Got it now Delphi is interfering with the numeric formatting --
obviously... this is considered normal for numeric data types that trailing
zeroes are removed... they are insignificant anyway
To solve your issue: I guess the thing to do is to cast the result as text
to preserve the f
codeWarrior wrote:
If it is a numeric data column -- you probably want to use the "round"
SELECT round(1200.01, 3);
SELECT round(12.009, 2);
Interesting. I had tried that. After your message I tried again and
encountered this interesting anomaly: while the ROUND function used i
If it is a numeric data column -- you probably want to use the "round"
SELECT round(1200.01, 3);
SELECT round(12.009, 2);
"Berend Tober" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Say I want to format calculated numeric output to uniformly have a
> specific number
Say I want to format calculated numeric output to uniformly have a
specific number of decimal places, say 3 digits right of the decimal
point. My current understanding is that the TO_CHAR function is the
appropriate way to accomplish this kind of numeric formatting. So for
instance I might writ