Thank you. Mr. Tom lane.
> One possible environment issue: what LOCALE are you running the
> postmaster in? (Check environment variables used when postmaster
> is started for LOCALE or LC_xxx variables.)
You are right. it was because of LOCALE. I upgraded a locale package to newer
one and it so
3. I don't know how postgresql sort mule-internal encoded data. Mule-
internal is not another char set. It just store 2 byte char with it's
char set code. I mean it store 1 character(2bytes) in 3 bytes. I just
guess, postgresql may sort data by it's char set, first.
SL Baur
Because I want to use same table name. I mean... For example, I have a
BBS code. That code store data into 'pubbbs' table. As you know I need
4 tables for one service.
Yes, I can use 4 different table name. As 'pubbbs_en', 'pubbbs_jp',
'pubbbs_kr', 'pubbbs_cn'. But I will make much more servic
information in one table.
In my eyes, It is basic feature in recent DBMS that support joinning
tables cross over the databases, isn't it?
I'm sorry. The PostgreSQL is GREAT one, but it is not perfect as you know.
Chris Bitmead wrote:
> Sungchul Park wrote:
> >
I am newbie of POSTGRESQL. Please, share your knowledge with me.
I have 2 diffrent databases. There is table that has member's
information in the first database and bbs table is in another database.
I'd like to join these two tables. But I can not found related information.
Is it impossible w