>From: "A. Kretschmer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>select into v_output ((v_timeout - v_timein) ...
>Done, works for me.
ok, maybe you mean :
select ((v_timeout - v_timein) - interval ''v_timebreak minutes'') into
and then if i try to execute my function on pgAdmin with command :
am Mon, dem 10.11.2008, um 13:13:05 +0700 mailte dbalinglung folgendes:
> >From: "A. Kretschmer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> >First, please create a new thread for a new question.
> >
> >
> Sorry, ok i create new thread
his is still the old thread, see the References-Headers.
> >select into v_o
From: "A. Kretschmer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
First, please create a new thread for a new question.
Sorry, ok i create new thread
Rewrite the line
v_output := select ((v_timeout - v_timein) ...
select into v_output ((v_timeout - v_timein) ...
(not tested)
please tested your answer