I have been trying for a while to write a function that would return multiple rows and columns in a similar fashion as SQL server stored procedures.
I can get my functions to return multiple rows and columns but only from a single table. I worked around this by creating a view that ties
On Oct 5, 2004, at 10:00 AM, Kevin Barnard wrote:
SELECT trim(leading '0' from to_char(now(), 'HH:MM AM'))
I think is what you really want. This gets rid of the nasty leasing 0.
I wasn't even paying attention to the seconds. I was in fact talking
about the leading 0.
Thanks to everyone and apo
I am in the process of translating a site using mysql as the backend over to postgres. I have a lot of time data that I would like to display to the user in the form of a schedule.
I am using the to_char function to make the times human friendly
to_char(class_schedule.endtime, 'HH:MI:S