"Ken Winter" writes:
> Since constraint name uniqueness is a SQL standard, I was surprised that
> PostgreSQL doesn't enforce it. I found one thread (from 2002) in the
> archive that discusses this, but the thread ended inconclusively.
I think our position is pretty clear: we aren't going to enfo
I think your two alternatives are to either make sure no constraint
names are duplicated, or add a unique key for conname to
pg_constraint. I didn;t know constraint name was a SQL requirement.
I can see how the information_schema would be designed to assume they
were unique if it was.
Sent vi
The following query against my PostgreSQL 8.0.x 'public' schema:
fkc.table_name as fk_table_name,
fkc.constraint_name AS fk_constraint_name
FROM information_schema.table_constraints fkc
WHERE fkc.constraint_schema = 'public'
AND fkc.constraint_type = 'FOREIGN KEY'