[GENERAL] Crash-me of PostgreSQL

2001-02-14 Thread Uro Gruber
Hi! Does anybody have chrach-me (mysql) results for PostgreSQL 7.1beta, because in dont have module DBI for perl so i can't run it. I wan't to comprebe to version 7.0 to see the difference. -- lp, Uroš mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

[GENERAL] pg_hba.conf edit

2001-01-16 Thread Uro Gruber
Hi! I want to know how to edit this file. Because is only for reading. Is there any program to edit this. For now i chmod it to 600 end edit with my editor. Any comments. -- Uroš

[GENERAL] Problems with connecting to Postgre

2001-01-12 Thread Uro Gruber
Hi! I use postgre 7.0.3 on FreeBSD 4.1.1 I started my postgres with -i, because i want to connect over internet. I tested this in localnet. When i connect with PHP it takes very long time. If i refresh again i get results immediately. If i refresh my page after some seconds it takes long time to

[GENERAL] PHP and PostgreSQL

2001-01-05 Thread Uro Gruber
Hi! I have some questions about coding in php with postgre. Here is my code $qu = pg_exec ($db_conn, "SELECT * FROM clients ORDER BY username"); $row = 0; // postgres needs a row counter other dbs might not while ($data = @pg_fetch_object ($qu, $row)) { echo $data->username." ("; echo $data->pa

[GENERAL] VACUM database

2001-01-04 Thread Uro Gruber
Hi! I wan't to know how often do i have to do this. If i do a lot of inserts, my SELECTS are very slow, but if I Vacum the table it's better. do i have to vacum every insert? Thanks. -- Uroš Gruber

[GENERAL] Output function

2000-12-28 Thread Uro Gruber
Hi! This is some function. CREATE FUNCTION my_func(text) RETURNS text AS ' DECLARE name TEXT; lastname TEXT; BEGIN name := ''Uros''; lastname := ''Gruber''; RETURN ime; END; ' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'; Output is like this my_func Uros (1 row) What i want

[GENERAL] Functions in Postgre

2000-12-27 Thread Uro Gruber
Hi! I have 2 questions. 1. I want to store some data in database (8 different fields) and then check some other thig and if something is ok i wan't to update some data. I think i have to use function for this, because i don't want to send so many queries over the net. But now i'm confused. Is it

[GENERAL] Problems with starting Postgres

2000-12-10 Thread Uro¹ Gruber
Hi! I started postgres with -i switch, but when i kill the proces i can't start it anymore on the same port. I tried this five times and i can start it now on 5 ports because i have to use everytime a new port. I look in my /tmp and try to delete postgres files, but still don't works. There is n