Re: [GENERAL] [pgadmin-support] Emergency - postgre is not working

2006-07-11 Thread Merlin Moncure
On 7/11/06, Harald Armin Massa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Propblem gets clearer. I had similiar symptoms before; so my rough guess is: your postgres user did loose a privilege. Technical background: the postgres-account is a low privileged user, which logs on automatically when the service start

Re: [GENERAL] [pgadmin-support] Emergency - postgre is not working

2006-07-11 Thread Harald Armin Massa
Anika,Sorry, I dont know what time zone you are in - I usually go to bed 4am and am up 8am in my timezone...  I do not know programming AT ALL - just html  I also dont know how to put the mail back on the list...sorry. I am in CEST (central europe summer time) ... just giving that info, so you

Re: [GENERAL] [pgadmin-support] Emergency - postgre is not working

2006-07-11 Thread Harald Armin Massa
Hello Anika,please see that we are in different timezones, and I usually try to sleep at night. Please also try to keep your mail on the list, so others can try to help you as well.Now, dig deeper in the analyzis: 1st) Logon as Admin, checkout services.mscis there a postgres service running? If not