You need to find the file pg_hba.conf.
Inside of it find the lines showing:
# IPv4 local connections:
hostall all md5
Change the md5 to trust, make sure it is only for local host that you do it.
Save the file and restart your postgres server.
> Marty.
> --- On Tue, 16/12/08, Allan Kamau wrote:
> From: Allan Kamau
> Subject: Re: [GENERAL] Lost password
> To:
> Cc:
> Received: Tuesday, 16 December, 2008, 7:32 PM
> -Inline Attachme
It seems you haven't done anything you need to save, so why
not save time and just reinstall postgres?
I started the installation of postrgres got distracted and then started again but forgot my password
Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (
To make c
It is assumed you are running Unix (or Linux). The commands you've
been provided with are standard Unix system commands that will help
you find the files (pg_hba.conf) you are looking for, the output of
these commands (locate or find) is the absolute path to your queried
file (in your case pg_hba.c
I started the installation of postrgres got distracted and then started again
but forgot my password. I have received the info below:
Now what?
If you have access to shell account on the machine PostgreSQL is running, and
your shell works as the same user as Postgres itself, or root - sol