Your child could be:
patchn pcpatchn
) INHERITS (father);
[] On Behalf Of Rémi Cura
Sent: Wednesday, April 01, 2015 8:41 AM
To: PostgreSQL General
Subject: [GENERAL] partitoning expert : Par
Another option, depending on the nature of the data and deletes, would be to
partition the table. I created 7 tables that inherited from the original, one
table for each day of the week. A nightly cron job then runs, leaving alone
yesterday's and today's tables but truncating the other 5. Run
I’ve always used schemas – usually one for each of the business processes.
[] On Behalf Of Pavel Stehule
Sent: Thursday, March 19, 2015 12:38 AM
To: Tim Uckun
Cc: pgsql-general
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] Name spacing fu
I have a table that has over 100K rows of GIS data, including a raster and an
insertdatetime timestamp columns. This table is continually loaded with data
with processes on the back side querying the data and populating other tables
depending on characteristics of the data. Today a row is rea