I ran into the same problem (no 9.0.4 rpm) on CentOS 6. I downloaded the
SRPM from the x86_64 directory at http://yum.postgresql.org/srpms/9.0/ and
built a fresh set of rpm with rpmbuild.
You might need to do the same.
2011/8/27 José María Terry Jiménez
> El 27/08/2011, a las
El 27/08/2011, a las 02:40, John Moran escribió:
> I'm wondering how it's possible to upgrade my fedora system's pg to
> the latest minor release. I'm using the PGDG RPMs. A "yum update"
> leaves me on version 9.0.2. I'd expect it to put me on 9.0.4. What am
> I doing wrong? I installed from pgdg
I'm wondering how it's possible to upgrade my fedora system's pg to
the latest minor release. I'm using the PGDG RPMs. A "yum update"
leaves me on version 9.0.2. I'd expect it to put me on 9.0.4. What am
I doing wrong? I installed from pgdg-fedora-9.0-2.noarch .
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