for adding a geometry-column to an existing table use one of the
postgis-functions "select AddGeometryColumn(...);" described in:
Am 17.01.2011 18:35, schrieb "Plata Martínez, Álva
Just some thoughts:
- create a multipoint with 100 vertices instead of a single point and query
once with st_Intersect
- prepare the single-point-query and execute the prepared query 100 times with
the changing coordinates
- Ursprüngliche Nachricht -
Von: trevor1940
"Ä" => "Ae", "Ö" => "Oe", "Ü" => "Ue");
target_file_name = strtr($current_file_name, $trans);
$i = 0;
$old_target_file_name = $target_file_name;
while(file_exists($target_dir . '/' . $target_file_name)){
$target_file_name = $i . $old_target_file_name;
return $target_file_name;
01/04/2013 23:59:59','DD/MM/ hH24:MI:SS');
=> FEHLER: ungültiger Wert »:5« für »MI«
DETAIL: Der Wert muss eine ganze Zahl sein.
Am 07.07.2010 23:07, schrieb Carlos Henrique Reimer:
I've a Linux box running postgresql 8.2.17 and facing some strange
ld be done? I'm runnig PG 8.4 on a windows machine.
Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (pgsql-general@postgresql.org)
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I don't know about Postgres 8.3, but with 8.4-docs the Syntax of your
query could be
select * from tblretrain where NOT ('ms-ap-t2-02c9' = ANY (owners));
Grant Maxwell schrieb:
Hi Folks
According to the 8.3 docs I should be able to write:
select * from tblretr
t2.token and
t1.exponent != t2.exponent
inner join test_right as t3 on t1.token = t3.token and t1.exponent =
inner join test_right as t4 on t2.token = t4.token and t2.exponent =
Ludwig Kniprath
Alban Hertroys schrieb:
I'm having some troubles
Scott Marlowe schrieb:
On Sat, May 23, 2009 at 7:18 AM, Christophe wrote:
On May 23, 2009, at 9:13 AM, Daniel Verite wrote:
I don't know why this query returns false:
SELECT '20040506 070809.01'::timestamp(6) - '20010203
040506.007000'::timestamp(6) = '1188 day 3 hour 3 minute 3 se
Hello Hendra,
there is no function right(column, n-Chars), but you can use
substring(column-name from offset for num_chars) in combination with
char_length for getting the right-n-characters as f. e.:
select substring(column from (char_length(column) - 3) for 4) from table
I don't know, if this is an inconsistence or a bug, but here a possible
select current_timestamp::abstime::int4 as score,
current_timestamp::abstime::int4 + 1 as "score + 1" order by "score + 1";
This works:
critik=# select current
looking at the data above (only
"river_1" is running through all these countries), but how to query this
by sql?
Thanks in advance
Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (pgsql-general@postgresql.org)
To make changes to your subscription:
' and
table_name = 'name_of_your_table' and
column_name = 'name_of_your_column'
Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (pgsql-general@postgresql.org)
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Hallo Bob,
I also use pgDmin on XP with postGIS and imported Shape-Files, but without
As far as I know pgadmin uses gtk, and there are some google-hits for
searchvalues "pgadmin" and "gtk" reporting hardware-crashes on windows and
linux Systems.
Perhaps the same pr
Perhaps trivial, but:
Additional to or instead of triggers You can use grants to allow updates only
to special users.
>Hello there
>Can anyone please tell me how to make a column uneditable..
>Plz give me some output
Sent via pgsql-general mai
I think, this is the wrong list, it appears to be a PHP error.
Anyway, try to put the global $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] into {}brackets:
list($page_id)=sqlget("select page_id from pages where
Hope, You're
, somehow the credentials must be cleartext, so you can't get rid of this lack of security in my opinion.By the way, this is an *intra*net-solution, and we don't have hackers in our staff, I hope...Ludwig
me *~ 'in_' ORDER BY tablename ASCbye...Ludwig
Type casting is required since 8.3, trySELECT substring(date :: varchar from 1 for 7) AS stryearmonth, COUNT(id) AS countofnumber FROM (SELECT * from downloads ) AS foo GROUP BY stryearmonth ORDER BY stryearmonth ASCBye...LudwigHi there, it seems to work with 8.1, but not anymore with 8.3. What is
Yes, there is a great solution, take a look at PostGIS: http://www.postgis.org/ It shurely will do all you want with geodata, but perhaps not as simple as you like... bye...Ludwig Hello,I have a lot of GeoData( Latitude and Longitude ) in my PostgreSQL Database. Is store them as numeric at this
Hi, what's the result of SELECT * from tmp_stamp where _stamp = '2f980de9f2297c7902f3415f6537c6be';?Perhaps different fieldtypes (f. e. VARCHAR in table www_es_orderhead_cs versus CHAR(n) in Table _stamp filled up with blanks)? Ludwig Hi,there is a problem with foreign key (PG
TEROLE and ALTER ROLE. For example, being a member of a role with CREATEDB privilege does notimmediately grant the ability to create databases, even if INHERIT is set; it would be necessary tobecome that role via SET ROLE before creating a database. bye...Ludwig
Devrim GUNDUZ schrieb:
On Tue, 2006-10-10 at 11:30 +0200, Ludwig Kniprath wrote:
"/usr/lib/postgresql/8.1/lib/liblwgeom.so.1.1": libgeos_c.so.1: cannot
open shared object file: No such file or directory
Did you run make install agains geos? Is the path that libg
PostgreSQL 8.1 on ubuntu-linux 6.06 (kernel 2.6.15-27-686):
Compiled proj-4.4.9 and geos-2.2.3 without problems.
Output from postgis-./configure-Command:
HOST_OS: linux-gnu
PGSQL: /usr/bin/pg_config
GEOS: /usr/local/bin/ge
Hi Thomas :
--- Thomas Kellerer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ludwig Isaac Lim wrote on 15.08.2006 18:05:
> > Searching the web using google gives me the following
> > information about error 1063:
> > Error code 1063:
2006-08-08 09:43:09 LOG: logger shutting down
Hope this helps.
Thanks in advance,
ludwig lim
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---(end of broadc
k_mem, etc (check
http://www.powerpostgresql.com/PerfList) .
--- Philippe Lang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have now disabled hyperthreading in /etc/grub.conf
> (added noht at the end
> of kernel lines), rebooted the server, run ANALYSE on the
> database again
How about the postgresql.conf settings? Did you changed
--- Philippe Lang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I did not mention it in my first email, but I did run
> "ANALYSE" before
> running the query... So statistics are just fine fo
Hi :
Maybe you forget to run the "ANALYZE" command afterwards.
--- Philippe Lang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> For an unknown reason, I cannot post this message to the
> mailing-list!
> Here it is:
> http://www.attiksyst
Hi :
How about creating a view that converts integer into
create view as
select ::numeric as ,
select ::numeric as
and then query the view instead. This way your formula
doesn't need to use cast anymore.
ludwig lim
--- SunWuKung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I
group by a
order by a,
select a,sum(b) as sum_b
from c
group by a
order by a, sum_b
ludwig lim
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Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around
regards, tom lane
So in practice, should one vacuum template1 when
vacuuming other database (Assuming one doesn't use vaccumdb
script when vacuuming database)?
Will this problem occur if I vacuum all database except
Thanks for the previous quick respon
te1 is just used as a template in creating a new
Am I missing something here?
Thank you very much,
ludwig lim
Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around
psql --version
psql (PostgreSQL) 8.0.4
Was the patch for version 8.1? I'm just wondering why
the patch was not applied to PostgreSQL version 8.0.4
Thank you!
have saved them.
Logged in as user ludwig I can insert data with no problem.
But as my small Perl-program tries to connect to the database, that does
not work. postgres.log: "Peer authentication failed for user 'ludwig'"
What to do?
I temporary solved the problem with the sequences by making a query:
select id from ports order by id desc limit 1;
But I am not convinced this is "the real way" to get the number of element
the table ports has
---(end of
;", \@ports);
Where the number I am looking for is $#ports then ...
I think this method will take a lot of time and is not very effective, as
I do not think I wil ever access one of the entrys read (at least not
while putting some information) ...
eferences table1,
and-so-on references all-other-tables
How, each time You insert some data in huibui using
insert into huibui (field1, and-son-on) values (?, ..);
the 'tralala' counter will be increased by one (nextval).
create new tables.
Maybe someone can help?
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