Gregory S. Youngblood
ext 2164
-Original Message-
From: Erik Colson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, July 06, 1999 3:36 PM
To: Postgres-General
Subject: [GENERAL] Empty date field !
Hello !
I'm desperately searching how to UPDATE a date-field with a
> I'm desperately searching how to UPDATE a date-field with an empty
> value ?
use escape : \N (represents NULL)
Christian Rudow E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
ThinX networked business servicesStahlrain 10
> Subject: Re: [GENERAL] Empty Date Field
> Thank you very much.
> I have another question if you don't mind...
> I live in Colombia (Sounth America) and on the currency works with numbers
> much higher than the ones used in dollars. For example we w