since the update from 8.3.0 to 8.3.1., postgresql system & error
messages as well as all logfile entries appear in german. i've already
tried to change LC_MESSAGE in the postgres.conf without luck.
the db's LC_COLLATE is 'German_Switzerland', and i do not want to change
it. i'd just like to ha
wasn't the OP asking for a way to kill active connections to a db?
afaik pgAdmin3 does provide this functionality:
pgadmin3 > tools > server status
there you can easily terminate connections & transactions to a
particular db. works pretty well in my test, i can kill active
connections and dro
On Tue, Dec 11, 2007 at 05:50:46PM -0500, Tom Lane wrote:
Alvaro Herrera <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Howard Cole wrote:
I take it from the lack of response that nobody knows how to kill a
connection from the postgresql side on windows?
You can't, short of sending a signal to the process or r
i was writing the query below containing a subquery. by mistake, i
referenced a field from the main table in the subquery, leading to a
very strange (but working??) result. the planner announced a insanely
high startup cost, but the query itself finished pretty quickly.
Pick up any SQL
hi list
i was writing the query below containing a subquery. by mistake, i
referenced a field from the main table in the subquery, leading to a
very strange (but working??) result. the planner announced a insanely
high startup cost, but the query itself finished pretty quickly.
I think it would be good to make it more prominent. Maybe have all the
search forms integrated on a single page and put a link to it in the top
menu, next to Support.
well, why not add a dropdown (or even better a multi-select input) on the
search page where users can choose what to search in:
says "An error occured while searching."
I bet HAVING is a stop-word, so actual message is 'NOTICE: query contains
only stopword(s) or doesn't contain lexeme(s), ignored'
I think we should add to pg_dict dictionary line
having having
just a th
Take a look at let us know what you think and how it performs for you.
i would love an advanced search where you can limit the results to a
particular version of the documentation. the query for "SELECT" returns too
many results from too many versions, obviously.
its fast & quick tho :-)
Are there more firebird users in hungary (.hr right?) than postgresql
maybe? I wonder.
Well it looks like they have a following in Europe in general:
Dateline Prague 12-NOV-2006 18:00 GMT
The Firebird Project today officially released the much-anticipated
version 2.0 of its open source Firebi
If I understand what you're suggesting, perhaps upon reboot PostgreSQL is
starting before another app that listens on the same port, which could
cause the problem, but if I then restart the PostgreSQL service this
solves the problem?
if you can start it manually, then its probably not a proble
How might I determine this?
netstat -a -n
this will list you all current listened ports
you could also try and
telnet localhost 5432
to see if something is listening.
Would this make a difference when the system is rebooted vs manually
restarting the server?
when another program is occupy
post some more informations, i.e. version, latest entries in logfile before
crash, etc.
- thomas
- Original Message -
From: rbaisak
Sent: Monday, November 27, 2006 8:26 PM
Subject: [GENERAL] DB crashed
I have been using postgres since a lo
"Thomas H." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
what is the proper method to restore data from a previous named database
"olddb" into a fresh database named "newdb"? the old database still =
exists and i don't want to overwrite the data.
Create newdb by h
i'm trying to have pg_restore create a new db and load the data.
unfortunately, pg_restore always uses the database name specified in the dump.
"--create" and "--dbname=newdb" does not seem to have any effect (pg_restore
yells about database being non-existant).
what is the proper method to re
i'm seeing the opposite here on our win32 pgsql instance. while mssql server
used ~50% cpu constantly (AND consuming lots of memory, pgsql runs at a low
1-5% and gives better performance even under relatively high load.
is the high cpu load coming from one particular postgres.exe process or is
Or go via MS-Access/Perl and ODBC/DBI perhaps?
Yes, I think it would work. The problem is that the DB is too big for
this king of export. Using DTS from MSSQL to export directly to
PostgreSQL using psqlODBC Unicode Driver, I exported ~1000 rows per
second in a 2-columns table with ~20M rows
hi list
i'm trying to write a custom tsearch2 trigger that checks on update if the
column value is changed. here's what i did so far:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION "forum"."tsearch2_trigger_posts" () RETURNS
trigger AS
IF (NEW.p_msg_clean
hi mike
you seem to have run into the same (or similar) bug as i did with 8.2 (also
w2k3 here)
I have noticed that in the event logs that I am again seeing errors about
the renaming:
LOG: could not rename file
"pg_xlog/000100690021" to "pg_xlog/000100690030"
I wrote:
This didn't matter a whole lot back when the planner couldn't reorder
outer joins, but now that it can, it's more important that the estimates
be accurate.
I'm not sure if this is feasible to fix before 8.2, but I'll take a
Actually, the changes were far more localized than I
SELECT * FROM shop.dvds
LEFT JOIN oldtables.movies ON mov_id = dvd_mov_id
LEFT JOIN shop.data_soundmedia ON sm_info_ean = dvd_ean
WHERE (lower(mov_name) LIKE '%superman re%' OR lower(dvd_name) like
'%superman re%' OR lower(dvd_edition) LIKE '%superman re%')
Um, what's the datatype of sm_info_ean
OK - in that case try explicit subqueries:
(SELECT * FROM shop.dvds
LEFT JOIN shop.oldtables.movies
WHERE lower(mov_name) LIKE ...
) AS bar
LEFT JOIN shop.data_soundmedia
same result, have tried this as well (22sec). it's the LEFT JOIN
shop.data_soundmedia for which the plan
Try putting your conditions as part of the join:
SELECT * FROM shop.dvds
mov_id = dvd_mov_id
lower(mov_name) LIKE '%superman re%'
OR lower(dvd_name) like '%superman re%'
OR lower(dvd_edition) LIKE '%superman re%'
LEFT JOIN shop.data_soundme
1. You MUST sequence scan dvds, as there is no way to do an index search
on a like with % at the beginning.
2. You are asking for a left join on dvds, which means you want all
records, so you must sequence scan dvds. The filters are all OR, so you
can't say that a records is excluded until AFTE
Have you run analyze on all the three tables since creating the
yes. even a forced ANALYZE FULL after the table loads: the tables were
TRUNCATE'd, refilled and ANALYZE FULL'ed some minutes before the tests.
there where no UPDATEs after the INSERTs...
- thomas
hi list.
as soon as i left-join an additional table, the query takes 24sec instead of
0.2sec, although the added fields have no impact on the resultset:
SELECT * FROM shop.dvds
LEFT JOIN oldtables.movies ON mov_id = dvd_mov_id
WHERE (lower(mov_name) LIKE '%superman re%' OR
Any issues with running PostgreSQL on a Windows 2003 server that
already has Microsoft SQL Server Desktop Engine? What about with MS
SQL Server?
No issues on Windows XP, 2003 Server should be similar.
no issues on 2003 server either. just make sure you have enough ra
you didn't reference the table "replica"... this should work:
UPDATE model_timemap
SET map = updatemap( CASE WHEN replica = 32188 THEN 328787 WHEN replica =
32191 THEN 5739 ELSE -1 END, 1161642129, map)
FROM replica
WHERE replica.replica_id = model_timemap.replica AND replica.proxy = 32189
27 matches
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