Re: [GENERAL] streaming replication + wal shipping

2014-04-15 Thread senthilnathan
*postgresql.conf:* wal_level = hot_standby hot_standby = on archive_mode = on archive_command = 'cp %p ../archive/%f' ## "archive" parallel to data directory max_wal_senders = 10 ## number of slaves *recovery.conf(in slave)* restore_command = 'cp ../archive/%f "%p"' standby_mode = 'on' primary_c

[GENERAL] Copying timeline history file to standby

2011-12-14 Thread senthilnathan
We are using 9.1., We have a set up like a master and 2 standby servers. M -- > S1,S2 . Both standby S1 and S2 share the same archive. Master will have an Virtual IP. Both stand by servers will be replicated using this virtual ip. Assume the master fails,using our heart beat mechanism Virtual IP

Re: [GENERAL] Recovery from Archive files

2011-10-19 Thread senthilnathan
Thanks John., Yes its from WAL Archives. I dont have the basebackup instead i am having all the WAL files that are archived right from the server start. My question is how(steps?) to to build whole setup(postgres server)by replaying all WAL files (from 000100010

[GENERAL] PG Source Compilation (Optional Features / Optional Packages)

2011-10-04 Thread senthilnathan
Can you please provide us the details of Optional Features / Optional Package to be used for postgres source compilation for a standard setup(recommended...) We also look for the add on packages(available under contrib.,) to be included for compilation in the standard setup(like pgcrypto) Note :

[GENERAL] pg_stat_replication data in standy servers

2011-09-29 Thread senthilnathan
Using 9.1 SR, the pg_stat_replication data's are available in Primary server. The table is not replicated to standby server. Is it intensionally done. if so why ? Senthil -- View this message in context:

[GENERAL] Overhead on while doing pg_start_backup

2011-08-05 Thread senthilnathan
My use case., I have a system with master ---> Standby 1 ---> Standby 2 replicating to 2 standby servers. i will use Incrementally_Updated_Backups( for 2 puposes 1. For adding one more sta

Re: [GENERAL] Queries Regarding Postgresql Replication

2011-08-02 Thread senthilnathan
*> What is the procedure to make the failed master as working slave?* Check whether the following steps works for you... Assume the following is your use case., Master > Slave(Stand by..) Master replicating to slave. At time when master failed, the slave takes over as new master. Now

Re: [GENERAL] Queries Regarding Postgresql Replication

2011-08-02 Thread senthilnathan
*> What is the procedure to make the failed master as working slave?* Check whether the following steps works for you... Assume the following is your use case., Master > Slave(Stand by..) Master replicating to slave. At time when master failed, the slave takes over as new master. Now

[GENERAL] Timeline Conflict

2011-08-02 Thread senthilnathan
We have system(Cluster) with Master replicating to 2 stand by servers. i.e M |---> S1 |---> S2 If master failed, we do a trigger file at S1 to take over as master. Now we need to re-point the standby S2 as slave for the new master (i.e S1) While trying to start standby S2,the