On 09/25/2017 11:10 AM, Vladimir Mihailenco wrote:
> Thanks again - for some reason I thought that each page should be
> fsynced separately...
> I am running ZFS and going to try following config on 32gb server:
> shared_buffers = 512mb (previously was 6gb)
> max_wal_size = 8gb
> zfs_arc_ma
Thanks again - for some reason I thought that each page should be fsynced
I am running ZFS and going to try following config on 32gb server:
shared_buffers = 512mb (previously was 6gb)
max_wal_size = 8gb
zfs_arc_max = 24gb
i.e. run with minimal shared buffers and do all the caching
On 09/24/2017 11:03 AM, Vladimir Mihailenco wrote:
> Thanks for your response. Ss I understand it now the difference is
> that checkpoints are synchronous but dirty pages eviction from shared
> buffers are asynchronous, correct? How then Postgres ensures that OS
> writes data to the disk so WAL can
Thanks for your response. Ss I understand it now the difference is that
checkpoints are synchronous but dirty pages eviction from shared buffers
are asynchronous, correct? How then Postgres ensures that OS writes data to
the disk so WAL can be deleted?
>WAL writes are asynchronous.
Is there a typ
On 09/23/2017 08:18 AM, Vladimir Mihailenco wrote:
> Hi,
> I wonder what is the point of setting max WAL size bigger than shared
> buffers, e.g.
> shared_buffers = 512mb
> max_wal_size = 2gb
> As I understand a checkpoint happens after 2gb of data were modified
> (writter to WAL), but