x asasaxax wrote:
> How about if i do this inside a procedure:
> SELECT setval('sequence',(SELECT max(id) FROM table)) INTO variable;
> insert into table values(variable, ..., ...); ?
> Will this be transactional? Cause, they say that setval is a command
> that its transactional. Using this
How about if i do this inside a procedure:
SELECT setval('sequence',(SELECT max(id) FROM table)) INTO variable;
insert into table values(variable, ..., ...); ?
Will this be transactional? Cause, they say that setval is a command
that its transactional. Using this way i
donĀ“t will need to use a s
can anyone do a example for me.. an explain how it works?
Thanks a lot
2008/3/29, Berend Tober <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> x asasaxax wrote:
> >I have the following tablecreate table product(cod serial,
> user_cod
> > bigint, constraint product_fk Foreign Key(user_cod) references
> user(cod
x asasaxax wrote:
I have the following tablecreate table product(cod serial, user_cod
bigint, constraint product_fk Foreign Key(user_cod) references user(cod),
constraint product_pk Primary Key(cod, user_cod));
What i want to happend is that:
x asasaxax wrote:
I have the following tablecreate table product(cod serial, user_cod
bigint, constraint product_fk Foreign Key(user_cod) references user(cod),
constraint product_pk Primary Key(cod, user_cod));
What i want to happend is that: