"Duncan Kinder" wrote:
>I have installed postgresql 6.5.1 on a Redhat Linux 5.2 box.
>As "postgres" I am able to create a database.
>However, when I type the command "createdb whatever" as dckinder, I receive
>the following response:
>"Connection to database 'templete1' faile
Duncan Kinder wrote:
> I have installed postgresql 6.5.1 on a Redhat Linux 5.2 box.
> As "postgres" I am able to create a database.
> However, when I type the command "createdb whatever" as dckinder, I receive
> the following response:
> "Connection to database 'templete1' failed
> FATAL 1:
As the postgres user run the program "createuser" It will ask fro a
username (dckinder) and some other things, including whether the user can
create a database. You can do the same thing by connecting to template1
with psql and using the CREATE USER command. (do \h CREATE USER from within
I have installed postgresql 6.5.1 on a Redhat Linux 5.2 box.
As "postgres" I am able to create a database.
However, when I type the command "createdb whatever" as dckinder, I receive
the following response:
"Connection to database 'templete1' failed
FATAL 1: SetUserId: user 'dckinder' is not in