prr=# select foo.c1, f.c2 from foo f; -- >>> Incorrect result <<<
The result of the "select foo.c1, f.c2 from foo f" isn't correct, it do
a cartesian product of foo table.
foo is aliased to f, so there's no table named foo in the from clause.
By default postgres tries to add the missing table n
27;Subject: [GENERAL] query with table
I think I have found a query problem when the query
has an alias for a table and use alias item and table name.
I ilustrate the problem with a simple table and
prr=# create table foo (c1 int2, c2 int2);
On Nov 12, 2004, at 7:48 PM, Rodríguez Rodríguez, Pere wrote:
prr=# select foo.c1, f.c2 from foo f; -- >>> Incorrect result <<<
c1 | c2
1 | 1
2 | 1
1 | 2
2 | 2
(4 filas)
If you alias a table, you can only reference the table using the alias.
It is in effect renamed: foo is
Title: query with table alias
I think I have found a query problem when the query has an alias for a table and use alias item and table name.
I ilustrate the problem with a simple table and query.
prr=# create table foo (c1 int2, c2 int2);
prr=# insert into foo values