When I try to start the backend it fails. Here is the server log entry:
postmaster successfully started
/usr/bin/postmaster: invalid argument -- output-meta
Try '/usr/bin/postmaster --help' for more information.
Please help!
---(end of broadcast)-
I am having a problem with the zillions of:
pq_flush: send() failed: Broken pipe
FATAL: pq_endmessage failed: errno=32
messages being generated.
What causes this?
How can it be prevented?
---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 1: subscribe and unsu
I'm getting these log entries:
ExecRestrPos: node type 18 not supported
ExecMarkPos: node type 18 not supported
Any idea what they mean?
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Query problems.
Updating table A(fqhcdata) based on values in table B(chn_jmembrm0).
Table A: sbrno - char(15)
Table B: subscriber_number - varchar
*both fields have indexes
Query 1: (the most obvious solution)
This simple test function fails.
drop function testit(text);
create function testit(text) returns text as '
myval text;
myval:= $1;
return myval;
' language 'plpgsql';
select testit('testing');
select testit(''testing'
Found these messages in the log this morning.
Can anyone explain why?
dropping tables for ucs...
NOTICE: RegisterSharedInvalid: SI buffer overflow
NOTICE: InvalidateSharedInvalid: cache state reset
Get Your Priv
How would I connect a Unix client (perl,psql,etc.) on one machine to a Unix
postgres backend on another machine?
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Please add to the COPY command the option FIXED_WIDTH for the purpose of
exporting fixed width files.
Kurt Miller
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