Hello - Several people kindly responded directly to me with some
specific suggestions for this, however the message was mistakenly
deleted and not in the archives. If you remember who you are and
wouldn't mind resending that would be fantastic!
Hello - Just installed 8.2.4 on a
On 19/09/2007, Filip Rembiałkowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> here you are, all posts from this thread are below.
> BTW, what happened to the archives?
sorry nothing happened... I mixed it up :|
Nathan, your post is there...
2007/9/19, Nathan Wilhelmi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hello - Several people kindly responded directly to me with some
> specific suggestions for this, however the message was mistakenly
> deleted and not in the archives. If you remember who you are and
> wouldn't mind resending that would be fantastic
On Fri, 10 Aug 2007, Nathan Wilhelmi wrote:
are the out of the box configs pretty good or are there any recommended
changes I should be making to start with?
The out of the box configuration is wildly inappropriate for your system,
and there are few examples of something appropriate to point
The out-of-the-box configs are pretty awful for you. Read some
list archives (from this list and pgsql-performance) and also take a look
at http://www.powerpostgresql.com/Downloads/annotated_conf_80.html
On Fri, 10 Aug 2007, Nathan Wilhelmi wrote:
Hello - Just installed 8.2.4 on a Solaris 9 b
Hello - Just installed 8.2.4 on a Solaris 9 box. It's an 8-way (15000
MHz sparc) with 32GB of ram. We don't know the exact table structure yet
or access patterns, although the first thing that will be looked at is a
Sesame triple store DB. I would expect that this DB will be more skewed
to read