superuser to
> one where I am not.
> results in: permission denied for language c
> Do I need to get the pg administrator to install my database ?
Yes. Letting someon
On 09/11/06, Alvaro Herrera <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Anton Melser wrote:
> Thanks for that. Just a clarification, can someone tell me what the
> "number of tuples" means in the context of the multipliers? I mean,
> when the vacuum min multiplier is at 0.4, we multiply 0.4 by what? I
> get the
Anton Melser wrote:
> On 09/11/06, Alvaro Herrera <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Anton Melser wrote:
> >
> >> Thanks for that. Just a clarification, can someone tell me what the
> >> "number of tuples" means in the context of the multipliers? I mean,
> >> when the vacuum min multiplier is at 0.4, we
"Thomas H." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> SELECT * FROM shop.dvds
> LEFT JOIN oldtables.movies ON mov_id = dvd_mov_id
> LEFT JOIN shop.data_soundmedia ON sm_info_ean = dvd_ean
> WHERE (lower(mov_name) LIKE '%superman re%' OR lower(dvd_name) like
> '%superman re%' OR lower(dvd_edition) LIKE '%super
SELECT * FROM shop.dvds
LEFT JOIN oldtables.movies ON mov_id = dvd_mov_id
LEFT JOIN shop.data_soundmedia ON sm_info_ean = dvd_ean
WHERE (lower(mov_name) LIKE '%superman re%' OR lower(dvd_name) like
'%superman re%' OR lower(dvd_edition) LIKE '%superman re%')
Um, what's the datatype of sm_info_ean
Hi all
I would like to see what is going on in a database using the statistic
I am superuser,
stats_start_collector = on
stats_row_level = on
stats_block_level = on
select * from pg_stat_user_tables;
select * from pg_stat_user_indexes;
select * from pg_statio_user_tables
select * from
"Thomas H." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> Um, what's the datatype of sm_info_ean and dvd_ean exactly?
> varchar(15) and varchar(14)
OK. I was wondering if you'd tried to use the new contrib/isn code and
it was messing up the estimates somehow. Seems like a red herring.
After looking more clos
I would like a way to run the autovacuum daemon on demand periodically.
Every night at 2 AM, for example.
Anybody know if this is possible? If not, it's a feature request :-)
---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 1: if posting/reading through Use
One nice feature of PostgreSQL's CREATE FUNCTION/RULE/VIEW system
is ability to create objects which "may appear closer than they really are".
Hence, all the dbi-link-like modules.
The usual method is to create a view on a set returning function (if
create RULEs for managing
On Thu, 2006-11-09 at 17:00 -0800, Glen Parker wrote:
> I would like a way to run the autovacuum daemon on demand periodically.
>Every night at 2 AM, for example.
> Anybody know if this is possible? If not, it's a feature request :-)
use vacuumdb and cron.
Joshua D. Drake
> -Glen
suppose we have a stored procedure written in PL/Python.
What happens if the function blocks for a while?
Does the server still works for the other clients?
Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Joshua D. Drake wrote:
On Thu, 2006-11-09 at 17:00 -0800, Glen Parker wrote:
I would like a way to run the autovacuum daemon on demand periodically.
Every night at 2 AM, for example.
Anybody know if this is possible? If not, it's a feature request :-)
use vacuumdb and cron.
Cron yes, v
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