> Is it possible to store a gif or jpg image
> in a PG database, then retrieve the image
> and display it on a web page?
> If so, how do you create the table?
> -Thanks
To propose something horribly simple and direct, perhaps it would
make more sense to actually just store the files on disk
> Trying to use select statement using CURRENT_DATE
> Which works fine like so:
> select * from headlines where dateof = CURRENT_DATE order by dateof desc
> But I'm also wanting to do something similar to:
> select * from headlines where dateof = CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL '1' DAY
> order by
When I run the following set of statements in postgres v6.4 (built on
Debian Linux):
create table tmp (v1 date, v2 datetime);
insert into tmp values ('06-01-1999', '06-01-1999');
select date_part('month', v1) as m1, date_part('month', v2) as m2 from
I see the following results: