pg wrote:
> I have some pulldown menus in a VB app which extract data
> from a remote site with slow connection. And the data in those tables for
> pulldowns changes rarely. So if the pulldown has to extract the data and
> transmit it thru slow connection, the pulldown will take a few seconds to
> In fact, I only need to decide whether a table (the whole) has been updated
> since last query. I have some pulldown menus in a VB app which extract data
> from a remote site with slow connection. And the data in those tables for
> pulldowns changes rarely. So if the pulldown has to extract the d
pg wrote:
> In fact, I only need to decide whether a table (the whole) has been updated
> since last query. I have some pulldown menus in a VB app which extract data
> from a remote site with slow connection. And the data in those tables for
> pulldowns changes rarely. So if the pulldown has to ex
g the last update time of all tables (not
records) for pulldowns.
- Original Message -
From: "Richard Huxton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, December 05, 2003 5:53 PM
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] l