Please check the output of the below query.
select tablename,schemaname from pg_tables where schemaname='history';
I assume that the table might have created under public schema. Please
the output of the above query and if the output consists of public in place
of schemaname column th
8.0.3 is more than two years old --- you really ought to update to the
latest in that branch (8.0.13 currently), if not upgrade to 8.1.x or
8.2.x branches. I do see a post-8.0.3 fix that might explain loss of
index entries, so trying a reindex is worth doing at this point.
Thank you very muc
"Sinead O Brien" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I am receiving a "did not find any relation" error in pgsql for a table
> which I know exists.
Hm, what PG version is this? It might be that reindexing pg_class will
fix it, but it would be nice to try
Removing the semicolon gives the same output.
cdx_post=# \d history.client
Did not find any relation named "history.client".
Without actually trying it out myself, I wonder if the final semi-colon on
your command is causing problems - as far as I recall (I don't use psql a
whole lot), you n
Thank you and Regards,
Sinead O Brien
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