On Tue, Nov 07, 2006 at 08:40:54AM +0700, Premsun Choltanwanich wrote:
> Dear Richard,
> Regarding the information you give to me, I understand that this
> information is a thing that normally used by PostgreSQL system. And
> the information seem to be placed on a comment area. So, Who need to
Dear Richard,
Regarding the information you give to me, I understand that this information is a thing that normally used by PostgreSQL system. And the information seem to be placed on a comment area. So, Who need to have a clearly understanding on the header information?
Thank you
>>> Rich
Premsun Choltanwanich wrote:
Dear All,
I had open the backup file of PostgreSQL created by pg_dump command. I found
that pg_dump make a comment line as header for each module it backup. I try to
understand the meaning of value contained on header for my sample header
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Dear All,
I had open the backup file of PostgreSQL created by pg_dump command. I found that pg_dump make a comment line as header for each module it backup. I try to understand the meaning of value contained on header for my sample header
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