You can avoid stemming by using 'simple' instead of 'english' as the
language of the words in to_tsvector (which is a little more awkward
than the cast).
"There are no stop words for the simple dictionary. It will just
convert to lower case, and index every unique word.
SELECT to_tsvector(
"sandeep prakash dhumale" writes:
> I am trying to get tsearch working for my application but I am facing a
> problem when alphabet 'Y' is the in the tsquery.
> # SELECT 'hollywood'::tsvector @@ to_tsquery('holly:*');
> ?column?
> --
> f
> (1 row)
You can't use to_tsquery for this sor
Hello All,
I am trying to get tsearch working for my application but I am facing a
problem when alphabet 'Y' is the in the tsquery.
can anyone please share some light on it.
# SELECT 'hollywood'::tsvector @@ to_tsquery('holly:*');
(1 row)
SELECT 'hollywood'::tsvector