Wow -- you have an old db version there! When doing a little research, I
found that back in 2005 you actually had the same basic issue - that the
way you were using the "lo" contrib module in 7.x and 8.0 was not supported
in 8.1 anymore:
Hi John,
Database seem now completely transferred after "create extension lo" on my new
database then restore all data from the backup file. (tested by my application
to call/save all information data and picture with database)
Thank you for your kindly help.
NETsolutions Asia Limit
On 3/3/2016 3:53 AM, Premsun Choltanwanich wrote:
I have no source code for this contrib/lo and dll/function seem
already be stored with my 8.0.13 installation package.
upon looking at the current docs again in the light of day, I see that
there *IS* a contrib/lo module in all recent version
Hi Joon,
I have no source code for this contrib/lo and dll/function seem already be
stored with my 8.0.13 installation package.
Any suggestion?
NETsolutions Asia Limited
>>> John R Pierce 2016-03-03 09:05 >>>
On 3/2/2016 5:52 PM, Premsun Choltanwanich wrote:
On 3/2/2016 5:52 PM, Premsun Choltanwanich wrote:
And, almost tables are transferred to new server except tables which
contain lo data (all those tables are missing from the database) after
running pg_dump and psql following as per your suggestion.
The attachment is a log file created after
Hi Magnus,
My database size is about 1.5 GB by most of them are lo (large object) data.
NETsolutions Asia Limited
>>> Magnus Hagander 2016-03-02 15:29 >>>
On Mar 2, 2016 06:01, "John R Pierce" wrote:
> (thread moved from pg_bugs)
> (upgrading a 8.0.13 datab