erobles writes:
>> i tried to create an functional index like this:
>> create index estdistfecha on estadist (date(fecha));
>> but only get the next message:
>> ERROR: DefineIndex: index function must be marked iscachable.
Egad, what are you running? That message hasn't been spelled that way
2009/8/3 erobles :
> another thing i tried to do was:
> create or replace function lafecha(timestamp with time zone) returns date
> as 'select date($1);'
> language 'SQL'
> with iscachable;
try to use IMMUTABLE
> But i got the message: ERROR parser: parse error at or near "is
another thing i tried to do was:
create or replace function lafecha(timestamp with time zone) returns date
as 'select date($1);'
language 'SQL'
with iscachable;
But i got the message: ERROR parser: parse error at or near "iscachable";
if avoid "with iscachable" string the fucntion was cre
erobles wrote:
Hello there!
i tried to create an functional index like this:
create index estdistfecha on estadist (date(fecha));
but only get the next message:
ERROR: DefineIndex: index function must be marked iscachable.
So, How can i mark the date function iscachable ? :-)
i hope your