[GENERAL] recovery from xid wraparound

2006-10-24 Thread Shane Wright
HiI'm running 7.4 on RHAS 4, and I think I've had a transaction idwraparound issue in a stats database we have.  Running the command below gives the suitablyworrying negative number:[dbname]=# SELECT datname, age(datfrozenxid) FROM pg_database;    datname      |     age--+-

Re: [GENERAL] recovery from xid wraparound

2006-10-24 Thread Martijn van Oosterhout
On Tue, Oct 24, 2006 at 07:43:15AM +0100, Shane Wright wrote: > Anyway - not noticed any data loss yet and was hoping it would be such > that if all tables had been vacuumed recently (including system catalog > tables), that there would be no remaining rows that would appear to > have a future xid

Re: [GENERAL] recovery from xid wraparound

2006-10-24 Thread Shane Wright
Martin, Thanks :) >Running vacuum is the right solution, but I think you have to let it >finish. In particular, in that version a database-wide vacuum has to >complete before it will update the datfrozenxid (it's not tracked per >table). >> a) is my assumption about the database being ok correct

Re: [GENERAL] recovery from xid wraparound

2006-10-24 Thread Martijn van Oosterhout
On Tue, Oct 24, 2006 at 11:06:01AM +0100, Shane Wright wrote: > If I was to abort this vacuum, given that all other tables are vacuumed > (including system catalog tables), what's the worst case scenario? - > given that more transactions are happening on the database Only tables that havn't been

Re: [GENERAL] recovery from xid wraparound

2006-10-24 Thread Shane Wright
Martijn, Thanks, >Just make sure you've really covered *all* the system tables. If they go you >get really weird results. I've been under the impression system tables get done first, then user(me)-created tables after - which means my previous [aborted] attempts at vacuuming them would have cove

[GENERAL] postgres under Suse linux

2006-10-24 Thread Antonios Katsikadamos
Hi all I am a new linux and postgres user and i don't know how i canconfigure the postgres on suse linux in order to make it run. I would be thankful for any tip. kind regards Antonios __ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spa

[GENERAL] PostgreSQL in article I wrote

2006-10-24 Thread Walter Vaughan
I wrote an article that is in this month's SEMA News Show Issue that features postgreSQL amoung other open source projects. I had to write this article at a very high level (99% of the readers are car nuts and mostly senior level management), but any positive mention of postgreSQL should be a

Re: [GENERAL] postgres under Suse linux

2006-10-24 Thread Richard Broersma Jr
> Hi all I am a new linux and postgres user and i don't > know how i canconfigure the postgres on suse linux in > order to make it run. > I would be thankful for any tip. The postgresql installation documentation is in the manual. Also, notice the user comments at the bottom. Some comments are

Re: [GENERAL] postgres under Suse linux

2006-10-24 Thread Richard Huxton
Antonios Katsikadamos wrote: Hi all I am a new linux and postgres user and i don't know how i canconfigure the postgres on suse linux in order to make it run. I would be thankful for any tip. 1. Take your time - don't rush. In particular, if you're not used to Linux, allow time to get used to

Re: [GENERAL] recovery from xid wraparound

2006-10-24 Thread Tom Lane
Martijn van Oosterhout writes: > A VACUUM will recover any data that slipped beyond the horizon less > than 1 billion transactions ago, which I think covers you completely. > The only issue is that unique indexes may be confused because new > conflicting data may have been inserted while the old d

Re: [GENERAL] recovery from xid wraparound

2006-10-24 Thread Tom Lane
"Shane Wright" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: >> Just make sure you've really covered *all* the system tables. > I've been under the impression system tables get done first, then > user(me)-created tables after - No, there's no such guarantee. A database-wide vacuum just does the tables in the orde

Re: [GENERAL] recovery from xid wraparound

2006-10-24 Thread Shane Wright
Tom, Thanks But are there just 28 (the 28 that have been vacuumed), or are there more (in 7.4). Happy there's no guarantee, but would help to know any possible damager in my current situation, Thanks S -Original Message- From: Tom Lane [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: 24 October 2

[GENERAL] How to improve ODBC performance

2006-10-24 Thread johnber
Sir: I use ODBC driver 8.02 in my Delphi 7 application, and the ConnectionString="DRIVER={PostgreSQL Unicode};DATABASE=mydb;SERVER=x.x.x.x;PORT=5432;UID=postgres;PWD=password;Protocol=6.4", When I send a query-- "SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE grade=4" to a database which stores 9 records, it ta

Re: [GENERAL] unstable postgres on freebsd

2006-10-24 Thread Wes Sheldahl
Yes, it's a VPS running FreeBSD 6.1, so presumably it's in a FreeBSD jail. I'll verify that with my hosting provider and probably follow up along these lines. http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.1/interactive/kernel-resources.html seems to recommend running as different uid's as well. Right now it's r

[GENERAL] recovery from xid wraparound

2006-10-24 Thread Shane Wright
Hi I'm running 7.4 on RHAS 4, and I think I've had a transaction id wraparound issue. Running the command below gives the suitably worrying negative number: emystery=# SELECT datname, age(datfrozenxid) FROM pg_database; datname | age --+- [maindbname]

Re: [GENERAL] strange encoding behavior

2006-10-24 Thread Jeff Davis
On Mon, 2006-10-23 at 10:26 +0200, Albe Laurenz wrote: > Jeff Davis wrote: > > I have a UTF8 encoded database. I can do > > > > => SELECT '\xb9'::text; > > > > But that seems to be the only way to get an invalid utf8 byte sequence > > into a text type. > [...] > > So, if I were to sum this up in

[GENERAL] What is causing 'canceling statement due to user request' ?

2006-10-24 Thread Csaba Nagy
Hi all, I know of 2 causes: - hit CTRL-C in the psql client; - have a non-zero statement timeout and have the statement actually time out; But I am seeing this via JDBC which can't cancel a statement AFAIK, and the statement_timeout is set to 0 (in the config file globally, and there's no over

[GENERAL] regarding PostgreSQL

2006-10-24 Thread sumit kumar
Hello ,   does anybody help me out telling how the PostGRESQL estimates cardinality of LIKE operator.

Re: [GENERAL] recovery from xid wraparound

2006-10-24 Thread Shane Wright
Incidentally, how many passes of a table can vacuum make! Its currently on its third trip through the 20Gb of indices, meaning another 7 hours till completion [of this table]!. Assume it only does three passes? (it chooses based on the table continuing to be updated while vacuum is running) S

Re: [GENERAL] What is causing 'canceling statement due to user request' ?

2006-10-24 Thread Tom Lane
Csaba Nagy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > I wonder if there is any other scenario which can trigger this error ? Anything sending SIGINT to a backend process would result in this behavior. We've heard rumors that there are platforms wherein SIGINT is used for strange purposes like enforcing proces

Re: [GENERAL] recovery from xid wraparound

2006-10-24 Thread Alvaro Herrera
Shane Wright wrote: > > Incidentally, how many passes of a table can vacuum make! Its currently > on its third trip through the 20Gb of indices, meaning another 7 hours > till completion [of this table]!. > > Assume it only does three passes? (it chooses based on the table > continuing to be up

Re: [GENERAL] recovery from xid wraparound

2006-10-24 Thread Tom Lane
"Shane Wright" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > Incidentally, how many passes of a table can vacuum make! Lots, especially if the table hasn't been vacuumed in a long time... Perhaps you should be using a higher maintenance_work_mem? (Um, in 7.4 make that vacuum_mem.) Larger work memory translates d

Re: [GENERAL] recovery from xid wraparound

2006-10-24 Thread Martijn van Oosterhout
On Tue, Oct 24, 2006 at 03:47:52PM +0100, Shane Wright wrote: > > Incidentally, how many passes of a table can vacuum make! Its currently > on its third trip through the 20Gb of indices, meaning another 7 hours > till completion [of this table]!. > > Assume it only does three passes? (it choose

Re: [GENERAL] recovery from xid wraparound

2006-10-24 Thread Shane Wright
Aw :( Its at the default of 8Mb. The table contains 220 million rows and 6 indices. It has a few deleted rows... If I change vacuum_mem I'll need to at least 'pg_ctl reload' - will it apply straightaway with the next vacuum query or does it need a full restart? Does vacuum_mem need shared

Re: [GENERAL] recovery from xid wraparound

2006-10-24 Thread Martijn van Oosterhout
On Tue, Oct 24, 2006 at 04:18:09PM +0100, Shane Wright wrote: > If I change vacuum_mem I'll need to at least 'pg_ctl reload' - will > it apply straightaway with the next vacuum query or does it need a > full restart? You can control it per session I think. So you can start psql and type: # set va

Re: [GENERAL] recovery from xid wraparound

2006-10-24 Thread Tom Lane
"Shane Wright" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > If I change vacuum_mem I'll need to at least 'pg_ctl reload' - will it apply > straightaway with the next vacuum query or does it need a full restart? reload is enough. > Basically if its just datfrozenxid that's not updated I can live with > delayin

Re: [GENERAL] performace review

2006-10-24 Thread Tony Caduto
I believe they probably do believe it and it was probably driven by a complete lack of understanding of PostgreSQL. This part kills me: - slow (even for small datasets) - jokes on 3-table-joins I wonder what version of PG they did their testing/development on? I bet it was a version w

Re: [GENERAL] [NOVICE] Can we convert from Postgres to Oracle !!???

2006-10-24 Thread Chander Ganesan
Sandeep Kumar Jakkaraju wrote: Can we convert from Postgres to Oracle !!??? If you've got (or are getting) an Oracle specific app and are considering switching for compatibility reasons, you might want to talk to the folks at EnterpriseDB . Their product is based on PostgreSQL but provides O

[GENERAL] Google Co-op

2006-10-24 Thread Weslee Bilodeau
Thought this might be useful for others. I'm commonly doing searches against the documentation, mailing lists, pgforge/gborg, etc. almost daily for PostgreSQL specific items. Google is nice for this, but you have to tweak your site: search to get just what you want. There is also the helpful pgsq

Re: [GENERAL] benchmark suite

2006-10-24 Thread Ray Stell
I find the following comment in dbt2 users guide: "The test kit currently only supports SAP DB but work is currently being done to support PostgresSQL." In the source tree of dbt2-0.39 has the file ./README-POSTGRESQL. Is this the entry point doc that a postgresql user should start with to begi

[GENERAL] 8.2beta1 installation fails

2006-10-24 Thread Andrus
I ran msi installation package downloaded from postgresql.org from remote desktop. I selected Estonian locale, UTF-8 database encoding. After that I got error Failed to run initdb: !128 Please see the logfile in 'C:\program Files\PostgreSQL\8.2beta1\tmp\initdb.log'. Note! You must read/copy this

[GENERAL] Call for Donations

2006-10-24 Thread Joshua D. Drake
Hello, You can read a lot of stuff below, or you can just donate: http://www.postgresql.org/about/donate As some of you know (most of you won't) I am the PostgreSQL SPI Liason. What does that mean? Well you can read more about that here: http://fundraising.postgresql.org/ I am writing today be

[GENERAL] How to get joins to work

2006-10-24 Thread Bill Ewing
I am having trouble getting joins to work.  In a Java app that uses Hibernate 3.1, I am able to build queries that join two, three or more tables using combinations of INNER JOIN,  LEFT JOIN or RIGHT JOIN.  But, I need FULL OUTER JOIN to work and have not been able to get them to work in Hibernate.

Re: [GENERAL] 8.2beta1 installation fails

2006-10-24 Thread Magnus Hagander
> I ran msi installation package downloaded from postgresql.org > from remote desktop. > I selected Estonian locale, UTF-8 database encoding. > > After that I got error > > Failed to run initdb: !128 > Please see the logfile in 'C:\program > Files\PostgreSQL\8.2beta1\tmp\initdb.log'. > Note! You

Re: [GENERAL] How to get joins to work

2006-10-24 Thread Martijn van Oosterhout
On Tue, Oct 24, 2006 at 02:43:07PM -0700, Bill Ewing wrote: > I am having trouble getting joins to work. In a Java app that uses Hibernate > 3.1, I am able to build queries that join two, three or more tables using > combinations of INNER JOIN, LEFT JOIN or RIGHT JOIN. But, I need FULL OUTER

Re: [GENERAL] benchmark suite

2006-10-24 Thread Andrew Sullivan
On Tue, Oct 24, 2006 at 12:57:08PM -0400, Ray Stell wrote: > > I find the following comment in dbt2 users guide: "The test kit > currently only supports SAP DB but work is currently being done to > support PostgresSQL." In the source tree of dbt2-0.39 has the file > ./README-POSTGRESQL. Is this

Re: [GENERAL] [pgsql-es-ayuda] identificar usuario con registro en una tabla

2006-10-24 Thread Alejandro D. Burne
2006/10/24, Milton Galo Patricio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: [EMAIL PROTECTED]:He buscado en la documentación (de forma parcial) y no he podidoencontrar alguna sentencia o comando que me pueda retornar el nombredel usuario que realizo un insert en una determinada tabla (pero de forma historica), me ex

Re: [GENERAL] [pgsql-advocacy] Call for Donations

2006-10-24 Thread Josh Berkus
Community, Please note that we are also planning on having a donor listing somewhere on the postgresql.org web site Real Soon Now. We're just being held up at this point by the necessity of developing the technology and donor accounting. -- --Josh Josh Berkus PostgreSQL @ Sun San Francisco

Re: [GENERAL] [pgsql-advocacy] Call for Donations

2006-10-24 Thread Joshua D. Drake
Josh Berkus wrote: > Community, > > Please note that we are also planning on having a donor listing somewhere > on the postgresql.org web site Real Soon Now. We're just being held up at > this point by the necessity of developing the technology and donor > accounting. Good point Josh! :). Yes

Re: [GENERAL] How to get joins to work

2006-10-24 Thread Michael Glaesemann
On Oct 25, 2006, at 6:43 , Bill Ewing wrote: The above two tables are linked. But, none of the following SQL worked: select * FROM rack r JOIN sample s select * FROM rack r INNER JOIN sample s In each case I get a message "ERROR: syntax error at end of input at character X" where X

Re: [GENERAL] 8.2beta1 installation fails

2006-10-24 Thread Harald Armin Massa
Andrus,did you make sure you used the /console mode of remote desktop?On 10/24/06, Andrus <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:I ran msi installation package downloaded from postgresql.org from remotedesktop.I selected Estonian locale, UTF-8 database encoding.it is a known limitation that installtion via re

Re: [GENERAL] SQL injection in a ~ or LIKE statement

2006-10-24 Thread Harald Armin Massa
psycopg2 supports parameters which are escaped properly.adding: Judging from the mails of  Frederico, developer of psycopg2, he was also in the "early notify circle" of the 8.13->8.14 escaping improvement. So, if done correctly the DB API way, all escaping with psycopg2 is fine.Harald-- GHUM Haral

Re: [GENERAL] SQL injection in a ~ or LIKE statement

2006-10-24 Thread Karsten Hilbert
On Mon, Oct 23, 2006 at 07:58:30AM +0200, Harald Armin Massa wrote: > adding: Judging from the mails of Frederico, developer of psycopg2, he was > also in the "early notify circle" of the 8.13->8.14 escaping improvement. > So, if done correctly the DB API way, all escaping with psycopg2 is fine.